Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:34 AM

Chapter 91: Another Necromancer (2)

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Chapter 91: Another Necromancer (2)

A fierce dragons fury shot through their gazes!

Even though it was markedly different from a complete dragon, the one before them was indeed a dragon.

Its tremendous magical energy, fitting for its majesty, could certainly be called the cause of an eras destruction.

Zik and Pia instantly stiffened.

We must run away

A real dragon what on earth is this

Could it be that another era was disappearing like this?

Under the dragons fury, many soldiers lost their senses.

Their swords were now turned not against the rebels, but against their own allies.



Die! To die and be reborn, thats it! Hahaha!

They had already been consumed by the endlessly surging magical energy. Iriel gnashed her teeth at this sight, then gathered her holy power once more.

Holy Protect!


Immense holy energy swirled around, spreading far from her.

But it had no special effect.

Because the amount of magic spewing forth was overwhelming Iriels holy power.

Instead, that holy power caught the eye of the real dragon.


With a low growl, the real dragon fixed its gaze on Iriel.

The fear peculiar to dragons.

Even The Saintess Iriel trembled as she faced it head-on.

Shiver shiver shiver-

Then Zik firmly pressed his lips together and stood in front of Iriel.


The fear seemed slightly less oppressive as it was now divided between the two of them.

Then Pia joined in.

Ugh living to face a dragons fear Its an honor in a way, isnt it? Sniff!

Despite sweating profusely, there was a smile on his face - truly an oddball.

Iriel felt grateful to these two people.

The thought of sharing the fear wasnt something one could simply consider.

Perhaps even the fear alone could cost them their lives.

Such an act without hesitation could only come from significant trust.

Pia belonged to a family that served Iriel, but wasnt Zik from a ducal house serving The Saint?

Her gratitude was beyond words.

However, they were hardly in a position to take any action.

Merely enduring the fear was already their limit.

Then the banshees began their attack.




With a piercing scream, Ziks quick movements shielded the two from the swiftly swooping claws of the banshee.

Thanks to him, his body was torn like a piece of paper.


Lord Zik!

You fool! What were you doing!

They were already bound by the dragons fear, unable to move - what kind of action was that!

Blood gushed from Ziks mouth.

The recent attack could only have been endured because his body had been enhanced after reaching the level of a Sword Master.

A banshee was a higher-level undead monster, akin to a Death Knight.

In terms of annihilation rather than single-target combat, it was an undead that exerted greater power than a Death Knight.

How formidable would such an undead be if it attacked an immobile target?

He had wrapped holy power around his skin, repelling most attacks, but now even his body seemed to be tearing apart.

Perhaps someone like Pia would die after a few attacks.

Cough! Ptui!

Zik coughed and spat out blood.

We must buy time until the arrival of the Holy One. To claim to be his servant, one must at least be able to do that

He forcibly moved his stiff body and drew his sword.

How many times would he be able to swing this sword?

If only he hadnt been bound by the chains!

Zik glared at the surrounding undead with sharp eyes.

Soon, the undead would swarm towards the scent of blood.

Zik managed a bitter smile.

Not all Swordmasters were the same.

Even Duke Jahad was an opponent he knew he could not defeat.

If Duke Jahad had been there in his place, protecting them perhaps he would have held out longer.

Somehow, he felt grateful that the true dragon had remained passive, merely emitting its aura.

The banshee, seizing the opportunity as Zik weakened, swooped down from the sky.



Zik quickly raised his sword to block the banshees claws and, with a smooth motion, severed its hand.


Zik, gasping for breath, gave a wry grin at the banshees even louder shrieks.

Heugh Does it hurt? Heugh


With a pained cry, the banshee lunged at him again.

The undead knights, seemingly tireless, joined the assault.

The banshee aimed for his throat, while the undead knights targeted his chest and abdomen.

I cant block this.

Zik barely managed to parry the banshees strike aimed at his throat.


The cold touch of a sword was felt on the chest and abdomen that he couldnt defend in time.

Pook- Pook-

The undeads thrust had pierced holes through his chest and abdomen.

Ziks body was reduced to tatters by the wounds.

Peiah cried out in despair.

No waaaaay!!!

Iriel, too, choked up with tears as she screamed.

What are you doing! Hurry up and come here, you foolish saint!!!

The banshee attacked again, targeting the neck this time.

Zik watched with incredible speed as the banshees claws swooped towards him.

If hit, death would have been inevitable.

He tried to lift his sword, but his body wouldnt move.

Perhaps even a Swordmaster had limits, after all.

Zik let out a dry laugh.

Dying on the battlefield isnt the worst way to go.

Just as he was about to close his eyes accepting his fate.

He saw the back of someone blocking his view, faster than the banshee.

Extensive cure.


With those words, the surrounding undead began to disintegrate into heaps of ash.

The Bone Dragons demonic energy, which even Iriels holy power couldnt withstand, was devoured and eroded by Rays mana.

The dark energy around them swept away, replaced by a blue light of mana.



Along with the undeads screams, not a single one remained in the vicinity.

The Bone Dragon flapped its wings, howling.


Despite the wind that rivaled a storm and its overwhelming presence, Ray remained expressionless as he observed the Bone Dragon.

So, a necromancer still existed.

Ray began gathering a massive amount of mana from the atmosphere as he spoke.

The amount was incomparable to the mana he had drawn when healing Aira.

The atmosphere seemed to be sucked into Rays left hand.

The swirling mana shredded the nearby trees as if they were paper.

Soon, a terrifyingly dense and enormous amount of mana gathered around Rays left hand.

Feeling threatened by this sight, the Bone Dragon gathered its magic power and took a deep breath.


Zik and Iriel watched in alarm and shouted desperately.

To use a breath attack in a place like this!

A Dragon Breath! Holy one! Quickly dodge

Before they could finish their cries, the Bone Dragon unleashed its breath.


A dense, acidic breath poured out, seeming to melt everything in its path.

Trees dissolved, rocks melted.

Even the cliff that had stood in Selonia for over a thousand years was reduced to what resembled a mere hill.

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