Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:47 AM

Chapter 68: Divine Power Perfume (1)

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Chapter 68: Divine Power Perfume (1)

For those who already possessed a Mana Road, all they needed to do was establish the Divine Power within them.

If Ray hadnt had a Mana Road, the gods would have directly built one, and he would have had to pay the price mentioned by Iriel, leading to the creation of the Circle. However, Rays situation was different.

Even the god hadnt encountered this situation before, as for a moment, the Divine Power floated aimlessly in the air, seemingly lost(?).

Ray slowly rose from where he lay.


He covered his eyes with his hands and sighed.

Suddenly, the once dazed Divine Power quickly regained its senses(?) and started moving again.


A massive density of Divine Power began to resonate and seemed to be absorbed into his entire body.

Inside Rays Mana Road, a vast amount of Divine Power swirled around.

Like a racing car speeding through the Autobahn, the Divine Powers rushed towards an exit(?), being absorbed and then expelled out. This process repeated itself, and the dense Divine Power started to purify the impurities in the air.

What was this! Was this really the Divine Power he received after struggling for a month?

Was this truly the power bestowed by the god? It seemed nothing more than a high-quality air purifier!

With a disappointed look, he glanced at the sky, and even the god seemed to be trying hard, as the process of expelling and absorbing continued.

Ray, with a desolate expression, spoke to the sky.

Stop it. Its useless

But it seemed as if the god didnt hear his empty words, continuing to pump like a doctor who wouldnt give up on their patient.

Moved by this pitiful sight, Ray cried out.

Stop it, damn it!

He put on his backpack and stepped onto the stone stairs.

He briefly looked back with a dazed expression, probably missing the place he had grown fond of.

Ray walked on, melancholy. It was time to descend the mountain.

Even though he gained nothing.

The Divine Power around him still pumped continuously.

Whether it was from regret or simply left on auto(?), it persisted in this action for two hours. Eventually, Ray gave up.

Each time the air around him cleared, sorrow overwhelmed him.

As he descended the stone stairs, he would sit and rest whenever he saw a small rock, eating smoked fish or dried fruits he had prepared, and looking up at the sky.

The clear clouds were a pleasure to watch, and the breeze was cool.

But why did he feel so empty inside?


He couldnt help but smile as though he had lost his mind.

He now longed to talk to anyone.

He yearned to share his tragic and sad story quickly.

He understood how painful it was to not converse with anyone for a month.

Craving human interaction, he quickened his descent.

After a while, he started to see the entrance of the stone stairs that he had seen a month ago.

As he reached the bottom with shaky steps, he saw Iriel, standing in the same position as before.

Could it be that she had waited here for his return for a month?

Seeing her warm smile when she saw him, his heart warmed up.

Ray ran down the stairs.

It felt like all the sadness of a month was about to explode.

The one surprised was Iriel. She had been worried, wondering if something had happened since he hadnt returned.

However, she was a sorcerer, not just any sorcerer but a Grand Sorcerer.

Considering that he had others to worry about, she chuckled and had waited for the saint to descend all this time.

And that day, seeing the long-awaited Saint descending the stone steps brought her such joy.

The saint, Ray, seemed even more delighted than her. This could be inferred from the way he ran down and gazed at her with teary eyes.

Sigh Usually, it would be a big problem if an adult couldnt use divine power.


Ray asked, puzzled, and Iriel nodded.

In general cases, yes. But in the Saints case, its quite special. After all, no one could oppress the Saint with power, right?

Ray quietly listened without answering, and she continued.

Its the first time weve had a situation like this, so I dont really know what will happen, but at least, it wont directly harm the Saint.

Iriel comforted him, as he seemed to be in low spirits, unlike usual.

Its okay, Saint. What does it matter if you cant use divine power? You have mana, after all.

For some reason, those words strangely provided comfort, and Ray looked up at Iriel.

Is that so?

Of course. Even if the fact that you cant use divine power becomes known, no one will be able to say anything, right?

There was certainty in Iriels words.

Who would dare say anything to a magician who could summon a Meteor like an ogre from the next village?

Unless someone had two lives, such a brave person would not exist.

Ray looked at Iriel and smiled slightly.

I feel comforted. Thank you.

Hohoho. Then, lets go back now. Everyone is waiting.

Has a month passed, and they are still waiting for him?

Well, those who were going to go back must have already gone back by now.

Thinking that they were probably just being polite when they said they would wait, Ray walked after Iriel.

As they passed the forest they had first entered, the knights standing guard knelt on one knee and paid their respects.

We greet the Saint and the Saintess! Congratulations on the Saints accomplishments!


Ray awkwardly smiled at them as they spoke, shivering.

Hahaha. Thank you.

Ray and Iriel received their greetings and continued on their way.

Looking at the two Saints walking far away, the two knights kneeling on the ground looked at each other.

Did you feel it too?

The Saints divine power?

Yes It may not be my place to say this, but I felt that the Saints divine power was even stronger than Saintess Iriels.

Did you feel the same? I thought it was just me

Even as they spoke, they could still feel the tingling on their skin.

The abundant divine power emanating from the Saint seemed to freeze the air around them, almost paralyzing their skin.

With that level of divine power, it was understandable that he had not shown himself for a month.

The two looked in the direction where the Saint and Saintess had disappeared.

We may be witnessing a Saint who will go down in history.

Iriel chuckled, understanding the knights reaction.

Ray asked with a puzzled expression.

Whats so funny?

Hohoho. I guess everyone who first saw the Saint must have had the same reaction. Just thinking about that amuses me.

Whats so funny about that? They dont know, but the divine power swirling around them is really useless.

Even if it was used well, it was just an air purifier, essentially a divine power perfume (?).

Moreover, it was a perverted perfume that could only be smelled by those with faith!

We didnt need such a perfume for perverts!

However, no matter what he thought, the pumping of divine power showed no signs of stopping.

Rather, the absorption and release process seemed to have shortened, making the situation seem even worse.

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