Published at 11th of April 2024 05:18:37 AM

Chapter 29: Saints And Saintesses (1)

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Chapter 29: Saints And Saintesses (1)

Nothing distinguished ordinary people from saints except divine power.

Ordinary people often received divine power through baptism after receiving revelations from God.

However, Ray claimed he possessed no divine power.

This implied that he had saved himself using only his own abilities.

Aira realized the absurd extent of Rays success and shivered.

So, youre saying you healed me using only magic?

Exactly. I didnt want to rely on something so uncertain but my lack of knowledge left me no choice. Hahahaha.

As he spoke, Ray scratched his head, seemingly oblivious to the incredible feat he had achieved.

Her lips trembling, she asked,

Are you aware that magic is just an imitation of divine techniques?

Uh-huh. Wasnt there a time in the mythological age when gods descended to earth? Humans created magic after witnessing the gods and desiring to touch the divine.

Aira nodded at Rays explanation.

Then, leaning forward, she inquired,

Do you understand how extraordinary what you did is?

Naturally, the oblivious Ray tilted his head.

Huh? Did I do something wrong?

No, not at all.

It was far from a mistake; it was a monumental success.

In the field of magic, which imitates divine techniques, he had replicated the techniques of the gods themselves.

The illness she had suffered from was akin to a curse.

She didnt believe anyone could easily inflict such a disease or curse on another.

This disease, which made one emit a fragrant, fruit-like scent, was similar to becoming a fruit.

One had to remain conscious throughout the illness.

Since there was nothing physically wrong with the body, it naturally couldnt be cured.

Furthermore, the most problematic aspect of this disease was that the afflicted couldnt use their mana.

While naturally emitted mana was one thing, being unable to control mana at will was another.

Since there was nothing physically wrong with the body, the cause could not be identified.

It was more accurate to label it a curse rather than a disease.

Curing this with magic? Healing a physically normal body with a 1st circle healing magic called Heal?

If that was feasible, then there was no need for the existence of circles.

The 1st circle healing magic was more remarkable than the 6th circle healing magic, so why bother categorizing them into circles at all?

Observing the hero who accomplished the impossible in front of her, Aira thought,

Perhaps the most fascinating saint in history will emerge.

Her thought was not without reason.

A saint who does not utilize divine power.

A saint who has not undergone baptism.

Was he not just healing with his own power rather than that of a saint?

A saint chosen by God, yet does not use Gods power.

She was eager to see what intriguing situations would unfold.

She broke into laughter as if she was weary of it all.

What a ludicrous fellow.

The thought of this man sweeping through the holy kingdom quickened her pulse.

Looking at Ray, she felt foolish for even considering whether to leave the village.

With a pleasant smile, she walked out.

Opening the door, she turned to look at Ray and said,

Ray, come out too. Regardless of what anyone says, youre my savior.

They had all stopped and looked at the two who had suddenly appeared from the tall trees, then they all bowed their heads and knelt.

Not a single breath could be heard in front of her, as if making noise was a great disrespect.

Ray looked at Aira with amazement at the tremendous authority the high elves held.

Do I have to kneel, too?

The atmosphere suggested that everyone should be kneeling.

Just as he was about to reluctantly kneel, Aira stopped him.

Why, why are you trying to kneel?

Aira was quite taken aback by Rays sudden action.

But she also found it quite amusing.

In the end, she burst out laughing.


The dispatched battalion struggled as they entered the elf forest.

They were constantly attacked by monsters, which prevented them from resting properly.

Ray managed to pass through the monsters with ease, exploding mana in an instant without receiving any attacks from them, but the others were not as swift.

Indeed, they moved rather slowly.

They were a large group, all armed with heavy equipment, including holy knights, and supported by priests.

Naturally, the monsters posed little threat to the knights of the holy nation.

However, the incessant attacks from the monsters meant they could not rest and had to continuously battle them.

The saintess was in the safest position among them.

She feared that if this pace continued, they might not reach their destination by tomorrow.

Moreover, the knights were nearly drained of energy.

They had been fighting for three hours since their arrival.

The priests were faring relatively better, but they were panting as if they were depleted of holy power.

Iriel sighed and raised her right hand towards the sky.

She then addressed those around her.

Dont worry about your stamina, just concentrate on defeating the monsters.

As soon as she finished speaking, an enormous burst of holy power emanated from her right hand.

The light brightly lit up the surroundings, and the knights and priests within the lights range felt their holy power overflowing.

To have this much holy power restored

This is the power of the saintess

They felt the holy power that had been exhausted in fighting the monsters return instantly, and their gaze naturally turned to the saintess.

They shivered as they watched her, showing no signs of difficulty as she lowered her right hand and crossed her arms.

How much holy power did she possess to be able to replenish all of their power and not show any signs of fatigue?

The upper echelon was positioned around Iriel, and the lower echelon knights were directly engaging the monsters.

In their rejuvenated state, they advanced with a terrifying momentum, sweeping away the monsters.

The continuation of this pace would allow them to reach the elven village as planned the next day.

Iriel maintained a stern expression as she observed the falling monsters.

She appeared dissatisfied with the pace of their progress.

Resting her hand on her cheek, she muttered to herself.

I wanted to bring only the top brass with me, but due to external scrutiny, I had no choice.

Her actions were under the watchful eyes of not only the holy nation but also the kingdom of Silia.

She had included as few lower-ranking members as possible.

Had she brought only the high-ranking members, they would have reached their destination today without needing to rest.

However, due to the inclusion of the younger, lower-ranking members, they had to find suitable resting spots and use holy power to tend to them.

Their pace was pitiful compared to that of the high-ranking members, and it was a nuisance.

Iriel resolved that upon her return to the holy nation, she would first need to deal with the opposition.

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