Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:41 AM

Chapter 41: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (4)

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Chapter 41: Time To Go To The Holy Kingdom (4)

Early in the morning, Ray and Iriel awoke, packed their tents, and prepared to depart.

Though it was a bit distant, Iriel, who had washed her face in the stream, cocked her head as she observed Ray, who was shouldering a backpack.

Isnt the holy man going to wash his face?

Im clean.

Instantly, all signs of having slept outdoors vanished.

Why did everything he did seem so irritating?

They each gathered their belongings and mounted their horses.

If they traveled all day, they would barely reach the palace before needing to sleep outside again.

For that reason, they needed to hurry.

After journeying all day, it was beginning to darken as they entered the royal road, and they finally felt a sense of relief.

They wouldnt have to sleep outside anymore. After all, this was the royal road.

Despite the setting sun, the number of people milling about the village did not decrease.

On the contrary, it seemed as though their numbers were gradually increasing. Being the royal road, it was markedly different from the scene they had witnessed in Villo Village.

The streets around them were constructed according to their own rules, and despite the well-organized village, a sense of liberty filled the air.

Patrols of guards were visible everywhere, which gave the impression of good public order.

As expected, the royal road is different

As he looked around and quietly admired the place, Iriel seemed proud, as if it were her own country.

Of course its different from a territory located on the border.

But why are you acting so smug?

As they followed the main road of the royal road, a massive castle gate loomed before them.

Its overwhelming majesty was incomparable to that of the viscounts mansion.

Was it because it was the kings residence? Just how large were empires that were bigger than the Silia Kingdom?

As they pondered this while gazing at the castle gate, the guards spoke.

This is the palace. If you wish to enter, please state your identity.

Then, Iriel, who had previously seemed unremarkable in the elf village, suddenly radiated confidence and a commanding presence.

I am the saintess, Iriel.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

As she made her declaration and displayed some sort of badge, the guard gasped and exclaimed.

Its an honor to meet you! Hey, open the gate! She is a VIP!

Shortly after his command, the castle gate began to creak open.

It was as if she was declaring, I am the saintess!

Even though she looked at him with a haughty expression, as if challenging how about that?, Ray, who remembered the pitiful look in her eyes as she faced death the previous night, was not impressed in the slightest.

On the contrary, he disregarded her and proceeded inside.

Then, the guard inquired.

What is your identity?

At that moment, he realized he didnt know his own status.

Was he not yet a saint because he hadnt been baptized, or was he a saint regardless of his baptism status?

Unable to respond, Iriel moved closer to Ray and stated.

He is a saint. Right? Saint.

It was as if she was deciding his answer for him.

Even if he hadnt been baptized, he was a saint.

Then, Ray declared.

I am the saint, Ray.

It was the first time he had referred to himself as a saint.

Upon their arrival at the palace, they encountered muscular men, delicate priestesses, and elderly healers.

The off-duty soldiers, who had removed their armor, greeted the two saints.

We greet the saint and the saintess!

Greetings to the saint and the saintess!

Greetings to the saint and the saintess!

Their loud voices echoed simultaneously, drawing the attention of curious passersby.

Iriel waved her hand with a bright smile.

The second to greet them was a man sent from the Silia Palace.

He tried the pajamas on, and although they were slightly big, they were very soft and comfortable compared to his usual rough cotton clothes and leather.

It was an impressive service that he couldnt help but appreciate.

This reminds me of the old days.

The pajamas he wore in the modern era were exactly like these.

The soft silk reduces friction against the skin, leaving only comfort behind.

He thought that he would sleep comfortably that night.

Outside the window, night had completely fallen.

The next day, he would depart for the Holy Kingdom.

He felt a blend of anticipation and tension about what kind of place it might be.

After all, he was going to an entirely new country with nothing but himself.

As soon as morning arrived, Iriel knocked on the door.

Knock - Knock -

Saint, are you awake?

Ray had woken up some time ago, bathed, and finished all his preparations.

He answered Iriels call.

Im awake.

Could you open the door then?

Why was she asking him to open the door? Usually, she would either send a message or ask him to come out.

Regardless, he opened the door and saw Iriel standing there in tidy clothes.

She greeted him with her characteristic bright smile.

Did you sleep well?

Whats happening?

Ray became wary as Iriel, who normally wouldnt greet him after he woke up, came to his door to say hello.

Her smile seemed to conceal something.

It was hard to believe that she was merely excited about departing for the Holy Kingdom later that day.

Her smile broadened as she said,

Whats happening? I just came to say good morning.

Ray was taken aback. Since when did they have such a cordial relationship that they greeted each other in the morning?

Moreover, wasnt she the one who used to see him as just a chef or a magic pouch that produced water and fire?

He didnt hide his disbelief and chuckled.

A good morning greeting? What do you want to discuss?

His knowing look made Iriel giggle.

It seems my smile doesnt work on the Saint.

Of course. While Iriel was beautiful, Ray had seen Airas smile, which was like a gemstone, every morning. To him, Iriels forced smile was no different from a stone statue.

Without any further delay, Iriel got to the point.

We were about to meet the king of the Silia Kingdom.


Ray was taken aback. The meeting with the king was unexpected.

He had no idea about the proper etiquette, the tone to use, or anything of that sort.

Seeing his various expressions, Iriel smirked slightly.

There was no need to be flustered. We were simply going to express our gratitude for the past days and report our departure.

Even so, this was too sudden.

If she had told him the night before, he would have had time to prepare!

But Iriel shook her head.

If you had lost sleep over this, you would have been even more tired for the upcoming journey.

He could easily eliminate a day or twos fatigue with magic.

However, he didnt argue. She must have had his best interest in mind when she decided not to tell him.

It was something he had to confront eventually. All he could do was face it head-on.

He sighed deeply.

Sigh Alright, when were we going?

Right now.

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