Published at 11th of April 2024 05:11:07 AM

Chapter 58: Baptism Ceremony (1)

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Chapter 58: Baptism Ceremony (1)

As soon as the day broke, lessons resumed once again.

There wasnt much to call it a lesson since corrections were made on the spot as long as one acted as usual.

Since it was the day before the baptism ceremony, they couldnt go outside. Hence, the corrections all took place at Rays mansion.

Amazing. Theres hardly anything to criticize now.

Iriel admired Ray in a small voice.

Even minute details such as eye contact during conversations and the sound of breathing were corrected in just a day.

However, to be completely honest, there was a problem with his demeanor.

It didnt feel rewarding to praise him because he seemed to do everything so effortlessly.

Huh? Youre hardly being corrected now, are you?

That seems to be the case.

Though it was frustrating, it was true.

The servants poured tea for him and her by their side.

The Euclid standing next to them quietly spoke.

Its tea made from ground Celon petals.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Ray took a sip of the tea.

A slightly bitter taste followed by a very smooth swallow.

Moreover, whoever made the tea had great skill, adjusting even the temperature to ensure it didnt burn the drinkers mouth.

Furthermore, Celon is quite an expensive tea leaf. Not many people know that it can also act as a mild fever reducer.

Ray too learned this fact after reading a book he found in Airas library.

Naturally, admiration escaped his lips.

This tea is really well-made. This is the first time Im having such good tea.

Euclid merely lowered her head with a neutral expression on her face.

Thank you.

Watching him, Iriel swooped in like a hyena that had found its prey.

Saint, when drinking tea, you must not show the inside of your hand.

Got it.


As there was nothing to criticize, she quickly pounced on him the moment something like this came up.

There was no dignity befitting a saint to be found in her demeanor.

However, the frequency of her criticisms had greatly decreased. They had fully prepared for the baptism ceremony.

Finally, its tomorrow.

Euclid quietly muttered as she looked at Rays room from the opposite balcony.

With no expression and only her lips moving, she resembled a meticulously crafted doll made by a skilled artisan.

You have no idea how long Ive waited for this day.

She tightly grasped the balcony railing.

It seemed like all the people in the Holy Kingdom were flocking to Selonia.

Even though Selonia could accommodate a substantial number of people, it seemed like it would burst at the seams with this amount of crowd.

The baptism ceremony is finally happening.

To think I could witness two baptism ceremonies in my lifetime Its an honor to my family. Hahaha!

Throughout history, there had never been a precedent of a Saint and a Saintess appearing at the same time.

It was only natural that many were looking forward to this event.

However, contrary to these people, other nations did not view this in a favorable light.

The appearance of both a Saint and a Saintess significantly amplified the power of the Holy Kingdom.

If a saint of the same level as the current Saintess were to be born, even the Lesian Empire might have felt threatened in its influence.

It was unknown what measures they would take to check this, but if things continued as they were, the revival of the Holy Kingdom was just a matter of time.

The Silia Kingdom felt this more than anyone.

After all, the saint born in their kingdom had been taken away by the Holy Kingdom, so they must have been quite upset.

However, whatever plans they were concocting, the Silia Kingdom did not show any significant movements.

Recalling Iriels words, instead of bowing, Ray raised his hand.

Nice to meet you, Shrine Keeper Pronel. My name is Ray, the newly appointed saint.

Hahaha. Its reassuring to have two saints in the holy kingdom.

Ray smiled at the hearty laughter.

For some reason, he reminded him of the uncle who lived next door.

Moreover, with a face that wouldnt have seemed out of place among bandits, it was unique that he was a shrine keeper.

As he greeted Ray, people from all around gathered.

Nice to meet you, Saint. I am

Its an honor to meet you. If I may say

He found himself in a tough situation, surrounded by those eagerly introducing themselves.

It reminded him of modern-day events.

A salvation army came to his rescue in the midst of the overwhelming situation.

Everyone is happy to meet the saint, but please show some respect. It isnt appropriate to behave like this in front of the saint, who is about to undergo the baptism ceremony.

Upon hearing these words, a series of people turned to look in the direction of the voice.

There stood Iriel, dressed in white clothes adorned with gold thread, just like Ray.

However, there was one difference. The people bowing and greeting Iriel had fear mixed in their eyes.

They bowed their heads and greeted.

Shrine Keeper Aeinrn greets the holy maiden.

Clarean, the head of the Dimitrious family, greets the holy maiden.

Seeing them hastily leave after greeting her, it seemed they might not have been on good terms with Iriel.

Soon, only about half of the initial crowd remained.

Among them was Shrine Keeper Pronel.

Iriel said to Ray,

Todays the day. Youre finally becoming a saint for real

Yeah. It didnt feel real until now, but it finally does. Hahaha.

Iriel smiled and closed her eyes as Ray chuckled awkwardly.

The journey here wasnt smooth, so it feels all the more special to finally undergo the baptism ceremony

Hearing these words, the surrounding nobles smiled and said,

The two saints seem to get along well. Theres no room for us to intervene.

Im starting to feel a bit left out. Hahaha.

Iriel laughed pleasantly at their words.

Hohoho. I was just maintaining a friendly relationship with the saint. For now, that was.

Many must have felt something from Iriels last words, and Ray, too, felt a chill run down his spine.

Just then, Euclid, who was standing by the side, quietly bowed her head and spoke.

Excuse me for interrupting. Saint, its about time. Should we head outside?

They were already outside, so where else were they supposed to go?

Pushing aside his confusion, Ray politely bid farewell.

Then, I will take my leave.

Yes, we will meet at the ceremony.

We will meet at the ceremony.

After exchanging goodbyes, Iriel waved her hand.

Do well.

Ray chuckled at her form of encouragement.

Yeah. I will do my best.

A smile blossomed on his face as he spoke.

Seeing this, Euclid clenched her gathered hands.

Watching the two leave the garden and head towards the large hill, the remaining nobles said,

I wonder why the young lady of the Bellacroix family chose to be a servant

Being one of the families serving the saint, they must have had their reasons

Their quiet conversation continued as Iriel watched Euclids retreating figure.

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