Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:29 AM

Chapter 46: The Switched Journey (5)

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Chapter 46: The Switched Journey (5)

Morning arrived, and the Grand Duke summoned Ray and Iriel.

The location was similar to King Dugards royal court, grand and spacious, truly befitting the status of a king.

Upon seeing Grand Duke Silos in person, he was a striking middle-aged man.

His silver hair was neatly slicked back and tied, and his brown eyes were a perfect complement.

Surprisingly for a king who dealt with bureaucratic matters, he had a sturdy body, which somehow suited the atmosphere.

Grand Duke Silos spoke.

I am glad to see the saint and the saintess. I am truly pleased that you have come for the sake of my daughter.

It is our duty as saints to convey Gods will to those who are suffering. Your Majesty, you need not worry excessively.

Iriels tone was respectful.

However, their titles were somewhat equivalent.

No, perhaps Iriels position might even be higher. It was a position that even the Pope of the renowned holy nation could not interfere with carelessly.

As evidence, they did not bow or bend their waists to Grand Duke Silos, unlike when they had an audience with King Dugard.

They merely bowed their heads and exchanged greetings.

Grand Duke Silos began,Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Then, lets get to the main point. Would you examine my daughter? She is irreplaceable to me. If the saintess heals her, I will reward you generously.

There was no beating around the bush, or the so-called indirect speech that often appeared in noble conversations.

Rather, by mentioning a reward, it didnt seem like he was trying to exploit his daughter.

Furthermore, he specifically requested Iriels help, rather than asking the unknown himself, probably thinking that he would get better results by speaking to her, who had established a reputation.

It didnt seem like he would repeat the conversation he had with Iriel the previous night.

Ray felt somewhat relieved.

Iriel will handle it.

It wasnt because he was apathetic.

Upon hearing Grand Duke Siloss words, Iriel nodded her head once.

Understood. Lets first assess the childs condition.

Thank you, truly

Seeing his joy, as if everything was already healed, Iriel must have realized the potency of her divine power.

Such a reaction could only have come from the trust that she would undoubtedly heal the child.

How many people must she have healed to elicit such a response? It was a moment that made her see herself anew.

Grand Duke Silos excused himself from his mounting work and exited the room.

However, his expression was cheerful.

They were taken aback by the sight that greeted them as they entered the room, led by a maid.

A girl was seated on the bed, her condition severe.

There were large blisters, and her red, swollen skin bore scratch-like wounds.

Seeing the burst blisters and the thin fluid seeping out, one could only imagine the extent of her suffering.

The girl teared up when she saw them.

Its repulsive, isnt it?

Iriel was at a loss for words.

She simply placed her hand gently on the girls head.

From Iriels hand, holy divine power radiated.

It must have been hard, right? But its okay now

With those words, the wounds and blisters healed as if by magic, and the fluid in the blisters evaporated.

The red, swollen skin gradually subsided. The scratch-like wounds returned to their original skin texture as if time had reversed.

Light enveloped the girls entire body, and a reverent energy filled the air.

When the light faded, the girls body was whole.

In an instant, she blinked her eyes as she returned to normal.

It was a matter of mere seconds. In that time, her skin had completely healed.

Ray was speechless.

It felt as if all the medical knowledge she had learned was crumbling.

When Iriel removed her hand from the girls forehead, there was no longer any sign of pain.

Afterwards, it was as if everyone had agreed not to talk to Ray.

It seemed like they were saying, We went out of our way to talk to you, and you dare to be lost in thought?

Thus, the conversation continued among the five people, excluding Ray.

Time passed, and eventually, they decided to stay one more day.

After the meal and greetings, he finally headed to the guest room.

Saint, why did you seem like this? You appeared drained.

No, Im merely exhausted. I require some rest.

Ray understood that priests and shamans healed people in this manner, but witnessing it firsthand was startling and outrageous.

It seemed as though the structure of medicine he had trusted was crumbling.

Iriel expressed her concern,

Is that so? Ensure you rest well once you retire.


He wearily shuffled to the room and unlatched the door.

Even the elegantly adorned and magnificent room failed to lift his spirits.

He reclined on the bed without even cleansing himself. The dim room appeared to mirror his emotions.

He felt as though he might even begin to weep. He had dedicated his entire life to medicine, but the current circumstances seemed to negate his very existence.

He had no desire to leave the bed.

However, as if by a specter, a knock sounded on the door.

Knock - knock -

The last sound he wished to hear accompanied it.

Saint, are you asleep?

Was this a case of dj vu?

A voice emanated from outside.

Im unsure of whats transpiring, but dont lose yourself, saint.

Her anxious voice reached him.

She likely pondered outside the door before knocking.

He merely lay there without responding.

Then Iriel proceeded.

Everyone faces their own struggles, correct? I dont believe these challenges will demolish what the saint has established. And I think your grumbling demeanor suits you more than this disheartened appearance.

At her words, something resonated in Rays mind, and he abruptly sat upright in bed.

He wouldnt lose himself.

That was correct.

Would everything he had constructed up to this point collapse instantaneously? No, it wouldnt.

So what if someone could restore a person in a moment? He would take more time, be more meticulous, and heal them more effectively.

That commitment, that time, that effort would undoubtedly be rewarded.

After all, wasnt his motivation to become a doctor to see that smile? He desired to treat suffering individuals, even those afflicted with ailments that no one else could remedy.

Since there was no response from inside, she hesitated, scratched her head, and then spoke.

Saint What I mean is

Bang -

He abruptly opened the door.

Startled, Iriel stepped back.

Ray looked at her and spoke,

Thank you. You gave me strength.

His gratitude was sincere, and he even smiled.

Upon reflection, he realized he had worried over nothing. After all, he was himself.

No matter how quickly someone else could heal, he just had to follow his own path.

He didnt need divine power. After all, he had modern medicine.

If he didnt possess divine power, they didnt possess modern knowledge.

Just like the saying, the grass is always greener on the other side, he had felt envious for a moment.

Seeing his newly brightened expression, Iriel also chuckled.

When you cry and then laugh, youll get a

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