Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:30 AM

Chapter 45: The Switched Journey (4)

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Chapter 45: The Switched Journey (4)

While dissuading the enthusiastic knights who were keen to pitch their own tents, Ray sighed in relief as he successfully erected his tent.

As time passed, their eagerness to demonstrate their loyalty seemed to grow more intense.

Given their focus on faith and loyalty, it was expected, but it was starting to become a bit overwhelming.

As per his routine, he kindled a fire, placed stones inside, and set a pot on top, ready to make porridge.

Eating porridge all day was quite a task, but he only had to bear it until the next day.

Since they had journeyed at a swift pace, they should be able to reach the Silos Duchy by the following afternoon.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

While he watched the porridge simmer, Iriel approached him.

Youre making porridge.

The unusual symptoms she had displayed during the day were no longer evident, much to Rays relief.

In her hand was the bowl Ray had given her earlier, seemingly determined to get some porridge.

Seeing this, Ray chuckled and asked her,

Do you want some?

Yes, please.

Her reply was so prompt as if she would have been upset had he not asked.

He took the bowl from her, served an appropriate amount, and handed it back.

Observing her hold the bowl with both hands and blow on it to cool the porridge brought a smile to his face.

It was amusing to imagine the Saintess rushing over here with a bowl in her hand.

Iriel, continuing to giggle while consuming the porridge, cast a sidelong glance at him.


No, haha. The way your cheeks puff out while youre eating makes you look like a hamster. Hahaha.

A hamster?

Apparently, there were no hamsters here.

Puffing out her cheeks, she said.

Is that an insult?

Why? Are you planning to report me to the heresy inquisitor? Hahaha.


She must have found it amusing as well.

But maintaining her dignity, she immediately resumed a neutral expression after laughing.

Dont tease me.

Just eat. We should reach by tomorrow, so you better sleep early.

I know.

Iriel spoke, turning her head.

Ray also gazed at the sky while eating his porridge.

The surroundings remained noisy, and the fire lit up the area.

A lot had transpired in just one day.

The way people perceived and treated him differed from the previous day, yet the night sky stayed the same.

The blue and orange lights blended with the dark purple backdrop, and the jewels strewn across the sky reminded him that this place was not Earth.

This view was something one couldnt purchase with money on Earth.

At that moment, a meteor streaked across the sky.

Iriel, observing the meteor, spoke.

Its a meteor.

At her words, an unexplainable nostalgia surged within him.

His name in the modern world was also Meteor.

Even though it was a homonym for his name, it felt strange to be addressed as such.

I guess Ive adapted to this place.

It seemed like he had forgotten his name since he hadnt been referred to by it for some time.

She laughed bitterly and continued to stare at the sky.

Then, suddenly, she recalled something.

Right. The book I read mentioned that if you make a wish before a shooting star falls, it will come true.

Iriel responded to her casual remark.


She quickly clasped her hands together in prayer.

I need to discuss something about the Grand Duke.

It was quite annoying to see her on her tiptoes, peering around the room.

Ray squinted his eyes and asked,

What are you looking for?

Oh, just checking if there might be any disturbances that could bother the Saint.

There wont be any.

May I come in for a moment?

She was already halfway through the door as she asked.

The impression Ray had of her from their first meeting had already been half shattered, so this wasnt surprising.

Once inside the room, Iriel carefully scanned the surroundings before pointing at a chair and inviting him to sit.

Please, have a seat.

Its hard to tell who the owner is.

Had the roles of guest and host been reversed? Given her current casual demeanor, it seemed fitting.

Ray pulled out a chair and sat down. Iriel then cast something that resembled holy power.

It appeared to be a silent spell designed to block out any surrounding noise.

What was she about to say that required such serious preparation?

Is it something that shouldnt reach the Grand Dukes ears?

Her thoughts seemed to coincide with his, and Iriel began to speak softly.

The Grand Duke should not be made aware of this

What is it?

Why had she told him, whose status as a saint was not yet firmly established?

This made him curious.

The Grand Duke had clearly stated that his daughter was ill. But we arrived here early in the evening Its not a time when we cant be called upon.

Ray continued to look at Iriel without responding, and she continued.

And yet, he didnt call us. His daughter is ill, but The Grand Duke has one daughter and one son. So, either the daughters illness isnt as severe as we thought or

He plans to use his daughters illness diplomatically? After all, the heir will be the son, so theres no problem

She seemed slightly surprised by his sharp words.

Thats right.

Could someone really use their daughter like that? Ray asked,

Do many nobles use their children this way?

Not many, but Its also not rare.

Incredible. Selling off their children when there was nothing else to sell. The Grand Duke might not be doing that, but if it was true, he was a scoundrel.

Before Ray could say anything, she continued,

If thats the case, the Grand Duke will undoubtedly use all sorts of means against the Saint. Its just a hypothesis, but it doesnt hurt to be cautious.

Now he understood.

The reason she was telling him all this without a solid foundation. And to make sure he was aware of the situation and could respond accordingly.

Certainly, taking advantage of the current Saintess, who had everything in place, would be harder than exploiting the new Saint, who looked young and inexperienced.

Seeing Ray deep in thought, she chuckled.

Dont think too deeply about it. I came here today just to tell you to be careful.

Thats quite a significant event for just a warning, dont you think?

Eh, I trust the Saint will handle it well.

With a slight wink, Iriel rose from her seat.

I should go now. It doesnt look good for the Saint and the Saintess to be alone at this late hour. Goodnight, Saint.

After the rapid-fire exchange, Ray waved his hand, watching her leave before he plunged back into his thoughts.

Ray reclined on the bed.

Would he really use his own daughter as a pawn to gain something from me? I dont possess any power yet.

Although he held the status and basic rights of a Saint, he was still ignorant about these rights.

To be exploited, one needed to have something of value.

But all he possessed was the backpack he had brought from home.

He lacked status, connections, and wealth. If the truth of his exploitation became public, it would undoubtedly stir up trouble.

Ray dismissed his spiraling thoughts with a shake of his head.

She came to warn me to be careful, so theres no need to overthink it.

Once more, he shook his head to dispel his thoughts and, while lying on the bed, succumbed to sleep.

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