To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 22

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:33:51 AM

Chapter 22

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The number of unfamiliar faces at the Western Palace had increased.


Leah Ainel leaned against the railing and silently observed the unfamiliar faces guarding the hallway. Two knights were stationed at the entrance and center of the hall.


They had appeared an hour ago, formally introduced to guard the Western Palace on Caius’s orders.


“Was there any other order from Caius?”


Leah cautiously asked Sophia by her side. There had to be a reason behind his decision.


Sophia shook her head, embarrassed by Leah’s question.


“No, Your Highness, there were no other orders.”


“I see…”


“Until today, the men guarding the Western Palace have not changed. It must be an order given for your sake, Your Highness.”


Leah nodded gently in response to Sophia’s words of comfort. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t solely for her sake.


Caius would not take such drastic measures for her.


Once again, Caius’ familiar coldness hurt Leah’s heart.


“Sophia, I’d like to take a walk in the garden later. Would you like to join me?”


Leah spoke cheerfully, trying to forget her unpleasant feelings. Sophia readily agreed.


“Of course. Let’s go down.”


Sunlight streamed through the windows, bathing the corridor in warmth. Leah thought that strolling beneath this warmth might ease her troubled heart.


However, when Leah’s determined steps approached the hall, her path was blocked.


“I apologise, but without being instructed to, Her Highness cannot leave the Western Palace.”


The knights sternly blocked her path, and for a brief moment, Leah’s face became expressionless.


As she processed the situation, Leah remained silent. Sophia, who stood behind her, spoke up.


“What do you mean? Is this being done without permission from the First Prince?”


“The order comes from the one who gave the orders, His Highness, the First Prince.”


The knight firmly reported without a hint of emotion. Both Leah and Sophia’s faces stiffened at that very moment.


Like a piece of mottled jade, Leah slowly regained her composure and moved towards the knight.


“Why did His Highness give such an order?”


“We only follow the Lord’s orders.”


The knight’s resolute response, delivered with an unwavering gaze, caused Leah’s heart to drop. The knight stood firm and refused to reveal anything.


At that moment, Caius’s stern gaze, looking down at her, seemed to overlap with the knight’s. Leah, retreating hesitantly, bowed her head in resignation.


“…Let’s return to my chambers, Sophia.”


There must be an explanation for Caius’ behaviour. He was not someone who did things without a reason.


The lack of explanation most likely had its reason. Leah’s only task was to obey his will.


The stroll, something that was optional, was now prohibited. Leah could do nothing more than comply with his unspoken intentions.


As Leah turned away, it seemed Caius had a purpose behind it. He didn’t act lightly.


There might be a valid reason for not explaining, and Leah’s task was to simply obey his wishes without question.


Sophia reluctantly followed her, unsure what to do.




Sophia, prepared to give words of comfort, bit her lip upon seeing Leah’s stoic expression, suppressing the urge to console her.


Sophia sighed, realising she had no idea what her enigmatic mistress was thinking.


Without specific instructions, leaving was impossible. It was akin to a form of imprisonment.


Sophia couldn’t figure out why such an order was given. Furthermore, with no explanation given, it was difficult to predict.


Sophia struggled to recall the master who once prioritised Leah’s wishes.


* * *


Leah was allowed to leave the Western Palace three days later, around noon. It was thanks to the previously scheduled lunch with Caius.


The knights who had guarded the hall like an impregnable fortress for the past three days personally opened the door for her.


Leah stepped gently into the bright sunlight outside the Western Palace. It felt as if it had been long since she had basked in the warmth.


As she boarded the carriage, she looked back at the Western Palace, now bathing in the fading summer light.


Even after just a few days, feeling the warmth of the sunlight on her face felt like a rare luxury.


In the carriage, Leah looked back at the Western Palace. The vibrant colours of summer were gradually giving way to the warm tones of autumn. It won’t be long before autumn arrives.


When did so much time pass? Leah’s gaze shifted darkly.


Time passed, yet nothing had changed.


Neither Caius’s memories nor the dynamics of their relationship had changed.


Nevertheless, a faint sense of anticipation lingered around Leah’s heart.


The carriage eventually halted in front of the Prince’s Palace. Leah stepped out with a light sigh and strolled down the marble path to the door.


The guard who verified her identity swung the door open. Passing through the wide-open door, Leah took in the grand hall of the Prince’s Palace in one glance.


“You have arrived, Princess. Allow me to escort you directly to the dining hall.”


A steward approached her, bowing respectfully. He seemed to have received orders from Caius in advance, guiding the princess directly to the dining hall.


Leah nodded and proceeded down the hall toward the dining room.


“He awaits you in his usual place. Enjoy your meal, Princess.”


With these words, the steward left, and Leah entered the arched doorway.


Caius was seated at the center of the dining room. It had been a week since they last met.




When she called, he looked up, head slightly lowered and arms crossed. Perhaps due to the tilted angle, his stare appeared sharper than usual.


His penetrating eyes studied Leah’s state intently.




When she hesitated, he gestured to the opposite side. Leah quickly took a seat.


“How have you been?”


He inquired with a low, composed voice. Leah blinked in surprise.


Leah had been confined to her bedroom for the past week as per his instructions.

However, he appeared nonchalant, as if he were completely unaware of the situation.


“Nothing in particular… happened.”


Leah, too, avoided discussing the incident. She didn’t want to seem as if she were prying or interrogating him about it.


“How about you?”


Instead, she inquired about his well-being. There was a sincere concern in her question, accompanied by a slight hesitation.


“I know you’ve been busy, but I hope you’ve been taking care of yourself.”


Caius’s eyes narrowed subtly. His inscrutable gaze thoroughly scrutinised Leah.


It would have been an uncomfortably long moment. However, the arrival of palace attendants with covered dishes on trolleys interrupted the tension.


“Enjoy your meal. We will take our leave now.”


Caius spoke after they departed.


“Are you deliberately doing this?”




He had an expression that suggested he found this situation rather intriguing.


“You must have questions for me.”


Leah clenched her fists as Caius referred to the questions she had deliberately kept to herself.


Why did he send guards to the Western Palace? What was she not allowed to go anywhere?


But doubts about whether she had the right to voice such questions silenced Leah.


Leah acknowledged that if she had not become Caius’ fiancee, she would never have been free from the beginning.


“…You said it yourself. That you needed a fiancee who would quietly maintain her role.”


Leah stared at him directly, concealing the familiar despair that washed over her.


“I’ll do as you wish.”


Caius remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he looked at her.


“How interesting.”


After a brief pause, he uttered something that piqued Leah’s interest. His voice was cold as always.


Strangely, he seemed satisfied, as if Leah’s response had pleased him.


As Leah began to feel perplexed by this realisation, his eyes shifted elsewhere.


After that, no substantial conversation transpired between them.


* * *


“Miss Leah has arrived at the antechamber.”


Caius looked indifferently at the envelope Victor handed him.


The constant summer rains had finally stopped, giving way to the arrival of autumn in the empire.


As a result, nobles started to invite Leah Ainel to gatherings.


It was due to the widely spread rumour in social circles about how she was to become the next Crown Princess.


While some nobles clung to their pride, others quickly changed their attitude.




Caius answered abruptly, a sour expression on his face as he returned his attention to the documents in his hands.


While reading the printed text, he thought about that woman. A faint smirk involuntarily appeared on his lips.


It had been over a month since he sent knights to Western Palace.


Occasionally, there were reports from the knights that she wished to go out for meetings, but Caius had been declining those requests.

She could only go out on days when she had lunch with Caius.


And, on days when the Empress held a gathering in the salon.




He pursed his lips.


He couldn’t decline everything, especially the Empress’s invitation.


Despite the indescribable discomfort he felt, Caius focused his attention on the memories of their previous lunch.


He could vividly picture the moment when the pale woman entered the dining hall.


“I spent time in my library. I also had tea with Sophia.”


When asked about what she did, she calmly described her daily routine.


Her amethyst-coloured eyes couldn’t hide the sadness she felt.


“Just a little more, Caius…Can’t we stay together a little longer?”


Yet, she always wished to spend more time with him.


Caius found satisfaction whenever he saw her desperate expression.


It was inexplicable, but that was how it was.


Although he felt repulsed by the memories of the past, he couldn’t help but admire the blind feelings she displayed.


He was aware of his selfish attitude, but it didn’t matter.


Caius leaned back in his chair with a look of satisfaction on his face.

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