Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:38 AM

Chapter 71: Steps (2)

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Chapter 71: Steps (2)

Even if you were at the back, you could die, and even if you were at the forefront, you could survive. Such was the battlefield.

It was an obvious statement. Who could have been confident about their safety when going into a battlefield?



The nobles coughed, not having much to say, but that didnt mean they had nothing to say at all.

It sounded good to militarize the priests, but if all the priests died on the battlefield, the holy kingdoms power would be diminished.

And while the priests werent exactly top-tier manpower, they were at least mid-tier. If they died fighting with mercenaries, that would be a big loss for them.

Knowing what they were thinking, Ray continued.

Of course, I had no intention of just letting the priests die. I planned to recruit paladins to protect them and send them to the battlefield together. With paladins by their side, the priests would be safe unless they faced an extraordinary force.


We would gain even more power as a result. First, our funds would be satisfied, and we would be able to pressure the surrounding countries with our mercenary priests. Additionally, our position in the upper world would strengthen.

Moreover, there was a sea to the south of the holy kingdom. If we took the lead in trading with surrounding countries, we could earn a significant income from the trade industry.

Ray pounded the podium.

Now it was all or nothing. If persuasion didnt work, he was ready to push through with force.

He held up a bundle of papers he had given to the nobles and shook it.

If anyone has a better plan for developing the holy kingdom, please speak up.

Of course, there was none.

They probably hadnt even thought about it.

If they had thought about it seriously, the holy kingdoms surplus resources would have been actively moving even then.

As expected, nobody spoke up.

Militarizing the priests was, in itself, a power. Whether they went to the battlefield or not, they were a source of strength for the holy kingdom.

Even after his words, the reaction of the surroundings didnt change much.

Everyone was cautious with their words.

Neither Duke Herald nor Count Grain showed any notable reactions.

There was no end to this. Rather than wasting time, it was better to discuss it another time.

They also needed time to think.

Ray sighed and waved his hand.

Sigh Lets end it here for today. I ask for your cooperation tomorrow as well.

With those words, he indicated that there would be another meeting tomorrow, then left the lecture hall with plans to revise his half-successful plan.

After returning to the mansion, he holed himself up in the study.

There was no time to rest if he wanted to bring the holy kingdom to the forefront of the continent.

Especially since the strongest empire on the continent, the Leshian Empire, was still thriving.

To surpass them, immense effort and development were required.

The holy kingdom wasnt a weak country, but it wasnt on par with the strongest countries either.

Iriel, who had first asked for permission but now entered the mansion as if it was her own, shook her head as she looked at Ray.

Sigh. Hes still like that.

She had heard that he called a meeting in the morning, but as soon as it ended, he hadnt moved from the study.

From Rays perspective, it was a natural choice given the lack of information, but from her perspective, it was hard to understand.

But she felt good seeing him work hard for something.

She sighed as she looked at the cold meal left untouched on the dining table.

He should at least eat while working.

It was better to fill your stomach no matter what you were doing.

Iriel naturally sat down next to Ray.

Ray stopped reading and looked at her.

Whats this?

What are all these books? On the map the soil

Then, lets continue the story we couldnt finish yesterday.

It was likely to be a one-sided story, but that was beside the point.

He was determined to see his plan through, even if it took brute force.

Getting Iriels help didnt prick his conscience at all.

Far from pricking, any trace of guilt had disappeared before it even reached his conscience.

Ray took out the list.

As we discussed yesterday about the mercenary transformation of the priests, please speak up if you have any objections.

At that, the nobles began to speak up as if they had been waiting for the cue.

You said you would send the priests and paladins together, but doing so might disrupt their training.

In other words, their religious commitments might be neglected.

Ray shook his head at that.

Seeing and experiencing the pain of various people on the battlefield could also be good practice for them.

It sounded really plausible.

To the point where the noble who had spoken fell silent.

Especially since the person speaking was a saint. Everyone had to agree.

After all, who could argue with a saint, someone considered the closest to God and his representative on earth?

Iriel also nodded in agreement, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Duke Harold pondered for a moment before asking a question.

I understand how necessary priests are on the battlefield. But if its simply for money and fame, arent there other ways?

Ray shook his head again.

What we gain from making priests into mercenaries is not just money and fame. Those are just additional factors.

The majority of the nobles who had thought the priests were being sent to the battlefield for money looked perplexed.

This was a point that needed clarification.

The benefits gained from mercenary priests were not as trivial as they thought.

Only Iriel seemed to have caught on to some extent, but there was a different main intention.

Ray looked around at them and spoke.

We will lend out the priests and in turn, gain national power.

National power, you say?

The expressions of the nobles changed as they asked, seemingly more interested than before.

The nations that need our help will at least not be able to act in a way that threatens the holy kingdom. Moreover, since we are lending them the military force, we can hold them somewhat responsible if our priests die in battle.

At that, the nobles began to murmur among themselves, having realized the utility of the plan.

Oh, if that was the case

The moment they borrowed our force, the holy kingdom naturally gained the upper hand.

It seemed better than I thought

Several opinions converged, and factions began to form.

Some showed positive reactions, while others still looked on with negative eyes.

Although national power would have increased, there were those who couldnt bear the thought of Gods servants, the priests, being sent to the battlefield.

At that moment, Iriel, who had been quietly observing, spoke up.

It seems like a good idea. I agree with the saints opinion.


With her single statement, the situation changed.

When two saints argued for the same thing, the opinions of the nobles mostly aligned.

Moreover, Iriels influence in political circles was not small.

In fact, it could have been said to be very influential.

Her faction consisted mostly of central nobles, and there were many of them.

So, with Iriel defending the saints opinion, no one dared to argue against it lest they fall out of favor with the two saints.

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