Published at 11th of April 2024 05:10:04 AM

Chapter 84: Guarding The Border (3)

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Chapter 84: Guarding The Border (3)

Ray had predicted that the troops defending the border would be under pressure.

Their steps had already retreated to the last point, leaving them no choice but to choose defense.

Knight Commander Heor let out a melancholic voice.

Ugh Are we forced into defense after all

Even the other paladins drooped their shoulders at his mumbling.

Now that it had come to defense, there was nothing to do but hold out for time.

They had contacted all the kingdoms on the continent, expecting that support troops would arrive soon.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

What they particularly believed in was the support of the Lesian Empires army.

Claimed to be the strongest nation on the continent, their combat power was considerable.

The cavalry executed brilliant tactics, and the skilled knights supported them.

In the rear, the mage legion that could collapse the enemy lines was stationed, so if they came as support troops, it would feel like a tremendous force had been gained.

If they could hold out for about one more day, the Lesian Empires army would arrive.

Then, they could somewhat deal with these undead.

That was what Heor was aiming for.

If we can buy time, we can hold out the border no matter what.

In order to do that, he needed to lead a favorable battle in defense.

He shouted to the archers.

Dont be stingy with holy water on the arrowheads! The undead climbing the walls will be taken care of by the paladin order!

Yes, sir!


With resounding answers, the undead that kept pouring in tried to break down the gate.

However, the gate was very solid, and did not break easily.

Thankfully, the sheer number of useless undead prevented monsters with the power to break the gate from approaching it.

The undead warriors began climbing the walls.

For distant undead or flying undead, archers intercepted them, and the paladins and guards blocked the approaching undead.

Indeed, it was a textbook defensive arrangement.

But the undead were not easy opponents.

Flying monsters and banshees seized the undead knights and warriors, then began dropping them over the walls.

The formation quickly fell apart.

Members of the Holy Temple scrambled in panic, while the paladins attempted to abandon their posts to fight the undead.

Only the guards held their positions, defending the walls.

Among them was a Death Knight.

The Death Knights power was formidable. It wasnt just strength, but the sword that enveloped everything around in dark energy was challenging to counter.

Only an intermediate or higher aura user could face its sword.

Heor positioned himself in front of a Death Knight charging towards the Holy Temple.

Where do you think youre going!


When the swords were meant to clash, an explosion-like shockwave sounded.

The Death Knight, seemingly irritated by the obstruction, swung its sword at an unnatural speed for its size.

Swoosh! Swooosh!

At the terrifying speed, Heor gasped and stepped back from the sword imbued with dark energy.

The dark energy was so dense that he dared not lift his sword to block.

Was this the Death Knight commanded by the Necromancer? Its strength was indescribable.

If one entity was this powerful, what would happen if another one arrived!

The situation was too horrifying to even contemplate.

Heor imbued his sword with holy power and faced the Death Knights dark energy.


The air exploded, creating a brisk wind.

How dare these undead creatures challenge the nation established by the gods!

Furious, he lifted his bastard sword and cleaved the body of the Death Knight.


He felt the impact in his hand, indicating that the hit had landed.

The Death Knights body was slightly sliced along with its armor.

The old man, thinking it was not a big deal, once again raised the corpses and resurrected the undead.


Along with the sound of something growing from the ground, the undead appeared as if they had always been there.

An infinite army, a tireless force.

Was there a more fitting word for this?

No, there wasnt. Then and always, his undead army would leave its name in history.

Just like the Necromancer of the previous generation who ended the magic era.

Saint, Saint?

How How did we reach the border already?

They mumbled in disbelief.

Before they could receive a response, Ray began giving orders.

Forget that, the Holy Knights sorted out the injured immediately. The priests and clerics treated the injured as soon as they appeared. The guards protected the Holy Platform from then on.

As the orders poured out like a machine gun, the captains couldnt say anything and responded.

Ah, understood.

What are you doing! Move now! The Saint arrived!

Everyone began moving in an orderly manner.

It wasnt surprising that they moved so swiftly upon seeing Ray.

That was because the divine power floating around Rays body was in an uncontrolled state.

As he generously spread the divine power he usually suppressed, anyone around him could feel his divine power.

The tremendous divine power that made their skin tingle boosted their morale.

Just a moment before, they were cursing at Ray and Iriel, but then they became his loyal followers with the arrival of their dependable reinforcement.

Heor and Bael, the commanders of the Holy Platform, asked Ray worriedly.

Saint, pardon me, but if we directed our forces to treat the injured, we wouldnt be able to stop the undead army.

Yes, it would have been better to hold out until the reinforcements from other kingdoms arrived than to care for the injured.

They bowed their heads and lowered their bodies as if apologizing.

Ray shook his head in response.

Did the situation look urgent?


What do you mean by?

As they asked, Ray pointed at the surroundings with his chin.

Heor and Bael looked around and realized that it was much quieter than before.

Then, they realized something.

The Banshees they were gone

The undead climbing the walls had disappeared?

Numerous questions were absorbed by the overwhelming divine power radiating from Rays body.

Ray smirked at their astonished expressions.

Just take care of the injured.

Saying that, he leaped down from the city wall.

It was at least 10 meters high, but he jumped down without hesitation.

They didnt know, but Ray had trained countless times in the elf village.

Compared to the height of Airas house, 10 meters was nothing.

Ray stepped towards the undead trying to break down the gate.

Divine power wafted towards them.



Screams, as if their throats were being cut, rang out.

The undead warriors and knights that had been so tough during the battle melted away as they approached Ray.

Ray took another step.

The Banshees floating in the air shed tears of blood and died on the spot.

Those watching from the city wall shook with admiration at his grandeur.

Was this the Saint? Truly, he was a figure worthy of being called Gods representative.

No undead could pass behind his back.

Was this what it meant to be protected by God? In front of his overwhelming divine power, those watching from the city wall swallowed their saliva.

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