Published at 11th of April 2024 05:20:02 AM

Chapter 8: The Saint (1)

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Chapter 8: The Saint (1)

His eyes, which were on the brink of closing, abruptly snapped open.

The noise was so loud that it echoed through the hallway.

His voice brimmed with fury.

When Ray turned his head in bewilderment to look at him, he began to quiver as he spoke.

Didnt you promise to heal it! Didnt you vow to save it!

Ray was also startled by his words.

What was he referring to?

He had undoubtedly saved it.

He should have been met with praise and gratitude, not wrath!

Ray abruptly rose from his seat.

He then swiftly approached Viscount Gaid and checked his pulse, while simultaneously channeling mana.

He felt a slight tremor in his hand, and the vital organs were functioning correctly.

What in the world was the issue?

With all the curiosity and confusion he could muster, Ray looked as if he had been wrongfully accused and said,

Hes alive, isnt he?

However, the commander once again bellowed in rage.

It was as if he had encountered a con artist who had duped him once more.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

How can you claim hes alive! His heart isnt even beating! How dare you deceive the Viscount family!

Why wouldnt his heart be beating! I can hear it, even if its weak!

From his perspective, the commander was making unreasonable demands.

Viscount Gaids heart was undoubtedly beating!

Is there some hidden agenda?

He eyed the commander with a suspicious gaze.

The commander spat out saliva as he pointed his finger at Viscount Gaid.

Look! His breath has ceased, hasnt it! Youve tricked us, you devilish scoundrel!

Oh, please! Hes breathing!

What Ray didnt realize was that Viscount Gaids breath was so faint that it could barely be considered breathing.

Moreover, the heartbeat wasnt externally perceptible.

The body had just begun moving, so the major organs werent noticeably active.

It was so faint that one had to use mana to detect it, and although Ray, who was highly sensitive to mana, could sense the faint heartbeat, others couldnt.

They were unable to discern the heartbeat, let alone detect any respiration.

Consequently, they assumed he was dead.

However, Ray, unaware of this assumption, felt immense frustration.

He had rescued a person, only to be treated as a demon and a killer.

Even animals acknowledged the favor of being saved.

Yet, it was naturally infuriating to be treated in such a manner by a human, not an animal.

He had exerted all his strength to revive a deceased individual, only to be interrogated as if he had committed a crime.

He had chosen the medical profession to witness smiles, not to face contempt and questioning during surgeries.

The situation showed no signs of calming down.

Viscount Gaids wife, Chloe, and Illisia were taken aback when the commander stated that he was unable to heal them.

Surely, you didnt

You couldnt heal them?

At this juncture, even Ray was weary of the conversation.

He had undeniably saved him and had brought him back to life.

The rest depended on Viscount Gaids will and divine intervention, but he had exhausted all his resources to pull a once dead man back from the precipice of death.

Any passerby would have concurred with him.

When he remained silent, Illisia yelled out.

You said it could be fixed!


He gazed at the ceiling, sighing.

The disappointment was even more profound because he had invested so much effort into saving Viscount Gaid.

He craved a drink.

No, it wasnt just a desire for a drink, but a longing to share a drink with a friend.

After a moment, the knight commander rubbed his body, now freed from the mana hold.

My, my god His words were truthful

The two individuals who had committed wrongdoings couldnt utter a word.

Even Chloe was present, but she remained silent as well, feeling the same as them.

The people from the viscounts house had persecuted their benefactor and even attempted to harm him.

Their pride, believing they had upheld the proper conduct of nobility, was shattered like a broken window.

Chloe closed her eyes and commanded.

Locate him immediately.


It was too late.

They had overstepped their bounds.

It was only natural for them to feel remorse for repaying kindness with hostility and crossing a line with their actions.

What could they possibly say to him even if they found him now?

Honestly, the knight commander didnt wish to locate him.

But it was the viscountesss command.

As much as he didnt want to encounter him, he couldnt defy her order.

Moreover, his heart harbored not only discomfort but also fear.

From the power that effortlessly subdued him to the ability to resurrect the dead.

A miracle where a deceased person returned to life? Who else could possibly accomplish this?

Could the Saint of the One Person Nation manage it? No.

Controlling death and life was the domain of God. Even the saint, born with divine power and faith to express Gods will, couldnt achieve it.

Then what should they call that boy?

The terror he experienced when he saw those cold, lifeless eyes was beyond words.

The knight commander thought of the unidentified boy and suddenly blurted out.

Could he be a saint But saints cant use mana


Chloe reacted to his muttering.


If he wasnt a saint, then what was he? Regardless of whether he used mana or not.

If the boy who could even resurrect the dead wasnt a saint, then there might be no saints in the world.

Before they knew it, Rays existence had solidified in their minds as a saint.

The knight commander collected his thoughts and said.

Perhaps he must be a saint. He used mana, but hes not an ordinary saint but a saint that appears in historical records. Reviving the dead Something that no saint or saintess has ever accomplished before!

His voice was filled with regret.

He lamented not recognizing such a person.

Not only did he curse him, but he even attempted to slash his hand with the sheath of a sword.

Of course, he regretted it.

If it became known in the kingdom that he could resurrect the dead, then they wouldnt need to bow down to the Holy Nation anymore.

Rather, the Holy Nation would have to bow down to them, the Silia Kingdom.

Not only the Holy Nation but also the Empire would have to entrust their lives to them.

He couldnt even fathom how much power that would grant them.

And the boy who brought Viscount Gaid back to life could do that.

I know that too. But

At her powerless words, the commander flinched involuntarily.

Similarly, Elysia also couldnt raise her head.

Its all my fault All of it

There was nothing she could do even if she regretted it.

What was done was done, and he was gone.

Her eyes, once filled with anger, instantly became unfocused.

Upon seeing her pitiful state, her mother wanted to say something, but she found herself unable to speak.

Thus, the commotion ended in silence.

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