Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:25 AM

Chapter 49: The Game Called Military Science (1)

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Chapter 49: The Game Called Military Science (1)

Six days had passed. After Iriels treatment, the only thing left was to treat the hives, so a week was a sufficient amount of time.

After Iriels divine healing, the hives and blisters that had covered her body disappeared following the treatment.

The remaining issue was just on the shoulder area where she had scratched. This shoulder part was what Ray planned to treat for the week, and so far, she had been following his instructions well.

The hives were not yet fully formed. They were not large blisters, but small ones, making them easy to remove.

If there was a problem, it was with Leira.

It was the withdrawal symptoms that began when she stopped consuming flour.

In this world, flour was an essential food item.

Though there were other things she could eat, because bread was the staple food in this place, the withdrawal symptoms were a serious issue.

Seeing her anxious demeanor, Ray felt anxious as well.

Watching her mechanically repeat her movements, he wore a grave expression.

If she starts eating flour again, its going to be a disaster

Although he hoped her symptoms would noticeably improve within a week, his ultimate goal was to treat her.

A good method for such withdrawal symptoms was to find something else to focus on.

For example, exercise or games.

The Princess of the Grand Dukedom cant just go out and play

Even if he told her to go out and play in the yard, she was a woman and a member of the noble royal family.

While grumbling inwardly, he eventually thought of games.

Ray immediately put his thoughts into action.

Squeak- Squeak-

From the back of the guest room, the sound of wood being carved could be heard.

As Iriel happened to be passing by, she stopped in her tracks at the sound.

Whats that sound?

When she went in the direction of the sound, she saw a familiar face squatting down and carving something.

The carved items were dyed with colors requested from Sibi. One was painted in the natural wood color, and the other was painted with white dye.

As Iriel watched him use mana to touch the wood, she asked,

What are you doing?

Without even turning his head, as if he already knew she was there, he answered,

Im making a game.


Is a game a persons name?

Not understanding the unfamiliar word, Iriel tilted her head. Somewhat completed, he didnt even break a sweat but pretended to wipe sweat from his forearm.

Phew. Is this good enough? Now, what does this look like?

A horse.

And this?

A crown? No, a holy Grand Dukedom?


Ray asked her and immediately gathered the items he had made and went somewhere.

Staring at his disappearing back, Iriel furrowed her brows.

What on earth? Whats a game, and whats a horse!

She chased after Ray.

In the room, along with Leiras brother Hopel, Ray looked for Leiras room and saw her seriously tapping her finger on the table and grinned.

She must be going crazy thinking about flour.

For her, he had made something until now.

Hopel did not think highly of the saint. However, seeing his sisters changed state, his thoughts had slightly changed.

I was called here because I wanted to cure my brothers strange symptoms and asked for cooperation.

Ray also noticed these points.

The men here dont like me. Anyway, if I just treat Ray, it doesnt matter to this place.

In the first place, it was quite a problem that men liked her.

Putting aside unnecessary thoughts, Ray put the wooden pieces in a small leather bag on the table.

Leira looked at Ray and asked.

What is this?

Iriel made an impressive breakthrough just as before.

But Hopels defense was firm. A formation specialized in defense.

He must have studied military strategy from a young age.

Iriels offense began to be thwarted. The mighty army of the Holy Grand Dukedom ceased advancing, and the counterattack of the Silos Duchy commenced.

Ugh. The Silos Duchy is quite formidable.

Iriel bit her nails as she empathized with the situation.

Similarly, Hopel also perspired and smiled cunningly.

I wont let the Holy Grand Dukedom run wild as it wishes.

Leira spoke, looking at them.

This isnt reality. Dont become too emotionally invested.

But no one was listening to her.

The words of the Saint were just convenient phrases in the war unfolding before their eyes.

Leira swallowed her saliva as she watched them.

This, this cant be

Taking the chess away from them now would result in a new withdrawal symptom.

It was like creating a new disease to cure the old one.

While he was pondering the new situation, the game concluded.

The stalemate resulted in a draw.

In other words, the Grand Duke was not attacked, but he had nowhere else to move.

The two wiped their sweat and stood up to shake hands.

It was a splendid war, Lord Hopel.

I gained a broader perspective. Thank you, Saint.

You both are truly exceptional commanders!

Leiras room was immediately filled with their passionate enthusiasm.

The fervor did not subside but only intensified as they moved on to the next game and the one after that.

Leira, who grew tired first, said, Ill gift this to you, so play well, and exited the room.

The issue arose afterward.

That night, Hopel lauded the chessboard given by Leira to his father, the Grand Duke Silos, until he was nearly speechless.

Father! The Saint is a genius no, truly a messenger from God!

Grand Duke Silos was intrigued by the sight of his son, who rarely ever praised anyone, showering his father with compliments, even to the point of spitting on his face.

Grand Duke Silos quietly listened to his sons explanation.

The rules of the chess game and the movement of the pieces. The profound symbolism embodied by this game.

A complex system that could be viewed as a miniature version of a war.

As he absorbed everything, Grand Duke Silos mouth fell open.

Did the Saint really?

Yes! With this chess, you can practically apply military strategies that are usually only theoretically understood. Thats what he said. A game to determine who is the superior commander!

Hearing Hopels words, Grand Duke Silos stroked his beard in thought.

It seems there is no fault in it.

He nodded and instructed his servant.

Then, lets have a match with this father. Bring someone here.


The servant bowed in response to the Grand Dukes command.

Leira would not have known. The game Ray invented to alleviate his withdrawal symptoms would later be incorporated into the exams for recruiting talents in the Silos Duchy and the Sillia Grand Dukedom, alongside military science.

A night passed, and a week was completed.

It was the last day Iriel could withstand.

But even after a week passed, no one came to find her, and no one spoke to her.

Time simply flowed as usual.

The only difference was that everyone played chess.

Leira inhaled as she watched people enjoy the game, carving similar shapes from wood.

What on earth is happening

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