Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:52 AM

Chapter 85: Guarding The Border (4)

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Chapter 85: Guarding The Border (4)


As the wind blew, the undead disintegrated into ashes and fluttered away.

With each step he took, the vanishing figures of the undead were almost wondrous to behold.

The old man in the brown robe let out a joyful laugh.

Ha. Is this the appearance of a godly person? Kek kek kek.

He grabbed a handful of magic and threw it forward.

The bodies of the undead began to erupt with magic.

Their eyes gleamed red, and their bodies swelled up.

Just being around the undead made one feel oppressed.

Indeed, once they were wrapped in magic, they were strong enough to withstand the holy power of Ray.

Rotten but valuable, this is truly the work of a necromancer.

As the magic of the necromancer commanding the undead combined, a new breed of undead capable of withstanding holy power was born.

Ray looked at them and let out a scoff.

Is this the extent of your magic?

Is he trying to block him with these shoddy undead?

At best, holy power was only used to purify the surrounding air.

In the first place, he didnt even consider holy power as part of his strength. Magic was enough to kill the undead.

He summoned the mana around him.


Whooosh! Whooosh!

With the incantation, about 20 fireballs were created by his side.

The people on the city walls started to be surprised.

Ma, Magic?!

How could the Saint have mana!

Different types of mana cannot exist in one body.

Yet, the Saint in front of them was wielding holy power and using mana.

How could this be possible?

But they were so focused on the upcoming battle that they put their questions aside.

Heor, who had seen him cast magic, shook his head.

Fireball is good against people, but Theres no chance of winning like this

They all swallowed hard at his words.

Heor was right. Fire magic specialized against people, but only 20 fireballs?

Even at a glance, the number of fireballs was relatively small compared to the undead.

At best, 20 fireballs could have killed about 100 undead, which was questionable.

But their doubts turned into astonishment.

Ray began to gather the surrounding atmosphere.

It was a tremendous amount of mana flow that they could feel.

Could he have been thinking of casting Meteor like last time with this amount of mana?

The massive wave of mana moved as if sucking in the surroundings, even making their hair stand on end.

The 20 fireballs began to multiply.

100, 200.

The old man in the brown robe was even shocked at the sight of the ever-increasing fireballs.

His eyes started to shake as if there was an earthquake.

That, that crazy bastard

There were over 1,000 fireballs, and the old man wanted to scream at the absurdity.

The red earth drawn by the flames made Rays hair appear to glow red.

He arranged the fireballs in the sky.

One per each of the six of you. A thousand fireballs.

As soon as the words ended, fireballs began to fall to the ground one by one.

The nearly six thousand undead instinctively sliced at the falling fireballs with their swords.

But it was a futile effort. The fireballs, made of incredibly dense mana, not only resisted being sliced but also absorbed the swords, exploding along with the undead.

Oh damn it!

The old man clutched the magic energy in his hand and shouted.

Bone Spear!

His words made the magical energy seep into the ground.

But Ray was not perturbed by the sudden incantation.

Due to his characteristic of drawing mana from the atmosphere, he could see the path of the mana and know where and when it would emerge.

This made him a nemesis to other mages, despite being a mage himself.

Knowing how and where magic disperses.

For mages who even create arcane to hide the flow of mana, this was sheer horror.

In the first place, mages cant fight against each other.

Moreover, instantly calculating the coordinates of the occurring magic and forcefully colliding with the flowing mana produces an astonishing result.

Ray spoke.



The magic energy was dissolved by mana, and the phenomenon of the about-to-occur magic was canceled.

The old mans eyes widened as if they were about to tear apart.

His own magic, even the deviating black magic, was canceled by someone other than the caster!

The old man touched his cheek with trembling hands and shook his head.

This this is impossible

He mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ray didnt care whether the old man was headbanging or windmilling.

He had only needed to protect the border, catch the Necromancer, and return to the Holy Kingdom.

Ray gathered mana and restrained the old mans body.


Then, the old man in the brown robe, trembling, could not even move his head as he wished and looked at Ray with trembling eyes.

To him, a saint like Ray was akin to a celestial being for black mages like him.

The ability to neutralize undead with magic and forcibly cancel magic before it even occurred was unheard of.

This surely was not human. Perhaps they had declared war on a god.

Ray looked at the trembling old man and spoke again.

You piled up mountains of corpses all your life. Now that its your turn, are you trembling with fear?

He looked coldly down at the old man.

There were no corpses around, only bloodstains.

Those corpses must have all turned into the undead in front of him.

Those undead must have been someones beloved family, children, friends, and lovers.

Having spent his life saving people, the sight of the undead wailing in sorrow made him shake his head involuntarily.

At least he could make them comfortable, which was the last respect he could pay them.

He began to gather atmospheric mana in his hands.


The flowing mana enveloping the atmosphere resonated.

Particles of mana gathered around him.

The blue light of mana gathering was a spectacular sight that made the people on the walls hold their breath.

Ray spread the mana gathered in his hands and uttered the incantation.

Extensive Cure.

The mana spread out like eyes, dissolving the floating undead particles.

Rumble! Crackle!

The army of over ten thousand undead began to scatter in the blue light of the mana.

The hot air created by the fireball and the ash seemed to have created an updraft, forming dark clouds.

Pitter patter.

A few raindrops began to fall.

Soon, the falling drops turned into a heavy rain that began to wet the ground.

The rain, combined with the blue light of the mana, seemed to wash away the sorrow of the corpses.

Rays clothes and hair, stained with the black blood of the undead, became soaked in the falling rain.

Just moments before, an intense battle had taken place, but now there were no undead to be seen around him.

People on the walls, who had lost friends, comrades, and lovers, silently bowed their heads in mourning with him.

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