Published at 11th of April 2024 05:18:20 AM

Chapter 34: Saints And Saintesses (6)

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Chapter 34: Saints And Saintesses (6)


Pia let out a sigh of pain, accompanied by the sound of her bones cracking.

Her shoulders were aligned with tremendous pain.

Despite how absent-minded one could be, her resilience was admirable.

While aligning her shoulders, Ray also assessed her condition.

Treating the bruises immediately wasnt ideal, but the sword wound on her flank required urgent attention.

Without hesitation, he tore his sleeve and tightly bound it around her flank.

He thought about using mana acupuncture, but the battle situation made it unsuitable.

Her body was covered in bruises, and if she bled out, they would be helpless.

Since there were no blood packs, they couldnt transfuse blood from anyone else.

Initially, they werent even aware if blood types existed.

Feeling the severity of their lack of information, Ray did his best within his capabilities.

Aira felt a secret relief seeing this.

She felt reassured knowing that Ray, who had treated her, was watching over her.

Compared to her, Pias current condition was like a mere scrape on the knee.

At that moment, a saintess approached Ray.

Iriel spoke with a smile on her face.

Saint, you must go to the Holy Kingdom. God is calling you.

Her voice was filled with reverence.

However, the blood on her clothes seemed out of place to anyone who saw it.

Without responding, he stood up and looked at her. Sensing that his words had gotten through, she continued speaking incessantly.

You have been chosen by God, so it is time for you to achieve a feat worthy of that.

A feat?

Yes. How can we not call it a feat when we are carrying out Gods will? The great task that we must do starts now.

The great task? Do you call this a great task with your own eyes?

He asked, pointing at the blood-stained bushes.

Rays anger was palpable in his words, and Iriel stopped smiling and spoke.

We certainly asked, and we also offered compensation. However, the elves refused. Since we could not back down in the face of Gods will, we warned that we could demonstrate our power. Moreover, we did not kill this elf with them in mind

So, without their consent, you trespassed on their territory and are attempting to abduct me by force?

Thats an unavoidable circumstance.

So, you expect me to simply agree that youre right and accompany you?

Iriel shook her head.

I do not desire to use force on the saint.

Upon hearing her final words, Aira, who had been silently listening, reacted.

I cant believe it. You not only caused a disturbance in front of someone elses house, but now you dare to draw a sword against my benefactor Then show it. Show me this power you speak of.

Iriel narrowed her eyes at Aira, who had abruptly interjected.

The power of the Holy Kingdom is formidable, but I wonder if a mere elf can withstand it.

Whether its bravery or foolhardiness, youll discover it more quickly by experiencing it firsthand.

You dont know your place.

Aira was slightly shorter, so she looked up at Iriel.

But there was a calmness in Airas eyes.

It was the gaze of a strong individual.

Perhaps disliking that, Iriel scowled.

Then, suddenly, the shouts of those surrounding them filled their ears.

How dare you speak to the saintess like that!

What audacity you have to spout such nonsense!

The believers, filled with faith, drew their swords against her, who dared to speak against Gods representative.

They seemed to have lost their minds, their faces twisted with rage as they charged forward.

The swords that had swiftly reached her neck all halted at her single word.


The crowd of people stopped in their tracks at her command.

It was truly astonishing.

My body

Saintess Please help us!

Kuek Even our divine power is frozen!

Their bodies, as well as the divine power they could control, had all ceased.

Yet, they believed they had restrained Airas movements.

After all, they had frozen with their swords poised near her neck.

Because of that unpleasant emotion, her hand gained strength.

How audacious you are to take what belongs to others. I want to obliterate your repugnant country right now.


Iriel reacted to Airas chilling words.

It was clear that there would be total destruction or at least partial destruction.

This was because she couldnt move her body with just a single word from her.

But could she kill her, even if it resulted in partial destruction?

The answer was obviously no.

Aira would partially destroy the Holy Kingdom and then disappear gracefully.

She possessed that level of skill.

After laying Pia next to a large tree, Ray approached Iriel.

And he spoke in a low voice.

I will go to the Holy Kingdom.

Those words brought mixed feelings.

Even though she knew that Ray would go to the Holy Kingdom, it pained Airas heart.

Even if it wasnt immediate.

On the other hand, Iriels expression slightly relaxed.

Because she was confident that he would come to the Holy Kingdom.

Ray didnt care about the situation around him and continued speaking.

But theres a condition.

Condition you say?

Firstly, I didnt become the Saint for the god. I became the Saint by my own will, and its also my will to quit.

Even for her, who was cold-hearted and full of pride, her mouth was wide open at that moment.

Oh my. What does it mean to be a Saint?

Isnt it a position where one is chosen by a god and serves the will of the god in a sacred nation ruled by the god?

But he said he would quit by his own will.

He must have lost his mind or didnt understand what being a Saint meant.

However, he didnt care about her reaction and continued speaking.

Secondly. If this kind of thing happens even once more, I dont know what the situation will be.

He pointed at the grass covered in blood and said.

What kind of situation will it be?

I dont know either. I might leave the Holy Kingdom and become the Saint of the enemy country.

The Saintess thought the Saint wasnt really making the right decision. He was threatening the Holy Kingdom, even God. If this happens again, he might choose a different country over you all.

However, Iriel was not concerned about the second condition. If a Saint, who had received divine power, betrayed their faith, that divine power would return to God. Her lack of worry stemmed from her lack of understanding about Ray.

He did not need any power; his knowledge and skills were power in themselves. He had even resurrected the dead in this world, so adding the knowledge from here, even he did not know what kind of synergy could occur.

Take away his divine power? Ray would likely be pleased about that. After all, he preferred mana.

Iriel asked in a tense voice,

Is there a third one?


His expression, as if asking why she was asking the obvious, felt annoying.

The third is that I have the right to use all the library facilities in the holy kingdom.

Thats easy.

The third condition was like a perk that naturally came with being a Saint. Saints and Saintesses had the right to use all facilities in the holy kingdom.


She did not want to believe there was a fourth, but there was.

I will be paid for the work I do during my time. Of course, the holy kingdom will provide for food, clothing, and shelter.

Food, clothing, and shelter?

Ah, she realized food, clothing, and shelter might not be a common expression here.

Ray explained,

It means the holy kingdom will provide what I wear, eat, and where I sleep.

After thinking silently in her stiffened state, she asked with curiosity,

What do you mean by payment?

With a look of confusion, he responded to Iriels question,

Money, of course.

This was also beyond her expectations. It was money.

For Iriel, her fantasy of a Saint shattered at that moment.

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