Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:48 AM

Chapter 39: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (2)

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Chapter 39: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (2)

After she finished her prayer, she opened her eyes and exhaled.


She hadnt consumed anything for three days, and her hunger was intolerable.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

As she got up from her tent, she began searching for something to eat.

Having always enjoyed the finest foods from the Holy Kingdom at her request, it was a harsh contrast to be now scavenging for food.

But she had no choice. She considered it a trial to adhere to Gods word.

While squatting and meticulously examining the ground, Iriel spotted the edible grass the Saint had mentioned and gently plucked its top.

She didnt uproot the grass entirely, as that would surely upset the nearby elves.

As soon as she plucked the grass, a sticky fluid seeped out, which disgusted her.

When she put it in her mouth and started chewing, an intense bitterness overwhelmed her palate.


She hadnt expected the high-quality ingredients she was accustomed to, but she had hoped it would be at least palatable.

But it was so bitter that she doubted even animals would consume it.

The two elf guards observing her were taken aback and remarked,

My goodness we dont even eat that because its too bitter

Human beings sometimes willingly endure hardships the Saintess truly is extraordinary. I wouldnt eat that in a million years.

She felt a wave of anger seeing them cluck their tongues as if it would be preferable to starve.

Ugh Saint!

She swallowed the grass, mentally cursing the Saint.

A warm energy surged from her stomach, and the image of the Saint, grinning and declaring the grass was healthy, flashed in her mind.


At the Saintesss sudden outcry, the elves were alarmed and pointed their bows at her, yelling,


We warned you we would attack if you tried any tricks!

Wa, water!

We told you to keep quiet!

Tears of frustration filled her eyes.

This was more challenging than any trial she had previously faced.

She had arrived at the elf village full of confidence, intending to take the Saint with her, but now she was consumed by regret.

A searing heat surged within her, prompting her to scream,

Kyaak! I need water!

Quiet, quiet!

A peculiar scream reverberated through the Grandel forest.

It was only the third day since she had started sleeping outside the village.

He had bid farewell to his parents.

A smile graced his face as he remembered his mother packing travel food while holding back tears.

In line with Eils advice that goodbyes should be brief, he had left home before sunset, his heart feeling light.

Ray set off for the elf village, traversing the familiar forest.

Iriel was there, but he also wanted to bid the elves farewell.

As he journeyed through the forest, he found himself looking around more often, aware that he wouldnt see this place for some time.

He walked briskly yet unhurriedly, taking in his surroundings.

The monsters didnt dare approach him due to his speed.

The Saintess was guzzling water as if she intended to drain the entire stream. Her usually neat hair that fell to her waist was now unkempt, and her swollen eyes were bloodshot.

Seeing her, the elves likely doubled their guard duty.

Reluctantly causing the elves to bolster their guard, she returned to her tent, panting heavily.

She longed to return to the Holy Kingdom.

She had tried eating three different types of grass that the Saint claimed were edible, but one was so bitter that even animals would shun it, and the other two tasted decent but were so tough that she tried slicing them with divine power to verify if they were indeed plants.

No matter how much she chewed, the stubborn grass retained its form in her mouth, and she was the first to give up.

In the end, she couldnt eat anything and just sat quietly in the tent.

Should I just go back

As she was lying down and gazing at the sky, a voice sounded from beside her.

Prepare yourself. Were heading to the Holy Kingdom.

Ah. Was she now experiencing auditory hallucinations?

When she didnt respond, Ray slightly furrowed his brow and nudged her with his foot.

When had the Saint ever been treated in such a manner? However, she didnt want to move at that moment.

Ray thought Iriel might be dead because she remained motionless, but when he noticed her chest rising and falling rhythmically, he discarded the idea.

Pia was quite taken aback by their conversation. Departing? But to where?

Although Pia was curious, she didnt dare to voice her questions because of Aira. The thought of him leaving left her at a loss.

Seeing Pias distress, Aira clicked her tongue and said,

If theres something youre curious about, dont hesitate to ask, child.

It was quite an amusing scene, as Aira, who appeared even younger than Pia, said that.

Pia hesitated for a moment before bowing to Aira.

Thank you, Lady Aira.

Yes. What do you want to know?

Ray mimicked Airas tone, causing Airas lips to twitch in amusement.

Where are you going when you say youre leaving? Werent you planning on staying here? Youre not considering following the humans from the Holy Kingdom, are you?

Pia was overwhelmed by the flurry of questions.

He answered slowly,

Yes, Im considering going to the Holy Kingdom.

At his firm response, Pia was once again at a loss for words.

How how long?

How long would it be? He wasnt entirely sure himself.

He would likely return if there was no more knowledge to gain, or if he grew bored of the Holy Kingdom.

He thought it might not take more than a few years.

Ray organized his thoughts and then said,

I dont know. Probably not more than a few years?

At his words, her face slightly relaxed.

Will you return?

I will return. No matter what happens.

Aha I see. Hehehe. Okay, take care!

Her face was now completely relaxed, back to her usual self.

Ray looked at Aira with a Why is she like that? expression, and Aira said,

Unlike humans, a few years is nothing to elves. A few years well, its like coming back in a moment.


Ray nodded in understanding, and Aira spoke again,

If you have nothing else to ask, Id like to borrow him for a while

Ah, yes! Go ahead!

He didnt appreciate their behavior as if they were lending and using him like an object, but it was the last time.

As he prided himself on being generous, he could endure it this time.

But whether he endured or not, it seemed not to matter to Aira.

She grasped his hand and channeled mana.


Suddenly, their surroundings and the backdrop blurred.

As the scenery shifted with a single utterance, he felt slightly dizzy.


Holding his head and surveying his surroundings, he realized they were in Airas house.

She appeared unaffected, observing him and speaking.

I have something to give you. Please, do not reject it.

Something you want to give me

After a moment, as his discomfort subsided, he felt at ease.

Then Aira approached him and extended her hand.

Take it.

Take what? Was she referring to her hand?

As Ray took her hand, he felt her distinct cool touch.

Memories from a month prior gradually returned. Back then, he constantly held her hand, transferring mana to monitor Airas physical state.

However, it was undeniably the first time they had held hands in this manner.

Airas face reddened, but she didnt want to reveal it, so she maintained a serious expression.

She parted her small lips and intoned.

This shall be my mark, evidence that I am with him.

To his knowledge, no such spell existed in any magic.

Before he could comprehend it, a reaction emanated from their intertwined hands.

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