Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:40 AM

Chapter 70: Steps (1)

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Chapter 70: Steps (1)

The look in her eyes as she gazed down at him, who had fallen asleep, was as if she saw a monster.

She still couldnt forget those eyes that had looked directly into hers in the darkness.

And what about him, who had returned after completing the coronation ceremony?

It was as if the expression his whole body was wrapped in divine power fit perfectly, as he appeared with a terrifying divine power.

Then, as he slept, an even greater divine power fluttered around him compared to the daytime.

A fragrant scent and comfortable sensation enveloped her entire body.

Without realizing it, she thought to herself,

I will spend my entire life by his side.

If that happened, this comfort would be entirely hers.

The thought of monopolizing this tremendous divine power that made her feel good just by being near prompted her to smile uncharacteristically.

As soon as morning dawned, Ray immediately ran to the mansions library.

From early morning until noon, many books piled up next to him.

A servant quietly called out to Ray.

Saint, its time for your Holy Communion.

But there was no response.

The servant shook their head as they watched Ray, who showed a frightening level of concentration as he read.

They had tried calling him since the morning, but he remained in that state.

He hadnt moved at all and continued reading, even though his sitting posture must have been uncomfortable.

She had placed the meal on the dining table just like in the morning.

The breakfast remained untouched and had gone cold. The servant quietly picked it up and left the library.

The books that Ray was currently perusing were not related to medicine.

He was perusing books related to the Holy Kingdom without missing a single one.

From books recording the history and climate of the Holy Kingdom and the sources of income of various countries, to the current state of agriculture.

He was literally reading everything he could get his hands on.

He believed that this would surely prove helpful.

And rightfully so, as among the books in this library, there wasnt a single one that wasnt beneficial.

Since this mansion was the residence of the Saint, each book underwent inspection, and only the best selections were placed in the library.

At that time, this place housed the elite of the elite.

His extraordinary memory, coupled with this, created a remarkable synergy.

He extracted what was necessary, combined redundant things together, and made them useful.

As he read and pondered repeatedly, a fairly solid structure for leading the Holy Kingdom emerged.

Fortunately, the Holy Kingdom boasted a good climate for farming and living.

Furthermore, there was a fruit that grew exclusively in the Holy Kingdom.

Its name was the Floen Fruit.

It was a fruit he once saw in Airas library.

Although it was a divine fruit that even an orc would find difficult to eat, it proved quite useful for wound recovery.

Of course, it might seem superfluous in the Holy Kingdom, where there were countless priests who could instantly heal wounds, but if this fruit were to be exported to other countries, that would be a different story.

The Holy Kingdom deemed it unnecessary and was cutting down the trees that bore the fruit, but if these trees were improved upon and utilized properly, they could generate income.

In this other world, many people sustained injuries.

Consider the mercenaries; to treat even minor wounds, they had to purchase potions or hire priests, so they often just endured it.

If they carried Floen Fruit with them, they wouldnt need to buy potions or hire priests, and could simply use it for healing.

Furthermore, the Floen Fruit grew only in the Holy Kingdom.

Although the Holy Kingdom wasnt actively participating in the upper world yet, if they entered the commerce industry using the Floen Fruit as a stepping stone, they could establish a monopoly over the fruit.

But Rays thoughts didnt stop there.New novel chapters are published on

The mercenarization of priests

It was a bit of a gamble, but it seemed worth a try.

A healer on the battlefield held tremendous utility value.

The Saint silently watched as he spoke about something everyone already knew, then he began to draw another plant in the middle.

But if you planted bean vines that matched the corn here, the story would change.

The picture depicted the bean vine climbing up the corn.

The quick-witted nobles clapped their hands.

That way, both would receive sunlight and grow!


Indeed, it was a brilliant idea that deserved admiration.

Of course, this method was not something Ray had thought of himself.

Milpa sola system.

This system, one of the most advanced farming methods in the past world, allowed for practical use of leftover space.

Moreover, if this method was applied in this different world where the concept of fertilizer did not exist, the harvest could be more than triple the current production.

Believing that the Saint had come up with this incredible idea, they experienced a moment of fear.

Hes indeed a 9th Circle Grand Mage What a devilish brain

Although they thought of him as a devil, the Saint was not aware of it.

It was a method that could not have come from the current civilization.

There was no telling what other thoughts existed in the Saints mind.

Beris father, Duke Harold, spoke to Ray.

I agree. If theres something to gain, as the Saint said, we must surely obtain it.

Following him, other nobles nodded their heads.

I agree as well.

What a good idea, indeed. I, Ged, am touched.

Count Grain, Greyans father, clapped his hands and spoke.

Many supported Ray, and he smiled.

But there was a problem later.

Duke Harold spoke with a worried expression.

But, the Saint What exactly does militarization of priests mean?

Ray took a deep breath.

The time had finally arrived. This was the highlight of his plan.

A key to unofficially increasing the national power of the Holy Kingdom was established.

Now, I needed to choose my words carefully.

He had to persuade them to definitely militarize the priests.

Ray looked at Duke Harold and spoke.

It means exactly what it says.

At his words, not only Duke Harold but also other nobles found themselves at a loss for words.

The initial farming method and plan had been excellent. But wasnt this too extreme?

Count Grain spoke with a serious expression.

Are you suggesting we send the priests to the battlefield?

Ray nodded his head.


As if they had been waiting, worried voices erupted from here and there.

If thats the case, the death rate of priests will increase, leading to a decline in the national power of the Holy Kingdom.

Furthermore, if priests are militarized, the number of people aspiring to become priests will likely decrease.

Ray firmly responded to their words.

The priests will be positioned at the rear of the battlefield. If we make it known that the wounded can come to them under the name of a healing center, the priests wont be hurt much.

But still, theres a risk. What if they are attacked from behind on the battlefield

Ray interrupted him.

No one is safe on the battlefield. Hoping that all priests will not die is nothing more than an ideal.

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