To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 23

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:33:51 AM

Chapter 23

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As Leah stepped onto the balcony, the bright autumn sun cast a sharp glare, its golden rays painting the surroundings in a warm, amber hue.


Leah closed her eyes tightly, holding onto the railing due to dizziness.


After a while, Leah felt her vision fade into pitch black for a moment, a disorienting darkness that gradually gave way to the returning colours of the world.




Leah let out a small sigh of fatigue and touched her forehead.


Although she hadn’t been doing anything particularly strenuous, Leah’s condition has been deteriorating recently, leaving a subtle mystery lingering in the air.


Leah leaned her head softly against the railing. The cool breeze brushed against her long silver hair.


“Y-Your Highness?”


How long has she been like that? Sophia appeared out of nowhere and held her.


Only then did Leah, who had just opened her eyes, raise her head to look at the shocked Sophia before slowly rising.


“Are you okay? I was in the bedroom, wondering where you had gone.”


“I’m fine. I just came outside for some fresh air.”


“But you look quite pale….”


Sophia reached out and gently touched Leah’s forehead, her brows furrowing in concern.


“My, you have a fever!”


Leah blinked absentmindedly, a sense of lethargy dulling her usual alertness. Did she have a fever? Slowly stroking her cheek, Leah felt the warmth seeping through her fingertips, confirming Sophia’s statement. With each stroke, she became more aware of her fever.


“This won’t do. I’ll fetch the court physician right away.”


Without waiting for a response, Sophia gently supported Leah and quickly moved her away from the balcony.


After gently coaxing Leah to lie down, Sophia tucked her in with a comforting touch before leaving the room. She promptly called for the court physician, leaving no room for delay in getting help.


The young physician brought by Sophia diagnosed Leah with a cold and fever.


“For the time being, rest and take the prescribed medications after meals.”


The stern physician’s face was etched with concern as he meticulously prepared the medicine for Leah’s condition. With a nod, he assured Sophia of its potency and sent it to the Western Palace, urging immediate administration.


Leah, who was now lying in the sickbed, awkwardly mumbled under Sophia’s meticulous care.


“It’s strange. I don’t feel that sick….”


“You’ve endured so much without realising how sick you were.”


Sophia sighed as she placed a wet cloth on Leah’s forehead.


She had looked after Leah for several years and never heard Leah complain about being sick or tired.


Leah was used to enduring. She vividly remembered the countless times she had pushed through fatigue and sickness without complaint. Even as she grew older, that way of life remained the same.


“Stress is the biggest harm to health. Take a few days to rest and clear your head a bit.”


In the advice delivered like a lecture, there was an equal measure of affection. Leah looked up at Sophia, dazed.


Is this what having an older sister feels like?


Leah had three step-siblings, but she never had a connection with any of them.


The step-siblings were frightening. Their towering figures and coarse words created an intimidating atmosphere. Leah could still hear the echoes of their obscene words and the lingering fear she had after receiving a slap on the face. Even when she was younger, they were at least a head taller than Leah and would casually utter obscene words with a threatening tone.


When she received slaps with such large hands, the stinging pain would resonate through her ears, leaving her with an ache that lasted all day.


Would things have been different if they were sisters? Leah closed her eyes softly, lost in such meaningless thoughts.


A gentle hand soothing her shoulder brought her back to reality.


Embraced by Sophia’s warmth, Leah found solace, and a sense of security washed over her. In that tender moment, she drifted into a peaceful slumber, grateful for the caring touch of a true friend and dreaming of becoming an ordinary child born into a family that adored her.


* * *


“The princess has informed us that she is not feeling well and will not be able to attend today’s lunch.”


Caius walked, recalling the message he received from the Western Palace. Not feeling well? Where could she be unwell, and to what extent? Caius’ thoughts were filled with uncertainty and a slight but persistent worry that remained throughout the morning.


It bothered him more than he expected that the woman who would show up every week was not here today.


With a subtle sinking feeling, he contemplated his thoughts. He had been in this state all morning.


Suppressing thoughts that were once again trying to flow elsewhere—thoughts that dared to stray into forbidden territories. Caius refocused on the task at hand. His responsibilities as the heir to the throne demanded unwavering attention.


In the afternoon, there was a sudden summon from the Emperor.


Given the recent tension between the Empress and Lord Rueden, it wasn’t difficult to guess the reason for the Emperor’s call.


Two courtiers opened the golden door, and Caius entered the Imperial audience Room.


The Emperor, seated on the throne, nodded to welcome Caius.


“The date of your coronation will be announced soon.” The Emperor’s words hung in the air as a reminder of duty and destiny. Caius acknowledged the honour with a cold look, concealing the complex emotions that stirred within him.


It wasn’t surprising, as it was part of the scheduled procedures.


“Your Majesty, it is an honour.”


Caius placed his hand on his chest with a composed expression. The Emperor observed him with satisfaction.


“Leona would have been truly pleased if she were alive.”


At the sudden mention of that name, Caius hesitated for a moment.


A bitter feeling seeped in, but he quickly regained his composure, responding with a faint smile.


“Yes, Your Majesty. I am sure she would have been.”


Leona was his birth mother’s name.

Caius spoke as he recalled her fading image.


“Just before she passed, she clung to the hope that I would become the Crown Prince.” As Caius spoke, a subtle shadow passed over his face, a fleeting reflection of the unresolved emotions surrounding his mother’s unfulfilled aspirations.


The Emperor assigned him a new position at twelve, right after his mother’s mourning ceremony.  It seemed eagerly anticipated, given how quickly the treatment toward the departed Empress waned.


Around that period, rumours suggested that the Emperor would select his second son as the heir. The Emperor didn’t openly dismiss this notion. Simply observing the delays in confirming the heir made it obvious.


Caius, who was immersed in his education throughout his upbringing, found the outright denial of his existence to be an unprecedented event. Simultaneously, those who stood by his side began to disperse one after the other.


As the foundations he took for granted crumbled, Caius became a mere existence plagued by the Empress’ influence, and the constant threats to his position. Preserving his position became a desperate necessity, a way to gain recognition.


However, when the stakes were at their highest, an unexpected order arrived, instructing him to embark as a representative of the empire.


At that moment, it felt like Caius had given up on everything. He was still young, and the grief of losing his mother had yet to subside.


Reluctantly, he journeyed to the Ainel Kingdom. It was at the time when the two nations maintained friendly connections.


“When you announced that you intended to marry the princess, it sounded like you were abandoning your responsibilities.”


As the Emperor spoke, Caius’ brow twitched.


His thoughts became muddled. The Emperor’s words gnawed at Caius’s thoughts, causing a headache.


It felt like a thousand needles piercing him, causing Caius to clench his fists and take in a deep breath.


He looked directly at the Emperor as if nothing happened.


“As you’re aware, the period following the coronation will be the most critical.”


The Emperor, holding a teacup, began to offer solemn advice.


“Persevere through that period. Ensure you get enough rest, and you will gather momentum.”


The Emperor’s words echoed in his ears like shattered fragments. It was difficult to focus on the long conversation, but Caius maintained his composed expression.


By the time the meeting with the Emperor ended, the sun had already set.


“Your Highness, shall we return to the Prince’s Palace?”


Upon hearing the maid’s words, Caius nodded but changed his mind.


“Go to the Western Palace.”


Following his order, the carriage headed towards the Western Palace. Leaning back in his seat, Caius reflected on the day’s chaos.


He felt an uneasy sensation. It was as if something unpleasant was about to happen. Perhaps it was connected to his lost memories.


Caius stared blankly into space.


Even in his ordinary daily life, the disorder that constantly disrupted him always seemed to involve that woman.


He had accepted the truth to some extent. The discomfort he felt was less intense than before. Perhaps he had become accustomed to the presence of that woman.


The carriage stopped in the courtyard of the Western Palace, and Caius got off smoothly.




The knights at the entrance bowed to greet him. Caius nodded in response before walking towards the lobby.


“I greet His Highness, the Crown Prince.”


The palace attendants who spotted Caius led him to Leah’s bedroom.


Sophia, who was leaving her room, bowed with a shocked expression. It was understandable, given the unexpected nature of the visit.


“Princess Leah fell asleep a little while ago as she was feeling unwell.”


Sophia tried to explain the situation politely as Caius attempted to enter the bedroom. 


“I, Your Highness…”


Sophia hesitated, looking at him with a worried expression.


“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”


Sophia bowed her head, offering a sincere apology.


” Princess Leah is lying in bed, so her appearance is a bit dishevelled…”


“So what?”


At his somewhat aggressive response, Sophia looked at him, hesitant.


It would be better for him not to go inside right now. That was what she wanted to say, but it would be an intrusive interference.


As Sophia continued to murmur to herself, Caius turned the doorknob.


Sophia could not stop him from entering the bedroom.

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