Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:56 AM

Chapter 36: Saints And Saintesses (8)

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Chapter 36: Saints And Saintesses (8)

She, who was collecting her few possessions, looked at the bewildered dispatch team and spoke.

Everyone, return to the Kingdom of Silia. I will proceed to the elf village.

Her declaration, which sounded like a command, left everyone stunned.

Venturing to the elf village alone.

Was she not considering her own safety as a saintess!

Immediately, dissenting voices erupted.

No, Saintess!

Exactly! You just witnessed it yourself! Those demonic elves

Going alone is too risky!

Despite their passionate responses, Iriel shook her head.

I believe its safer for me to go alone than to bring all these people with me. Moreover, they wont attack me without reason.

While it was true that they wouldnt assault the saintess unprovoked, the situation remained perilous.

But if she, the representative of God, ordered it, they would have no choice but to obey.

A few priests from the dispatch team conferred, and one of them spoke as a representative.

In that case, please allow some of us to accompany you. It will undoubtedly be safer than going alone.

This was their attempt at compromise.

But once again, Iriel shook her head.

I mustnt give the impression that I am assembling people to accompany me.

The saint she perceived was a boy who didnt give off that impression.

If she gave him the impression that she was scheming something, it could incite him further.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

And provoking him would also provoke the elf accompanying him, making it challenging to hastily gather people.

Moreover, she had to consider the possibility that the elves wouldnt accept her.

There was no need to bring someone along and cause unnecessary trouble.

And she couldnt afford to do so.

I will go alone.

The resolute determination in her statement left the priest speechless.


This is a command. Everyone, return to the Kingdom of Silia. Immediately.

She interrupted the priests words and spoke with authority.

She then raised her right hand, relieving everyone of their fatigue.

Her divine powers light enveloped everyone, instantly dispelling their accumulated fatigue. They turned their gaze towards the saintess.


Please stay safe.

May God be with you

Moved by Iriels blessing, they felt a wave of emotions.

They believed that the saintess was considering their welfare and had chosen to go alone.

Typically, many viewed the saintess negatively, comparing her to a zealot, and thus avoided her.

But now, everyone looked at Iriel with favorable eyes.

Although it wasnt her intention, it was an unexpected advantage.

However, the reason the saintess wanted to go alone was entirely different from what they assumed.

It wasnt because she was concerned that they would get injured.

Instead, she didnt want to bring them as she thought they would be a hindrance.

Iriel hid her expression and smiled faintly.

I will surely bring back positive results.


We will be waiting for news from the Saintess!


Some even shed tears of emotion.

Iriel, who had always seemed cold and heartless, considered them at a crucial moment.

Therefore, the elves naturally became more hostile.

There was no reason for humans to venture this far.

Yet, she didnt lose her smile.

Its troublesome But could you at least call him for me?

Despite her request, the elves shook their heads.

We cant allow that.

Go back.

Their unanimous response didnt unsettle Iriel.

Then could you at least let me stay here?

Her awkward smile made them exchange glances, seemingly considering.

Noticing their hesitation, Iriel continued.

I wont cause any harm. I promise.

Perhaps because they sensed sincerity in her earnest words, the two elves nodded.

Stay far away from here.

If you try to come any closer, we will attack immediately.

Iriel slightly bowed her head.

Thank you. I wont come closer, so dont worry.

After offering a brief greeting, she moved to a corner and gently set down her packed bag.

The elves didnt hinder her, but they frowned at her actions.

She utilized a portion of her tent to shield herself from the sunlight and gathered fallen leaves to create a comfortable bed on the ground.

Her actions didnt resemble those of someone who had only camped a few times.

The sight of a human setting up camp in their front yard was unfamiliar to them, but they sensed no ill intent towards the elves in her actions.

As the sun began to descend, Iriels hands moved more busily.

Before complete darkness fell, she successfully erected the tent.

Although it was crudely constructed with unsuitable materials, it seemed adequate for camping.

The elves felt compelled to monitor her actions, so they didnt take their eyes off her every move.

Iriel felt their stares but didnt mind, and she began to remove her blood-stained armor.

The armor, which covered only the vital areas, was quite heavy.

When she placed it on the ground, a thud sound echoed.

She picked up damp leaves and began cleaning the armor she had worn, her actions reverent.

Of course, the elves didnt see it that way.

They merely frowned at the scent of blood and continued to watch.

They seemed to have a vague idea of who the saint she claimed to be was and let her be, wondering if they knew each other.

After all, the individual in their village was a benefactor to all the elves.

They couldnt treat someone who might be acquainted with him carelessly, but they also couldnt let her into the village.

All they could do was send a messenger to the village and prepare to attack immediately if she exhibited any suspicious behavior.

However, contrary to their expectations, the human girl before them didnt do anything unusual.

She simply cleaned the armor, neatly placed it to one side, knelt down, and brought her hands together in prayer.

How could they not recognize that she was praying?

Her familiar posture exuded a mysterious aura.

A small but gentle divine power emanated from Iriel.

Gradually, the divine power that erupted from her body orbited her before returning.

This cycle continued.

Given the surrounding darkness, she seemed to radiate light.

How long could she hold this stance?

The two elves remained alert, but they regarded the human before them with fresh perspectives.

It appeared as though she was murmuring something, but it was indistinct.

They merely observed her and awaited the change of shift.

Since another elf had already been dispatched to the village, there were no issues.

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