Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:50 AM

Chapter 38: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (1)

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Chapter 38: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (1)

After providing Iriel with some leaves that could somewhat disguise her as a human and sketching a rough map of the streams course, Ray returned to the village.

Naturally, the duration for which she could survive with those leaves was debatable, but having made her wait for an entire day, Ray felt quite pleased with himself for informing her about the edible leaves and hardy grass as a small gesture of kindness.

What a thoughtful heart he possessed.

He contemplated her potential death from starvation and informed her about things she could consume. In reality, he told her because it would be inconvenient for him if she died.

Ray rubbed his eyes with his hands.

Im so exhausted

When was the last time he had stayed awake all night? Even though it was once a daily routine, his body hadnt adjusted after more than a decade.

He felt incredibly fatigued just from staying awake for one day.

Soon, a massive tree appeared before his eyes. It was so enormous that the term massive seemed insufficient.

His body felt as if it was turning yellow at the thought of climbing up to Airas house.

He made a promise to himself that he must learn from his father how to activate mana in his body, then he clung to the tree.

He sighed deeply.


He already felt depleted.

Even though he contemplated climbing, his body continually hesitated.

It wasnt that he couldnt climb, but he felt so irritated that he questioned whether he really needed to climb.

Eventually, he fell from the tree he had grasped and walked towards Pias house.

Soon he would need to visit Pia to check her wound, and since she would be lying in bed, it wouldnt disturb her if he slept on the floor.

Once he made up his mind, his actions naturally quickened.

He adeptly rolled up some leaves to create a basket.

Since the leaves hadnt rolled on the muddy ground, he thought washing them once would suffice.

He washed his hands in the stream flowing through the center of the village and then cleaned the basket.

Ray sat down to wet his throat, then filled the basket with water before heading to Pias house.

Pias house was not far from the village center, so he reached there quickly.


The soft sound of the wooden door opening echoed, and inside, he saw her lying on the bed.

Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her eyes were closed. Her appearance undeniably reminded him that she was from a beautiful race.

However, having already been captivated by Airas appearance, it was hard for her to make an impression on him.

Her beauty had raised his standards, even though she was slightly shorter than Pia.

Noticing an object of the right size next to him, Ray said,

Yeah, just about this size Huh?

Sensing that something was amiss, he stared at the object.

There it was, the object of the perfect size.

The object turned out to be Aira.

She hadnt made any sound, so he didnt know how long she had been there.

She stood there with her arms crossed and a slightly sulky expression on her face.

Its been a day. But why didnt you come to see me first?

She seemed to be referring to the time when he had turned back from climbing the tree beneath Airas house.

Was she implying that she had sensed him with her extraordinary perception? It was indeed an incredible perception.

As Ray was about to tend to Pias wounds, he naturally addressed her.

Your house is too high. And I also need to check on Pias condition.

As he spoke, Ray assessed Pias condition.

Her wounds had healed significantly.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

There were many superficial wounds, but most of them were minor, so they wouldnt take long to heal.

If there was a slightly larger wound, was it a sword wound on her side?

At the entrance of the village, he picked a purple-flushed flower and dissolved it well in the water he had fetched.

Aira brought a chair and sat next to him.

She grumbled.

The house is too high What kind of reason is that?


Did that not make sense?

He couldnt delay it any longer.

After a simple breakfast, Ray, who had practiced sparring with Eil as usual, felt it was time to discuss the Holy Kingdom.

Eventually, Ray confessed to Saein and Eil while they were having lunch.

Eil dropped the fork he was holding as he spoke.

What, what did you say?

Saein had a similar reaction.

What are you talking about?

From their perspective, it was a bolt out of the blue.

Sending their only son to the Holy Kingdom, that was.

Eils lips quivered.

Ray, you a saint to the Holy Kingdom, what is

It could have been dismissed as a childs joke.

But Eil and Saein knew.

They knew that Ray had never spoken nonsense to them until then.

He nodded his head.

It was hard for him to believe, but it was true. There had even been a troop from the Holy Kingdom looking for him, along with the saintess.

Saein covered her mouth with both hands.

Oh my goodness

Normally, they would have been peacefully sitting down and having lunch. But that was not possible then.

One of the family members had to leave, so lunch was the least of their worries.

The ensuing silence made it impossible for anyone to eat properly.

The first to break the silence was Eil.

When are you leaving? Does that mean you cant come home anymore?

The usually energetic fathers voice was filled with sorrow, which felt strange.

He had braced himself, but then he felt a sudden urge to cry.

But it wasnt like he couldnt return home forever.

Ray shook his head in response to Eils words.

Ill probably leave straight away today. I can come home. Its just that I definitely wont be able to for a few years

Then Saein spoke.

Being taken to the Holy Kingdom, how can you come back?

Saints and saintesses spend their entire lives in the Holy Kingdom.

They provide everything for them in the Holy Kingdom, but returning home like then was out of the question.

Even so, Ray shook his head.

I can come back, I definitely will.

Although it sounded like baseless nonsense, there was a conviction in Rays words.

Saeins tears, which she had been suppressing by covering her mouth with both hands, finally broke free.

Sob How could this happen Suddenly a saint

Why are you crying and upsetting the child when hes the one departing?

Eil spoke and draped an arm around Sains shoulder.

Then, with his other hand, he firmly grasped Rays shoulder.

Until you return, Mom will be well cared for by Dad. So, dont worry about anything and just go.

Wouldnt a father be sad? But a fathers heart prioritizes his childs worries over his own.

The fathers love, which was directly felt by the child, also made Rays nose tingle.

Then Eil chuckled and spoke.

Boys shouldnt cry. When you were little, you didnt cry much, but now that youve grown up

I havent started crying yet.

Not crying? Your face is all wet with tears.

He wiped away his tears.

He didnt know what the future held. He was simply heading to the Holy Kingdom to achieve his goals.

But the fact that there were people who cared about him provided him with immense strength. At that moment, he wasnt worried at all about the journey to the Holy Kingdom that he would undertake alone.

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