Published at 11th of April 2024 05:09:07 AM

Chapter 98: The First Meeting Of The Three Families (1)

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Chapter 98: The First Meeting Of The Three Families (1)

Upon arriving at Ziks residence, the two were greeted at the entrance by a waiting servant.

Welcome, Saint and the Bellacroix family.

As they waved back, the servant bowed his head and guided them to one side.

Mr. Zik is in his bedroom. Please, come this way.

They followed the servant as he led the way.

Ziks residence did not have a garden or lake, but it boasted a well-furnished training ground that could be considered first-rate.

The residence itself wasnt bleak, but neither was it lavishly decorated.

The old-fashioned gray walls and the moss and vines that clung to them were harmoniously blended at a glance.

In the training ground, knights were sparring, and the sound of wooden swords clashing rang out clearly.

Ray chuckled at the sight.

The residence itself was very much like Zik.

It was a place that reflected his personality well.

As Ray stepped inside the residence, he let out a slight gasp of admiration.

The interior made one forget the quaint and refined exterior, as it was incredibly lavish.

If it was this extravagant, it could almost compare to a dukes residence.

The massive lobby and ballroom inside were the epitome of splendor.

Ray murmured to himself.

Did Zik always like such extravagance?

Euclid responded to the question.

It was the previous owner of the residence who favored the grandeur. Mr. Zik probably only had a hand in the exterior.

You seem to know quite a lot?

Its a matter of the three families, after all.

As the two conversed, they soon arrived in front of Ziks bedroom.

The servant slowly bowed his head and stepped back, and Ray opened the bedroom door.

Immediately, Zik rose to greet them.

I welcome you, Saint.

Stay lying down. Your body couldnt have fully recovered yet.

That wont be possible.

Zik said with a serious expression.

To check your condition, you need to lie down.


He promptly laid down on the bed.

Ray, with a slight smile, felt Ziks pulse.

He could feel the pulse beating regularly.

Lift up your clothes.


Zik lifted the clothes he was wearing.

A well-built body was revealed, with a tight network of great muscles among which stitches were visible.

Ray admired the sight.

Indeed, a Swordmaster is remarkable The wound has already healed so quickly

It hadnt been many days, but the wound had recovered enough to remove the stitches.

Ray extracted the mana-made stitches right out.

Zik did not make a sound, despite the likely pain.

Ray then removed the stitches from the sutured areas on the abdomen and side as well.

With this, you should have no problems with everyday activities. Just dont move too aggressively.


After Ray finished the examination, Euclid remarked.

That the wound has already healed, does it mean that even if decayed, one is still a Swordmaster?

Why has Euclid-nim come here? I am fine even without such a busy person having to come. Hahaha.

Its simply because the saint wishes to go, so I followed. I am genuinely curious where that unfounded confidence comes from, thinking that I came just to see you.

The two glared at each other coldly, growling.

Ray intervened then.

Dont fight each other. If you fight even in normal times, what will you do when it really matters?

Then, Zik and Euclid responded.

Yes. I hate people who fight each other the most in the world.

I apologize.

Once the two stopped bickering, Ray asked Zik about the room he would be staying in.

Zik then showed Ray to a room prepared for guests.

He had been walking almost all day and was thinking of washing away the accumulated fatigue and relaxing.

And in the evening, he planned to call all members of the Three Families, whom they had not properly seen face to face.

Zik of the Trey Duchy and Euclid of the Bellacroix family.

On top of that, the seven Guardians.

Zik and Euclid finally lowered their hostility.

Approaching Ray, Hongyeong knelt on one knee.

I, Hongyeong, one of the Receivers, greet the Saint.

Zik and Euclid then understood that these were from one corner of their own three families.

This is the secret group

Where and how did they train to gain such power?

Aware or unaware of their thoughts, Ray slowly opened his eyes and solemnly declared, Ive called you for an important matter.

At his serious expression, the other six members of the Seven Guardians knelt in place.

Give us your command.

The seven refined swords of the saint awaited their orders, their expressions emotionless, ready to fulfill any directive, even if it meant assassination.

They did not give their affection lightly, for even a moments hesitation caused by emotion could falter a blades strike.

Ray then gave an unexpected command to the seven.

Eat together.

The Three Families were so taken aback that they asked for confirmation.

We apologize. We did not hear correctly. Please repeat your command.

All the Seven Guardians shall dine together.

The absurdity of the order not only surprised the Seven Guardians but also Zik and Euclid.

To think that such a peculiar command was the reason he had insisted on preparing the meal himself!

Cheongyeong then spoke up, Saint, we should never reveal ourselves. Therefore

But her objection was cut short by Hyeolyeong, with her distinctive red hair, who glared at her.

Cheongyeong, are you disobeying an order?

The hint of a blade emerging from her sleeve suggested the absolute nature of orders among them.

Cheongyeong closed her eyes and acquiesced quietly.

I misspoke. Cheongyeong, I will follow the command.

I will follow the command.

I will follow the command.

Thats a relief.

What he found relieving, as he dispersed the mana from the club he had been wielding to thrash trolls, was unclear.

Cheongyeong had indeed narrowly escaped with her life.

Seated around the round table, they each wore robes of different colors.

The one in the golden robe muttered, A failure?

At his words, the red robe shouted, Do you even realize how much we have invested in this plan!

Simon got caught. Heh, heh, heh. Without the necromancer, we cannot proceed, can we?

We must do something! Now that our existence has been exposed to the old man of the Holy Kingdom, we dont have much time!

Then are we going to attack the Holy Kingdom again?

No. Since we no longer have the undead card, the Holy Kingdom has lost its strategic value. Theres no need to attack it now; it wont affect our grand scheme.

Listening quietly to the conversation, the one in the blue robe said, But now that the old man knows about our existence to some extent, shouldnt we eliminate the Holy Kingdom?

The red robe frowned and shook his head, No we cannot touch the Holy Kingdom right now.

Why is that?

The red robe trembled with fear as he spoke, There is a monster in the Holy Kingdom We cannot touch the Holy Kingdom until that monster disappears.

A monster Are you talking about the mage swordsman who killed the Bone Dragon?

Yes! Thats the monster!

Then what shall we do now? With the mage swordsman who even killed the Bone Dragon sitting in the Holy Kingdom, any plan we come up with will be futile.

There might be one way.

The others focused on the red robes words.

After a pause, he spoke up, Well send the Saint to another kingdom.

The other robes seemed somewhat reluctant to his suggestion, Send the Saint to another kingdom? What then? After sending him far away, shall we raid the Holy Kingdom?

What about when the Saint returns? Since Simon was caught, none of us has the power to confront the Saint directly.

Even Simon couldnt handle a direct confrontation. Heh, heh, heh.

To their words, the red robe quietly said, We have no other choice now. We can only hope that the Saint lives quietly wherever he goes. Besides, many kingdoms are quarreling over the Saint. Wouldnt it be good if one of them takes him and he lives peacefully?

Are you seriously suggesting that now?

To the golden robes words, the red robe shouted, Does anyone have a better idea? If you have a better plan, Ill follow you!

At his words, the golden robe and everyone else fell silent.

They had no sharp plan themselves.

How could they possibly stop a superhuman who had killed even the Bone Dragon?

If they provoked him now, it was only a matter of time before they would collapse.

It was better to wait for a proper plan to come up or until the Saint lives quietly.

Unable to contain his frustration, the red robe smashed one side of the wall.

The wall crumbled, creating a large hole.

Damn it! Where did such a guy pop out from!

He yelled, clutching his head.

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