Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:29 AM

Chapter 76: Small Trade City, Gehel (2)

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Chapter 76: Small Trade City, Gehel (2)

Everyone knew what would happen next.

Ray, careful not to leave any marks, dusted off his hands as he looked at the orcs sprawled on the ground.

That felt good. Hahaha.

The defeated orcs, seeing Rays satisfied smile, each had a thought.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

This crazy bastard, squeak!

Get up. All those who were hit, follow me.

At his words, the orcs hastily stood up.

If they dawdled, they knew they could start getting hit again, endlessly.

Ray nodded in satisfaction as he watched their quick actions.

Very good.

While walking through the mountains, the orcs and ogres from the neighboring village who foolishly attacked them ended up being beaten just like them.

Ah, so we were beaten like that.

It was a truly terrifying sight.

A small human was kicking the shins of an ogre over five meters tall and enjoying it.

Were going to be late at this rate.

Despite saying they would be late, it seemed they were enjoying the journey as they deliberately chose paths with lots of monsters.

And so, the monsters living in the same mountain range were in quite a disarray.

Just making eye contact could get them beaten, and in some cases, they would be searched out in their settlements and beaten there.

By this point, it was clear that he was just enjoying himself.

After wandering around beating various monsters for a while, Ray scratched his head and muttered.

There are plenty of ogres and orcs, but no trolls?

Hearing his muttering, the eyes of the orcs sparkled.

Were trolls going to be beaten too?

If that was the case, it was rather a good thing. Trolls were their natural enemies.

They always came to their settlements, stealing away the young orcs and females. They had to give away their children and wives while shedding tears of blood.

Otherwise, they themselves would undoubtedly face a terrible death.

An orc opened its mouth.

Squeak! If its about trolls, squeak! We know them, squeak!

Rays eyes gleamed.


I led the way. Squeak! Follow me, squeak!

Confidently, the orc led the way, walking proudly.

They ascended the mountainside and then briskly descended a large road.

It wasnt very far from the orc settlement.

It was close enough that they could see it after walking for about 20 minutes.

Upon reaching the destination, the orc took a deep breath and shouted.

Come out! Squeak! Green monster! Squeak!

The green-skinned orc called the troll a green monster.

At the sound of the shout, a few trolls emerged from their caves.



With puzzled eyes, they looked around to see who had called them.

All they could see was a muscular orc standing proudly with its chest puffed out, a human, and about a dozen orcs lined up behind them.

Scratching their heads, they seemed to try to figure out what was going on as they communicated with each other in low growls.

And so, the orc let out an excited shout.

Kwik! Kneel down right now! Kwik!

Ray gave the orc a sidelong glance.

Its behavior was somewhat strange, but it was a monster he had to confront regardless.

He picked up a straight branch from around him.

It was the perfect size to hit someone with.

Ray endowed the branch with magic.



The surrounding mana resonated with the mana echo.

The wooden stick was enveloped in blue light and transformed into the size of a baseball bat.

Before they knew it, the trolls started to get hit one after the other, unable to block the rushing human.

It hurt more than being hit with a regular tree branch when Ray started beating them with the mana-dense stick.


The girl, who seemed frail enough that a single hit could be dangerous to her life, couldnt resist the young mans strength.

Unable to withstand a slap on the cheek, she fell to the ground.

The young man with scars on his face quietly said to the girl.

Do you want to be sold?

He giggled as he spoke.

After all, even if you had become just bones from lack of food, your face was still pretty, so you could have been sold for quite a bit.

At his words, the others also sneered.

In the region known as Gehel, there were many brothels where young girls were sold.

If you had just a few coins, you could easily find a dealer in the alleyways.

Of course, there were also pimps. If you brought a pretty-faced child, you would receive at least a few silver coins.

Thinking about that, he swallowed his saliva along with the money in his pocket as he looked at the girl.

Since she was going to be sold anyway

He decided to snatch her money pouch.

But the girl, gathering all her strength, hugged the money pouch tightly, refusing to let it be taken.

Then, the young man ripped her rag-like clothes.

Instantly, the girls face turned red with embarrassment as she quickly covered her body with her hands.

That was when the pouch went into the young mans hands.

Hahaha, if you were going to give it to me, you should have done so when I asked nicely.

He opened the jingling pouch, and inside were gold coins overflowing.


He thought they would be silver coins at best, but gold?

With this money, he could settle his life here and buy a house in a nice place.

The other young men swallowed their saliva as they saw the gold coins.

They nodded at each other, seeming to have agreed to share the gold amicably.

After the silent agreement, the scar-faced young man looked down at the girl and sinisterly smiled.

They had taken her money, and now all they had to do was enjoy themselves slowly.

His face, filled with excitement, was truly hideous.

The girls cold eyes were soaked with fear and shame.

As his hand touched the girls body, she forcefully knocked it away.

With nothing but bones, where did she get such strength?

The young man clenched his rather throbbing hand and kicked her with all his might.



She flew as if carried by the wind and hit the wall.

A slight trace of blood seeped from the corner of her mouth.

Having quieted her a bit, they approached her and forcefully lifted her up by grabbing her arms and legs.

Tattered pieces of clothing fell off. Her body, which had never been shown to anyone, was exposed.

The scar-faced young man slowly approached her with a sinister look in his eyes, scanning her body.

It was over. Cold tears of shame flowed down the girls flushed face.

Thats when a voice rang out from the back of the alley.

Wow, looking at your faces, youre definitely bandits. But why arent you in the mountains and instead here looting?

Ray looked at them with cold, hardened eyes.

He had come down from the mountains and was passing through Gehel.

As he thought about how to treat Eckleys eyes, he recognized the girls younger sister who came running towards him.

As he raised his hand to greet her, she, with her emaciated body, ran towards him, gasping for breath, seemingly asking for help.


Come to think of it, she hadnt spoken a word since they met.

The girls younger sister was the same. Even now, looking desperate for help, she couldnt open her mouth.

Despite his perplexity, he followed the younger sister.

They entered an alley that interconnected in a complex way, and she ran towards the back of a building that looked dusty and unsightly at first glance.

As he followed her, what did he see but a bandit-looking guy kicking a girl?

Then, he lifted her up and looked at her with eyes full of lust. Thats when he fully grasped the situation.

The younger sister had gone to ask for help to save her older sister, and he was the one she had found on the street.

Ah, so that was it.

Rays eyes turned cold.

Wow, looking at your faces, youre definitely bandits. But why arent you in the mountains and instead here looting?

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