Published at 11th of April 2024 05:01:25 AM

Chapter 250: The Last Day (2)

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Chapter 250: The Last Day (2)

In the Holy Kingdom of Gaia, dedicated to the Goddess Gaia.

Because they were members of that place, they were oppressed and accused of evil deeds.

The Heresy Inquisitors, as if to prove that human nature is ugly, indulged themselves all over the town.

But that came to an end as soon as Pope Eclair issued a retreat order.

Those who had their faces oily from eating well and living well left, leaving behind only the people who had lost everything.

The ingredients prepared for cooking and selling had already been used to feed them, and the inns emptied for guests were also taken by them, leaving only resentment in the hearts of the people.

If left as it is, a rebellion would surely arise.

Ray muttered as he looked around the village.

This country is in total chaos. Even orcs would live better than this if they had settlements.

He clicked his tongue and jingled the leather pouch he brought once before heading to the Merchants Association.

Destroying the trade route would be the perfect job related to this.

Of course, he could solve it using the power of the Saint that still remains, but if he did, the same situation would recur once he disappeared.

Better to shock the lords severely so that such an incident never happens again with shock therapy.

Moreover, wouldnt it be easier if theres a guild when theres a need for money later?

It wouldnt be bad to have a guild at times like this.

Upon entering the Merchants Association, the inside was so quiet that not even a puppy would pee there.

Most of them were just leaving in a huff, with no thought of accepting a new guild.

Ray approached someone.

Excuse me. Is this where you register a guild?

Thats right, but youre registering now?

The receptionist looked him up and down.

He was wearing ordinary leather clothes, and a dagger hung loosely at his waist, clearly a young child unaware of the ways of the world.

He shook his head as if to give advice.

Now is not the time, kid. A storm has just swept through, and begging wont be easy, even if you become a merchant.

With a voice full of concern, he smiled reassuringly.

Ill be fine, so please give me the guild certification.

As he spoke, he presented five gold coins, and the receptionists eyes widened.

Five gold coins?

How did he manage to get them at a time like this?

To call him a rich young master would be too ordinary, given his attire.

Curiosity piqued about the handsome child before him, he coughed, pretending not to care, and asked.

What will the guilds name be?

After pondering for a moment, he replied.

Salvation Guild.

The trade routes of each territory had already closed.

The local nobles pooled their strength to trade among themselves, and the central nobles also checked them, so proper trade could not continue.

Thus, only the merchants were dying off.

If everything is closed like this, where on earth should I go?

If you go north, you will come across a kingdom. It might be better to do business there, outside the Holy Kingdom.

As the situation unfolded, most of the merchants left for the neighboring kingdoms.

Now, not even the merchants remained, let alone the guilds, causing great difficulty for the people when buying and selling anything.

Its about time for the Holy Kingdom to show mercy, but with no news coming, its just frustrating.

Half, who was moving the guild nearby, felt the same.

Running around on foot, it was quite disheartening to see the guild he worked hard to raise fall so easily.

With no money to pay his subordinates, even the guards had been gone for a long time.

Sitting at the desk, thinking about the future of the guild, a child walked in.

Is this Halfmans guild? It looks pretty shabby.

This is not a place for kids. Leave, while Im asking nicely.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Do I look that young? In fact, Im over forty.

There were still 25 bushels of grain left, but they were not meant to be sold.

Ray gestured to a child lurking in the corner.

Come here, come here.

Like calling a puppy, the child ran over.

There were quite a few orphans around here.

Judging by their clothes and gaunt bodies, this child must be one of them.

The child, starved and thin, looked up eagerly.

Are you hungry?

Nod, nod

He smiled lightly and patted the girls head.

Call all your hungry friends. Ill share some food.

Gathering the territorys people and orphans who couldnt afford to buy grain, their numbers were quite significant.

The 25 bushels of grain began to dwindle rapidly.

Thank you so much!

Truly grateful I dont know what we wouldve done if we hadnt eaten today or tomorrow

They might have turned to banditry otherwise.

He waved his hand and spoke to the child clinging to his side.

You did well. Thanks to your help, things went smoothly.

He ruffled her hair, and even though it was a mess, she seemed pleased, sticking out her head and even closing her eyes in contentment.

Feeling a strange emotion stirring, he shook his head to dispel it.

As he was preparing the wagon to return to his original territory, the child showed no signs of leaving his side.

Do you want to come with me?

Nod, nod

Its fine. A female clerk might be better, after all.

Nod, nod

He had no particular reason to refuse, especially if the child wanted to.

Life in the back alleys would surely be worse than taking care of the guilds chores.

After counting his gold coins once more, he set off in the wagon.

Despite handling a significant amount of money, he had yet to build any credit.

Now was the time to start building that credit.

Returning with more than sixty gold coins and a girl in tow, Halfman asked in astonishment,

Whos this kid?

My hidden daughter.

They clearly looked of the same age, making his joke hardly convincing, prompting Halfman to sigh in exasperation.

Enough with the jokes. But with that amount, it seems youve earned more than you mentioned.

The situation was favorable. There were many territory residents who had money but no grain.

Halfman silently observed Ray.

A sharp mind capable of foreseeing the future and the courage to spend all his money were intertwined.

He possesses everything a merchant needs. This guy is destined to be a merchant.

Having made too much money too quickly, he aimed to instill a sense of caution.

Lucky for you. Knowing before others allowed you to make money.

Ray shook his head.

Its not just about the money or the situation. From now on, its about winning the hearts of the people.

Catching hearts? Youre venturing into strange fantasies. A guild is simply a group in pursuit of profit. No matter how much credit and recognition you gain from people, without profit, it ceases to be a guild.

Money can always be made. But winning the hearts of the people? The right moment to do so is rare.

Whats the point in talking? Do as you wish. But I wont invest a single penny.

At his stubborn words, Ray simply smiled.

Actions speak louder than words.

To win Halfmans heart, a significant gesture was necessary.

It was two days until his identity as the Saint was revealed.

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