Published at 11th of April 2024 05:18:21 AM

Chapter 33: Saints And Saintesses (5)

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Chapter 33: Saints And Saintesses (5)

Even though it was just the beginning, she was so astonished that she forgot to breathe when she blocked the Aura Blade.

Iriel uncrossed her arms and blocked Pias sword with her left hand.

Her hand, enveloped in divine power and bathed in golden light, was so bright that it was barely recognizable as a hand.

Was it because the power was a direct gift from a god?

She possessed the divine power to block the Aura Blade.

Pia quickly pulled back her sword and retreated, concealing herself once more.

Pia was noticeably unsettled by the unexpected turn of events.

Blocking the Aura Blade? And whats with that reaction speed?

It was evident that she wouldnt easily fall for any provocation.

However, she moved as if she had anticipated Pias retreat.

With her hand still glowing with golden light, Iriel accurately pinpointed her location and charged at her.

Closing the distance in an instant, she swung her sword, and a metallic clashing sound echoed.


It was hard to believe that it was the sound of the sword and hand colliding.

Iriel seized the sword with her left hand and aimed for her side with her right hand.

Unable to pull back her sword, she relinquished it.

Pia, who had retreated, managed to dodge the attack aimed at her side.

But she was now without her sword.

How was she supposed to fight this person unarmed?

Moreover, there was a monster in human form on the other side.

Cloaked in divine power and under the protection of a god, it didnt allow anything to get close.

It was powerful enough to block the Aura Blade.

But Pia didnt surrender.

To a swordmaster, a weapon was meaningless in the first place.

As she picked up a suitable twig lying around and infused it with mana, an illusory haze rose once more.

Seeing this, Iriel discarded the sword she had taken from her and smiled.

I think the gap in strength is clear

Do you know? You might get hit even once.

Do you believe that a single attack could kill me?

Pia surveyed her surroundings.

Many hadnt discovered her yet, but she was certain that she could heal as much as she was injured.

If she failed to cut off her breath with a single attack, she would lose.

You wont know until you try.

I dont particularly enjoy moving, but

As she spoke, Iriels figure blurred momentarily, then her left hand suddenly lunged forward.

Pia quickly turned her head to dodge and readied herself for the next attack.

This time, the right hand?

Contrary to her expectation, as she tracked her right hand, Iriel spun around and stabbed with her left hand again.

As Pia raised the twig to block the attack, a tingling sensation shot through her palm.


Both the strength and the movement were in no way inferior to hers.

In fact, they were powerful enough to push her back.

Iriel was truly terrifying, charging at her while enveloped in divine power like an aura.

When Pia put some distance between them, Iriel addressed her.

Now do you understand? The difference in strength is clear. As we mentioned earlier, we are content with just the saint. So please hand over the saint.

I dont want to.

Iriels eyebrows furrowed slightly.

You are quite obstinate.

She stated, shaking her head.

Is it acceptable to consider your opinion as the guardian of the elves as the opinion of all?

Most will share my views.

Then thats good.

At this rate, we might have to face the legendary 17 to 1 odds.

Of course, the remaining 500 or so were Airas responsibility.

Rey, who had been advocating for fairness when sparring with her father Eil, was now as fair as the neighbors dog Baekgus dinner.

Then Aira spoke in an even tone,

Its almost time.

As if to confirm her words, the presence of people intensified.

It felt as if they were right in front of us.

We passed by large trees planted by elves for defense and arrived at a fairly open clearing, where many people were gathered.

There were knights in thick armor and individuals in fine clothes, presumably priests.

The silk grass seemed to glow red in the light, and the color of their clothes blended with the crimson sunset.

The setting sun painted the forest orange, and a heavy scent of blood permeated the arena.

Could it have been because of my profession?

Fortunately, the sight of the blood puddles did not make me feel nauseous or cause me to vomit.

However, the situation was more dire than I had anticipated, and my jaw dropped in shock.

In the center of the clearing, separate from the Holy Kingdoms knights in formation, stood a beautiful woman I had never seen before and an elf I recognized.

It was Pia.

Aira advanced a step without uttering a word.

The Holy Kingdoms knights were startled by the arrival of the newcomers.

The two with pure white hair appeared to be family at first glance.

However, one had pointed ears, indicating that she was an elf.

Conversely, the boy on the right was immediately identified by them as the person they sought.

His pure white hair possessed a divine quality, and they sheathed their swords, kneeling on one knee.

We greet you, Saint!

We greet you, Saint!

The tremendous noise reverberated through the forest, and Iriels gaze shifted to Ray.

She greeted him with a charming smile.

Nice to meet you, Saint. My name is Iriel Velliaz.

Her voice was as enchanting as if it was designed to bewitch people.

But Ray was aware.

It was akin to the business smile of the modern world.

Ray, who had been treated with excessive politeness to the point of exhaustion, immediately recognized it as insincere.

He glanced at Iriel before turning his gaze to Pia.

Her condition was critical; she was severely injured.

Her left arm hung limp, as if dislocated, and she had collapsed, unable to even stand. Yet, she was still channeling mana in her right hand.

Her resolve to protect the village was palpable even from here.

Aira silently approached her.

Then the knights, who had been bowing to Ray, unsheathed their swords and immediately pointed them at her.

It was evident that they had undergone high-level training.

Aira glanced at them and then began to chant.

If you wish to die, continue as you are.

She didnt shed a single tear, just as she had done with the elf.

On the contrary, she wiped her tears away as if inviting them to attack her.

She appeared as powerless as any ordinary person would.

The paladins, priests, and clergy dared not act rashly.

She walked past them calmly, heading towards Pia.

Iriel observed the scene with interest.

Ray also shot them a cold glare before proceeding towards Pia.

Pias condition was severe enough to be deemed critical by modern standards.

Her mind seemed to be half-gone as she mumbled, I must block it.

Ray expertly reset her dislocated left arm and placed his hand on her shoulder.


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