To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 11

Published at 17th of June 2024 07:35:39 AM

Chapter 11

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The night breeze that drifted across the lake brushed past the two walking along the path. Leah attempted to break the persistent silence by sharing many anecdotes, trying to engage the man who just walked with a disinterested look.

She reminded him that this was where they met for the first time and that this was the same road they had walked on long ago. These were nostalgic moments only she had memories of.

“Six years ago in early summer. That’s when we first met.”

The season was the same as it is now. It was late in the evening, just like in the present moment. Leah stopped right where she had fallen.

She vividly overlaid the face of the man before her with the face of the young boy from the past in the exact place she had fallen.

There must be a reason why they felt like different people, and it wasn’t just the passage of time.

Leah gently caressed the hands she had clasped together and stared at him for a while

“Keep going.”

At some point, his evenly shaped lips stretched into a faint smile. His subtly ironic words flowed smoothly.

“You never memories might return as we continue.”

The vivid disbelief that came from him filled Leah with anxiety. He still refused to acknowledge the time they had spent together and the emotions they had shared.

Unable to say anything further, Leah lowered her eyes slightly.

Her faint determination that had risen earlier shattered instantly. However, when her eyes landed on a ring in the distance, she regained her courage.

“On my eighteenth birthday, you took me outside the palace.”

Leah turned her head towards the lake as she recalled the spring of her eighteenth. It was expected that there wouldn’t be a separate coming-of-age ceremony for the ward princess. But on that day, Caius informed her that he had received special permission from the Emperor.

After having lunch, he escorted Leah to the carriage, and they left the palace.

“You couldn’t leave the palace freely as a ward princess. But on that day, you mentioned that you received special permission from the Empress.”

It was their first time exploring the city’s center after coming to the empire. For that day, they both threw away their social statuses and ranks and walked hand in hand through the bustling streets, just like any other young couple in love.

For both of them, it was an exciting experience they had never felt before.

“You also mentioned it was the first time you walked through the square freely. You threw gold coins into the wishing fountain, watched the street performers and as the sun set, you walked along the riverbank.”

Leah described those moments earnestly. They were times of happiness so clear that she wanted to relive them as if they were a dream.

“On our way back to the palace in the carriage, you gave me this necklace.”

Leah delicately touched the necklace around her neck. It was an elegant silver chain adorned with white gems, a gift he had given her that day. Ever since then, she wore the necklace along with the ring he had given her, and after he left, she couldn’t bear to part with it any longer.


Leah’s gaze, hidden behind her long eyelashes, met his. Caius’ uniquely colored eyes looked down at her red lips as they moved. It was the only part of her pale face that had colour.

A soft voice hesitantly came from her lips.

“You said something to me for the first time… Me.”

Between strands of her white hair that flew in the wind, the tip of her reddened ears became visible. Just from seeing that, one could easily guess what she wanted to convey, even though it was a somewhat clumsy confession of love.

Caius smiled faintly, but as he heard that, he realized how pointless his past actions were. He was pathetic for doing such meaningless things.

He sighed lightly, not even bothering to hide his lack of enthusiasm.

“Let’s stop.”

Not wanting to hear any more, Caius ended the conversation abruptly with a cold tone. Leah, who had been contemplating what to say with various expressions on her face, froze instantly.

“Quite some time has passed. I should return now.”

It was already dark, and he had listened to her pleas enough.

Without a hint of hesitation, Caius turned and began to walk away


Leah, who wanted to say more, quickly shut her mouth.

‘I’m satisfied with how things went today. There will be other opportunities.’

She stood there like a lost child for some time, then quickly followed behind him. The moonlight shone over her face, which was covered by the darkness.


It was a hot summer afternoon. Often, the noblewomen gathered in the salon and took their seats.

And as usual, they began their trivial gossip. But they all stood up when the Empress, who arrived last, appeared.

Margarette smiled brightly and gestured for the ladies to take their seats.

Soon, a servant brought out the dessert table prepared for the ladies.

The lively conversation in the salon shifted its focus when the Baroness spoke about the Crown Prince.

“By the way, I saw His Highness the First Prince on my way here.”

Margarette calmly looked at the Baroness who brought up the topic.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen him since the coronation ceremony, but he’s still as majestic and dignified as ever. I’m looking forward to the day he ascends to the throne as the Crown Prince.”

Margarette’s long eyelashes gently flickered like a mother praising her child.

“Your words bring me joy, my lady.”

There was a slight tension in the hand holding the teacup. Instead of raising the cup to her lips, she gently tapped the top of the cup before speaking softly.

“Our First Prince had always been a suitable heir. It’s truly satisfying to see him grow so well.”

Margarette finally lifted her cup with a graceful smile.

“We hope he ascends to the throne as the Crown Prince, fulfils his duties as the heir, and welcomes the Crown Princess soon.”

At the mention of the Crown Princess, a hushed murmur rose from the noblewomen. Margarette sipped on the fragrant tea and gently placed her cup on the saucer.

One of the noblewomen exchanged looks and chimed in.

“I… Your Majesty, this might sound out of place, but… does the First Prince intend to proceed with his engagement with the princess?”

“It looks that way for now.”

As Margarette agreed, and the expressions of the ladies-in-waiting darkened.

With an awkward smile in response to their reaction, Margarette calmly continued.

“Perhaps it’s because the two have been close for a long time. And since their relationship has overcome numerous obstacles, it’s become even more affectionate.”

Margarette swept off the worried look on the noble ladies’ faces, her voice gently soothing their uneasiness.

“Of course, he is well aware that the noble ladies don’t accept the princess’s background. Sometimes, the princess makes hasty mistakes that hurt their feelings.”

The noble ladies sighed as they recalled the incident that occurred in the palace recently. It was an unforgettable incident.

They wanted to criticise her wrongdoings before the Emperor to the fullest extent, but due to Margarette’s leniency, the princess was allowed to go scot-free.

“As a mother and as the Empress, I must take her under my wing and educate her.”

Margarette ended her words solemnly, and the noble ladies sighed as usual.

‘How can she be so merciful all the time?’

The discomfort they felt towards the princess, who insulted the empire so boldly in front of an important figure, grew strongly in the hearts of the noble ladies.

“Your Majesty… truthfully, I’m afraid. If the First Prince ends up marrying the princess, that means that the child from Ainel’s lineage will truly become the Empire’s crown prince.”

“Could it be that you have no intention of getting them married?”

The noble ladies looked at Margarette anxiously. As they watched her, breathlessly waiting for a response, Margarette remained silent as if that was her answer.

She raised her eyes slightly and pursed her lips behind the teacup.

She knew very well that the collective sighs and worries of the ladies could tarnish Caius’s reputation.

If that were to happen, even as the Crown Prince, he wouldn’t gain the trust of many people.

“Nothing has been decided yet. Marriage requires His Majesty’s permission, as well as several meetings between the imperial family and the government officials. Meeting and speaking with Ainel’s side is also unavoidable.”

If the two were to marry, Margarette would be the first to welcome it with open arms. Many might try to stop it, but the process of each division and the subsequent degradation of Caius’s legitimacy would also be something she would appreciate.

But for that to happen, the princess would have to stay at Caius’s side for a long time.

Margarette’s gaze sharpened.

She still remembered when Cauis permitted her to punish the princess at the garden party in the palace. His cold expression and indifferent responses towards the princess still seemed too suspicious to let go of.

‘ I need to keep a close eye on this situation.’

Composing herself, Margarette took another sip of her fragrant herbal tea.

Caius, who had just returned from the battlefield, did not show vulnerability, and it was difficult to decode his emotions. He had matured into a man who no longer revealed his feelings.

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