Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:24 AM

Chapter 50: The Game Called Military Science (2)

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Chapter 50: The Game Called Military Science (2)

In one corner of the garden, a picnic spot was set up where people played chess, and even the dispatched soldiers had found chess boards and were enjoying themselves.

It seemed to be a trend among the castles servants as well.

As usual, Ray went to find Leiras room.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Iriel and Hopel.

His expression soured.

Its like a gaming addiction.

In this world, there were no games as such. Since there were many threats to life in daily life, people focused on training themselves rather than developing leisure activities.

Among them, the game chess introduced by Ray was unique.

There was nothing hindering about it, and since the rules were clear, there was no room for dispute over wins and losses.

The freedom to use various strategies and tactics was breathtaking, and there were countless ways to block them, making chess seem like a new kind of military science to them.

In other words, Ray had created a perfect military science textbook that anyone could enjoy.

Ray shook his head as he watched them.

But among them, there was a face he hadnt seen before.

It was Grand Duke Silos.

His mouth was agape.

Has he thrown his official duties aside for a game!

Even though he should be in his office, here he was, enjoying a game with four others.

Ray sighed as he looked at Leiras shoulder.

There was no sign of the blister now.

It seemed that she would recover fully if things continued like this.

He cleared his throat to make his presence known.

Hmm, ahem.

But nobody paid any attention to him.

Was this all the dignity a saint could command?

It was as if a local dog was barking.

Ray, who had less dignity than a neighborhood puppy, checked on Leiras condition once more before shaking his head and leaving the room.

Grand Duke Siloss castle had been conquered by chess.

In fact, Grand Duke Silos was marveling at the passage of time.

Leiras illness is getting better.

The treatment by the saintess was unlike his; it was a slow and difficult process, but there were no signs of relapse or worsening.

He had insisted that Leira needed his treatment rather than the saintesss, and he was proving his point.

A week had passed since he made that promise to the saintess.

He had prepared something special.

He gently touched the wrapped gift box and pondered.

In just a week, he healed Leira and invented chess. Despite his youth, he is not to be underestimated.

But he was aware that Ray must be unhappy with him.

How significant would that displeasure be for someone of his abilities to be overlooked?

What had been done could not be undone. However, it was possible to make amends with good deeds.

That was why he had prepared the gift.

In the past, his ancestor had rescued a dwarf from a life-threatening situation, and in return, the dwarf had given this as a gift.

The dwarf had put all his effort into making it, and after seeing the finished work, he had smiled and then passed away.

This was the best thing he could have created for his savior.

It wasnt a magical artifact, nor did it possess any special abilities, but it was a symbol of gratitude.

Receiving such a thing, even a saint would let go of his resentment.

A day had passed since the week. The Grand Duke summoned the holy man and the holy woman.

Upon being summoned, the two went to the audience chamber where the Grand Duke was waiting.

We have come at your summons.

Welcome, both of you.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

As before, they exchanged ceremonial greetings, but perhaps due to the bond formed through chess, their greetings were not stiff but rather warm.

Grand Duke Silos said to Ray,

The reason I have called the two of you here is to discuss my daughter.

Is it about her illness? Ray wondered.

Raylahs illness has significantly improved.

After finishing the conversation with the Grand Duke in the audience chamber, Ray returned to the guest room with Iriel.

After conversing with Iriel, he was preparing to wash up when he heard a knock on the door.

Knock- Knock-

I truly detest that sound.


The person who made the knocking sound tilted their head in confusion.

Ignoring them, Ray opened the door, and Hopel and Leira stood there.

Ray gave them a puzzled look as they stood in his room.

Whats going on?

Upon being questioned, Leira responded.

We heard that you two are leaving tomorrow.

Thats right. Were off to the Holy Kingdom now.

It was quite late even then.

The Holy Kingdom was probably red-eyed, waiting for the saint who had not shown up even for the baptism ceremony.

Hopel then spoke.

I thoroughly enjoyed your visit. It was an honor to meet the saint and the holy lady, representing the Duchy.

No, well It wasnt that much

Ray scratched his head.

Iriel also smiled.

I also enjoyed it. I hope we can decide the winner next time we meet.

Through Iriels words, it was known that their wars always ended in a draw after their first duel.

He has a competitive spirit.

Ray thought inwardly.

Hopel also smiled.

Hahaha. Ill strive harder.


As they were talking, Hopel got to the main point.

And the reason I came today is

Hopel carefully brought up the topic.

If we had known about the saints earlier, we could have had better days. I regret that and know its rude, but I came to ask. Would you mind spending your last night with us?

At his words, Iriel looked at Ray.

It meant that it depended on his decision.

Leira also looked at Ray with a sincere gaze.

It was a gaze that Ray, who had received the baptism, found burdensome.

There was no way he could refuse such a gaze. Plus, there was no reason to refuse.

He nodded.


Hopel and Leira smiled brightly.

Thank you. We have a garden behind our castle. Shall we spend the night there? Is that okay with you?

Its fine.

Thinking about it, it had been a while since he had enjoyed the night sky outside.

The idea of spending the night in the garden struck him as quite romantic, so he felt moved.

Hopel and Leira, who claimed they had something to prepare, departed first.

Iriel gave a soft smile.


Ray questioned her.

Whats so amusing?

Theyre throwing us a farewell party. Isnt that delightful?

For Iriel, who had spent most of her life immersed in the politics and responsibilities of the Holy Kingdom, this joy was overwhelming.

Compared to the political world, where she constantly had to display flawless logic and even dismiss her family with coldness, the current situation, though awkward, was warm and pleasant.

Iriel, who was experiencing these subtle emotions, was slowly transforming.

The initial version of her no longer existed here.

Seeing this, Ray also broke into a grin.

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