Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:31 AM

Chapter 75: Small Trade City, Gehel (1)

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Chapter 75: Small Trade City, Gehel (1)

Eclair slightly frowned and said,

Turn transparent?

Im not sure why, but it turned as transparent as water!

Wow Thats fascinating. It was worth researching.


But why were you so excited?

Eclair smiled at Rays childlike behavior, which she saw for the first time, and asked.

Ray took a deep breath to calm his excitement, then looked at Eclair and smiled.

If we did this right we might have been able to cure Ms. Eclairs eyes.

Eclair threw the book she was reading as if she was throwing it away.

What did you say!

She too started to show signs of excitement.

Ray received permission to exclusively use the laboratory.

Eclair wanted to watch the research that might cure her eyes, but her position as director didnt allow her to rest easily.

She only had about three days off per month. But as a saint, she had days off all month long.

It seemed she was still in the settlement period as there were no tasks given to her, and the god didnt give her any instructions, creating the birth of an unemployed saint.

Ray, the model unemployed saint, was now conducting an experiment mixing troll blood with orc blood.

As it was the experimental stage, there was no need to give shape to the troll blood when it coagulated.

After mixing the troll blood without letting it coagulate, he slightly poured the orc blood.

The two species blood, which seemed to mix well at first, suddenly coagulated on one side and became slightly transparent on the other.

Ray sighed.

Phew we needed to combine the two.

Despite trying to combine them, it wasnt easy.

It wasnt clear what the problem was, but the two were like oil and water, not mixing well.

But it had only been a day since the research began.

It wasnt reasonable to give up after only figuring out the basics in one day. Ray started to mix other things as well.

Ogre blood, troll skin tissue, and even other species samples.

But he always ended up failing.

Two days passed and when Eclair returned, they researched together.

However, there was no noticeable progress.

Because they didnt know why it had turned transparent or what ingredients it contained, failure was inevitable.

Ray decided to use the last method he had thought up.

Where could we find trolls and orcs around here?

After departing from Selonia, Ray swiftly moved to the outskirts of the Holy Kingdom.

He knew that strict guards and knights would follow if he announced he was leaving, so he had to secretly leave the kingdom.

Since Eclair agreed to keep his departure from Selonia a secret, he likely didnt need to worry for a while.

It took half a day just to travel.

After leaving Selonia, Ray entered the outskirts city of Gehel.

What he saw was horrific.

Though it was called an outskirts city, all the buildings were ruined, and the inhabitants were all children.

It didnt make sense that only children lived in the city.

The inner workings of the Holy Kingdom seemed worse than he had imagined.

Despite earning quite a lot of money through mercenary priests and developing agriculture, not a penny went to those in need.

Their appearance resembled the residents at the end of the century.

In the devastated area, there was nothing to eat, only dust swirling around.

A girl who couldnt fit in with the crowd and was caring for her younger brother caught his eye in one corner.

The girl, who must have been about fifteen, had cold eyes, and there was something eerie about the frostiness surrounding her.

Not far in, he noticed that there were settlements of monsters boldly located.

The city of Gehel had become such a state, likely due to the monsters. At that time, orcs discovered Ray.

Squeak! Its the smell of a human!

Theres a human here! Squeak!

Ray frowned again at their nasal voices.

Their nasal voices were so strong that he never got used to them, no matter how many times he heard them.

He seriously considered whether he should widen the orcs nostrils.

But, despite his concerns, the orcs hurled spears at him.


With a tremendous sound splitting the air, a spear flew towards him.

He slightly nodded his head and dodged the spear aimed directly at his face.


Great speed and accuracy. You would have succeeded if you had been a baseball player, he remarked as he looked at the spear lodged in the rock.

As if provoked, more than twenty orcs from the settlement surrounded Ray.

Squeak! Human, you will die. Squeak!

Die quietly! Squeak!

Females and males, strange-looking creatures were snorting from all around, making it difficult to concentrate.

Observing them holding spears, wood, and even swords they had picked up from somewhere, Ray quietly chanted the command word.



At his word, the orcs who had been grumbling as if they were about to charge at any moment, halted in their tracks.

Suddenly unable to move their bodies, their eyes began to show confusion.

Ray, unconcerned about them, started examining the health status of each orc.

He was a legendary doctor who had always led the modern medical world.

Just by observing their eyes or posture, he could roughly estimate where they were in pain.

Ignoring the sick ones, he released the hold on the healthy ones.

Cancel. Follow me.

Squeak! Squeak!


They could breathe, and as soon as they regained movement, they snorted.

Looking at their hands and feet and clenching their fists, they charged at Ray.

Although they were monsters with intelligence, their level was evidently low. Without any fear, confident in their numbers, they attacked him.

Ray smiled and raised his fist.

In an instant, his fist pounded the bodies of the orcs.

The charging orcs felt pain throughout their bodies when they thought something had passed by them.


Ah, it hurts! Squeak!

Looking at the orcs that had fallen to the ground in the state in which they were charging, Ray started beating them.

It sounded like he was hitting them with a club rather than a fist, as if he had infused mana into his punches.

The orcs felt threatened for their lives.

The orcs, thinking that they might meet their end by a humans fist, said,

Squeak! Human! We will follow! Stop it! Squeak!

We were wrong! Squeak!

We will die at this rate! Squeak!

But there was no stopping the fists.

He laughed ominously and said,

I dont need you!

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