Published at 11th of April 2024 05:18:38 AM

Chapter 28: Decision (2)

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Chapter 28: Decision (2)

Aira did not receive a response, but she remained silent.

How could she not understand that this was her own form of consideration?

Ray gestured towards the window and spoke,

Shouldnt we head outside now?

In response, Aira nodded.

She believed it was time to survey the village.

Having not observed the villages condition for the past twenty years, she needed to see how its inhabitants were faring now.

This was her duty as the protector of the elves.

She rose to her feet and readied herself to depart.

This was the first time she had left the village in twenty years.

The elves were unaware that their high elf had been ill.

Thus, they had always assumed they were safe, and now their shock was twofold.

A torrent of blame descended upon the elder.

Regardless of his status as the most senior adult in the village, they could not forgive his concealment of such crucial information.

Why did you keep Lady Airas illness a secret from us!

What if we had been invaded by humans!

Their voices rose in anger.

Aira, who had just stepped outside, was taken aback by this spectacle.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

While it was wrong not to inform them of her illness as members of the community, the elder had also kept her condition a secret, believing that slave traders would not attack if they remained ignorant of it.

Furthermore, they had not made any effort to inquire about her.

Had they visited her home or questioned the elder?

Seeing them rant in the aftermath of the incident gave her a headache.

Ray cautiously retreated to her side.

If I make my presence known in this environment, it will only cause more trouble.

Sigh I suppose Ill have to observe a bit longer.

She sighed, cradling her head in her small hand.

The village was indeed in the throes of chaos.

She had not anticipated that the typically tranquil elves would create such a disturbance.

This was an unforeseen event for Aira as well.

The elder lowered his head in apology.

I apologize once more. Im truly sorry.

The entire village could have been at risk! This was a matter of life and death!

I have no excuses

They vented all their anger on the elder who couldnt respond.

Ira, no longer able to bear it, kicked the tree and descended.

Her movement was so graceful that it seemed as though she had landed on the ground in the same standing position.

It took only one word from her to calm the chaos around her.

Everyone, stop.


The air vibrated.

Everyone fell silent, like mice, under her immense mana that effortlessly filled the entire village.

It was as if the commotion just a moment ago was a mere illusion.

All the elves who saw her knelt on one knee before her.

In front of the high elf, the elves didnt dare to raise their heads.

Aira surveyed the crowd and smirked.

I hear you wont listen. Is there any child here who has come to find me? If so, step forward.

They just looked at each other.

Naturally, there was no elf who could stand before Aira.

See. None of you even tried to get to know me, yet you dare to question the elder?

At her words, an elf slightly raised his head and spoke.

But if the elder had informed us, this wouldnt have happened! Are you sure you didnt instruct the elder to do so?

The young elf spoke respectfully, but his meaning was clear,

He knew that elves could live up to eight hundred years.

Compared to humans, it was an incredibly long lifespan.

Twenty years might be a long time for humans, but not for elves.

If you compare twenty years to eight hundred, its not a large number.

Moreover, she was a high elf.

To her, who might live for an unknown lengthy time, it was but a fleeting moment.

But to Ray, it was definitely not a fleeting moment.

With his hand on his mouth, he said,

Just twenty years You truly are

No, Im not!

She glared at Ray as she spoke.

But the noise outside had gotten so loud that her voice was drowned out.

The commotion had even reached Airas house.

Lady Aira! We dont believe it!

Please come out!

Please give us another chance!

Several voices echoed simultaneously, pleading for her attention.

Aira sighed upon hearing their desperate calls.

Her heart seemed to waver.

Ray asked in a soft voice,

Did you declare your departure in a fit of anger?

Elves do not lie. I genuinely intended to leave.

Ah, it appears youve already made your decision.

As if he understood everything, he spoke as though he could see right through her.

But irritatingly, he was right. Even though she insisted the elves had ignored her, her heart faltered the moment she heard their pleas.

With a look of distaste, Aira said,

Yes. Ive made my decision. They still need me, it seems.

Thats wonderful.

Finally, as if the timing was perfect, she took a deep breath and patted her cheeks, displaying unusual symptoms before she spoke.

Ray, if youre okay with it

She hesitated as she spoke, as if the words were hard for her to say.

Her pale skin noticeably flushed.

Would you stay here with me?

Ray was rendered speechless by her difficultly spoken words.

He had intended to travel to the Holy Kingdom.

Although it wasnt a great distance, it wasnt exactly nearby either.

Having made his decision, Ray shook his head.

No, I need to go to the Holy Kingdom.

The Holy Kingdom?

Instead of being disappointed by his response, she cocked her head in confusion at the mention of the Holy Kingdom, to which Ray calmly clarified,

The Holy Kingdom is searching for me.

Searching for you What does that mean?

He chuckled and scratched his head as he laughed,

Hahaha. Did I mention that a god appointed me as a saint and revealed it to me?

A, a revelation from a god? Youre a saint? But didnt you use mana, not divine power?

I dont possess divine power because I havent undergone the baptism.

My goodness

It did make sense when she considered it.

He cured a disease that even she couldnt suppress with mana in a single breath.

In treating festering wounds, all he did was apply water or wipe the body, yet he healed her in an instant with his healing magic. How could that be explained if he wasnt a saint?

However, she also harbored doubts.

Why would a saint cure a disease with magic, not divine power? How is that even possible? Isnt the uniqueness of divine power granted by gods what sets saints and saintesses apart from ordinary people?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!