Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:35 AM

Chapter 90: Another Necromancer (1)

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Chapter 90: Another Necromancer (1)

But despite Rays weighty words, there was no reaction from the surroundings.

If someone had seen this scene, they might have thought he was insane!

He wasnt some middle school syndrome patient, yet he was talking to himself in an empty room, saying, Show yourself now!

After speaking, there should have been a response, right?

Since when had the loyalty of the holy nation fallen to this level?

Ray started coughing and pointed with his finger, one by one.

You there, next to the table! You, who just came in! You, next to the ceiling! Im talking to you, pal!

Ray, who had been pointing here and there, finally glanced to his side.

And finally, you next to me, that makes seven.

The Seven Divine Guardians were surprised.

Who were they? A secretive force that protected the saint as a minority elite.

Even on the battlefield, no one had noticed their existence. Even Duke Jahad hadnt!

But the person they were serving had recognized them at a glance, even pointing out their locations and correctly identifying that there were seven of them.

Since everything had been revealed, there was no need to hide anymore.

The Seven Divine Guardians revealed themselves.

Swish- swish-

All of them were dressed in black night clothes.

The peculiar thing was that even though they had revealed themselves, their presence still felt faint.

It was like seeing a mirage. There was no sign of them, yet they were visible, an ironic situation.

One by one, they bowed before the person they were serving for the first time.

Heukyeong greets the saint.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Sayaeng greets the saint.

Cheongyeong greets the saint.

Jeokyeong greets the saint

Hongyeong greets the saint.

Soyeong greets the saint

Hyulyeong greets the saint.

When was the last time they had used their voices? Since the saint came to the holy nation, they hadnt used their voices.

Their mission was to protect the saint in secrecy without being noticed by anyone, so they thought they would not need to use their voices anymore

Ray frowned and said,

Why are all your names like that? Talk about naming sense.

Our names were given according to our characteristics.

So, you have a dark characteristic, hence Heukyeong?

And this one is small, so Soyeong?

This is not Power Rangers!

Ray sighed and waved his hand.

He didnt call them to blame their names.

Putting the names aside. The reason I called you, who had been left alone till now, is because theres a child I want you to take care of.

Then Hyulyeong answered,

Are you talking about that girl, Mary?

Yes. As you might have seen, Mary has the qualities of an assassin.

And you are going to raise her as an assassin because she has the qualities?

It doesnt mean to turn her into a fully-fledged assassin. Its just that Marys nature is that of an assassin. So, I mean, make a sword that suits that nature.

This time, Soyeong, who appeared to be a small girl, answered.

So, are you saying that the Saint just wants to teach the child skills?

Thats right! Soyeong knows very well!

Although Ray just said her name, Soyeong felt upset.

Was it because of his words, asking if her name, Soyeong, came from being small?

It was the first time in her life that her lifelong name felt unpleasant.

However, Soyeong did not show it and shook her head to Ray.

Thats impossible. We must secretly escort the Saint, so we dont have time to teach anyone.

Whats happening

Zik and Feia quickly grasped the handles of their swords, readying for battle.

Had the rebel forces reinforcements arrived? No, that couldnt have been possible; they couldnt have arrived so quickly.

Considering that the rebellion had spread not only to Celonia but across the entire Holy Kingdom, capturing the regions castles would have taken time.

White thorns appeared in their field of vision.

Iriel muttered to herself.

Bones? Magic?

Bones and magic. What happened when the two were combined?

Not just Iriel, but the faces of Zik and Feia turned pale.


Sure enough, the corpses that were strewn across the battlefield began to have their flesh stripped away by magic.

Destructive magic enveloped the surroundings, and the putrid smell of rotting corpses permeated the air.

The corpses touched by the magic all turned into undead and came back to life.

In an instant, banshees floated in the sky.



A bone-chilling cold and a piercing noise swept across their backs.


Its so cold

Just from the cold, the soldiers at the front froze to death.

The cold and the undead made no distinction between enemy and ally, killing all humans in sight.


There are undead! Ahhh!

I cant move Its too cold

Iriel looked at the scene and hurriedly activated her divine power.

Extensive Cure!


A majestic divine power purified the surrounding magic and eradicated the undead.

It wasnt comparable to Ray, but it was powerful wide-range divine magic.

Over half of the undead disappeared in an instant.

However, that was all. There were still many more corpses.

Iriel gritted her teeth and raised her divine power.

Her divine power, similar to the surrounding demonic energy, swirled around, suppressing the resurrection of the undead.

Se, Saintess!

Take advantage of this gap, Faia and Zik, hurry to the front!


Got it!

Following Iriels urgent words, Zik and Faia nodded and charged forward.

Now that the resurrection of the undead was prevented, they had to suppress the Necromancer as soon as possible.

With this amount of demonic energy used, perhaps even the Necromancer wouldnt be able to summon the Death Knight.

However, that was their misconception.

An enormous amount of demonic energy descended from the air in front of them.


Dormant demonic energy. The gleaming blood-red eyes were not something humans could contend with.

A body made of bones, and similarly, wings made of bones.

Iriel widened her eyes at this sight.

Bo Bone Dragon

A weapon that had decimated the magic era of the past.

Magic below the 7th circle was all nullified, and even the Aura Blade couldnt leave a scratch on this true form of the undead.

What kind of Necromancer had once again raised this forbidden black magic?

Zik and Faia lost their fighting spirit.

The Dragon Fear that flowed from the Bone Dragon made the word battle disappear from everyones consciousness.


With a single flap of its wings, the ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred.

The demonic energy that emanated from the Bone Dragon pushed Iriels divine power far away in an instant.

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