Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:33 AM

Chapter 43: The Switched Journey (2)

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Chapter 43: The Switched Journey (2)

As Ray prepared for his nights sleep, a group of priestesses gathered around him.

About four priestesses sat down next to Ray, their smiles soft.

What are you doing, Saint?

Ray looked up at them.

His appearance was like a painting, enough to make the priestesses eyes dazzle instantly.

Im going to start a fire.

Despite being a saint, he was also polite. This made them like him even more.

Shall I bring a torch?


Ray spoke as he spread out a bundle of finely chopped wood.

Then, he threw the shaped logs towards the bonfire and chanted a spell.



The priestesses were startled to see the fire catch so quickly.

Because of his young age, they thought he was simply a saint who hadnt received baptism yet.

But casting magic with just a single incantation! Even if he hadnt become a saint, with this skill level, he would have been an incredible sorcerer.

A second-circle master!

Thats amazing!

Moreover, the backlight of the fire vividly illuminated his profile.

It was enough stimulation to shake the priestesses composure.

Ray threw one log after another into the blazing bonfire.

Ive felt eyes on me since yesterday So, these are the main culprits.

He was no fool. He was more sensitive to mana than anyone else.

Of course, he wouldnt fail to notice the priestesses secretly sending glances his way.

Although he was now accustomed to the warm favor(?) from Aira, he couldnt care less about the priestesses infatuation.

As he continued to poke the firewood, a brave priestess spoke to him.

Saint, if its not too much trouble, may we join you?

Even though her words were filled with hidden desires, Ray nodded.

There was no particular reason to refuse their request to share the fire.

Upon hearing his approval, the priestesses noticeably cheered up.

Thank you!

Thank you!This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Ray slightly distanced himself from them. He had become accustomed to being alone in modern hospitals.

He naturally felt hesitant about having more people worry about him.

Seeing his reaction, the priestesses must have felt the same, but they didnt mind.

Instead, they were captivated by Rays enchanting gaze as he watched the embers of the fire.

Wow I know its disrespectful, but gulp.

Oh Lord If you let him stay by my side, Ill do anything.

Their prayers to God didnt stray from Rays face as he quietly added logs to the bonfire.

Ray, who was always charming, seemed like a divine being from a myth as he sat by the fire, preparing for the nights sleep.

Somehow, his pure white hair seemed sacred.

Ray tended to the fire to prevent it from going out as he prepared to cook porridge.

Just like when he camped with Iriel, he took a pot from his backpack and filled it with water.

Of course, he hadnt collected water from a stream. If he didnt make use of the convenience of magic, all the time he spent learning would be wasted.

A single word was enough.



Drops of water formed and gathered in the pot, eventually amassing a considerable amount of water.

Watching this process, the girls were simply amazed and didnt interfere.

Perhaps they dont even serve meals in the actual Holy Kingdom

They must have been incredibly hungry, for these typically restrained and dignified individuals to have transformed into mere beggars.

He couldnt help but shake his head. At this rate, the porridge would be gone in no time. Ray quickly secured his portion of the porridge.

Iriel must have also enjoyed the porridge, as she seemed about to appear, but there was no sign of her yet.

While he was searching for her, he moved towards a sensation he sensed from one side.

Are they in the middle of a conversation?

As he looked in the direction where he felt the presence of several people, he noticed a different group of priestesses from those serving the porridge.

He observed that the threads embroidered on their chests were different, indicating they might belong to a different rank or battalion.

Guess not.

Just as he was about to turn away, he halted upon overhearing their conversation.

That new Saint. Isnt everyone just blindly following him? Hes merely a child who cant differentiate right from wrong to the point of making demands on the Holy Kingdom.

Thats true. Saint Iriel even got slapped by an elf she was with Have they all forgotten about that?

Theyll eventually realize when they go to the Holy Kingdom. That hes just a puppet Saint

Upon hearing this, Ray couldnt help but laugh.

Look at these people. They think Im worth less than the dog next door, dont they?

In the past, no one dared to disrespect him like this. There were countless people who had benefitted from his kindness when he was a prominent figure in the medical field and a prophet. There were more than a few individuals who disappeared without a trace simply for saying the wrong thing.

How should I deal with these people?

As he pondered this, he sensed the presence of someone else.

He held his breath and looked closely to see Iriel appearing with a pop.

She looked at the priestesses and asked,

Whats wrong with my cheek?

A smile was tugging at the corners of her mouth.

It was a common sight to see her smiling like this, but for some reason, it felt stiff.

The atmosphere instantly froze at the sound of her voice filled with laughter.

Ray felt goosebumps all over his body.

It felt as though he had been criticizing his boss at work, only to discover that the boss had been standing behind him the whole time.

Since no one could respond, Iriels radiant smile slowly faded and became icy.

Why is my conversation with the Saint being discussed here? Someone, please speak up.

The priestesses had no other option but to remain silent, including Ray who was observing them with baited breath.

She was not her usual self. In a flash, her demeanor reverted to the time when she had invaded the elf village.

Was this the Saint Iriel who had been laughing and conversing this morning?

So, if you dont speak up, does that mean I can interpret it however I want?

One of the priestesses answered in a quiet voice,

Well, we didnt appreciate the behavior of those who had forgotten all about the Saints struggles

What does that have to do with you?

The atmosphere became quite tense. Even the Holy Knights nearby began to pay attention due to their raised voices.

Then two young clergy members noticed them and rushed over. They appeared to be the leaders responsible for managing the servants.

The clergy stood on either side of the priestesses, unsure of what to do.

Im sorry, Saintess These girls are still too young and must have made a mistake Quickly, apologize!

Before the priestesses could apologize, Iriel smiled at the clergy and said,

Do you believe an apology will be enough? These young ones dared to mock the Saint as an immature child who cannot differentiate right from wrong, and even called him a puppet Saint. Do you think this blasphemous act can be resolved with just an apology?

She continued without waiting for their response.

If you genuinely believe that, then proceed with your apology. However, if the apology is not sufficient for forgiveness, they will be turned over to the chief inquisitor of the Holy Kingdom. To retract their hasty words, these individuals will have to do a great deal.

Ray pondered as he observed,

The frog forgets that it was once a tadpole.

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