To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 25

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:33:51 AM

Chapter 25

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“Your Highness, you’ve arrived.”


Upon entering the reception room, Count Brisha, who was already seated, rose to greet them.


This meeting was postponed for two months due to a variety of reasons.


After nodding to acknowledge the lady, Caius took his seat.


“Have you been waiting for long?”


“No, we just arrived.”


As they entered, a woman taking part in today’s meeting stood next to the lady and politely lifted the hem of her dress.


“Greetings to the Crown Prince. My father and I should have visited sooner. Please forgive the lateness of our greetings.”


Isabella Brisha, Count Brisha’s daughter, had red hair similar to her mother’s and gold eyes.


Caius observed the woman bowing with little enthusiasm and replied courteously.


“It’s been a while, Isabella.”


He was already familiar with her due to his long-standing connection with Count Brisha. Isabella had a big smile on her face.


“I’m delighted to be here. I was quite nervous since it’s our first meeting since your return.”


Caius simply nodded, ending the meaningless exchange.


“Please, have a seat.”


Shortly after, palace servants brought in a tea set, and as they poured hot tea into three cups, Count Brisha began to speak.


“When Queen Leona was alive, she would often bring this child along to join us for meals. I don’t know if you remember those times, considering how long it has been.”


Her voice held a nostalgic tone. Taking a moment to reflect on those times, Caius calmly acknowledged.


“I remember.”


Caius’s mother, who was friends with Count Brisha, regarded her children as her nieces and nephews. As a result, he interacted with them regularly throughout his youth.


Listening quietly, Isabella naturally joined the conversation.


“Now that Your Highness has returned, we will have more opportunities to socialise, won’t we? It would be just like when Queen Leona was still alive.”


Isabella’s lips curved into a shy smile.


Given Count Brisha’s personality, she probably wouldn’t disclose any information. However, this woman seemed aware of the purpose of this meeting.


Despite her bold attitude, which was unusual for a noblewoman, Caius had no particular interest in Isabella.


“If you wish, we can arrange that.”


Despite his desire for freedom, Caius suppressed the feeling and responded politely. In return, Isabella replied excitedly without being too enthusiastic.


“Of course, Your Highness. Then, I will make sure to visit with my father frequently.”


Isabella’s bright golden eyes sparkled with confidence and exuded an aristocratic elegance nurtured in a wealthy environment.


Caius unintentionally recalled Leah’s clear amethyst eyes.


Merely thinking about the woman’s subtle, vanishing colours brought the image of the dazzling Count’s daughter before his eyes, instantly overshadowing the noblewoman’s presence.


Caius turned away from Isabella’s distinct stare, his expression subtly darkening.


He received word of Leah Ainel’s recovery yesterday. Under normal circumstances, the weekly meals he had arranged at a fixed time should have resumed as planned.


However, it was cancelled due to today’s meeting with Count Brisha.


The subtle disruption to his daily routine didn’t make him happy.


“Your Highness, have you received the list of envoys?”


The Countess interrupted the idle conversation with a serious tone, and Caius looked up to face her.


“Yes, I have.”


“It’s an unusually large number, even after considering the entire imperial power. It signifies the immense attention Your Highness is receiving.”


The number of envoys visiting the Hercesia Empire this winter was significant.


Given that only a year had passed since the end of the conquest war, Caius, who led the Empire to victory, was now one of the most prominent figures on the continent.


Isabella subtly interrupted the conversation.


“It’s the same in social circles. Especially among the local nobility, many are curious about Your Highness’s fiancée, Princess Ainel.”


Isabella gently sipped her tea, speaking sincerely.


“I’m curious as well. Unfortunately, I haven’t formally met Your Highness’s fiancée yet. I assume an opportunity will arise soon?”


Caius finally looked at Isabella. She spoke confidently, yet for some unfathomable reason, he sensed a dark expression on her face.


“It seems you have quite an interest in my fiancée.”


Isabella, slightly taken aback by the cold stare, smiled brightly, maintaining her composure.


Setting aside Isabella’s cheerful response, Caius paused to evaluate his plans for the future.


Leah Ainel’s role, as he had decided, would last until the coronation ceremony. Until then, he intended to have her as his partner at various public events.


Around that time, he intended to have a discreet discussion with Ainel’s envoy about future arrangements and the possible alliance between both kingdoms.


After that, she would return to Ainel, and he planned to find a new spouse before the Empress made her move. The most likely candidate for this arrangement was Count Brisha’s daughter.


That was Caius’s plan from the start.


“Still, I vividly remember her being a beautiful woman.”


Isabella’s words snapped Caius out of his thoughts. While he was lost in his thoughts, Isabella brought back memories of that night.


The woman lay on the bed, looking at him with a dazed expression.


Isabella’s words were accurate; the woman was indeed beautiful. A mere thought of her awakened a beast within him.


Thoughts of her ran through his mind dozens of times.


“I like you too..”


Those few words, devoid of any seductive intent, would echo in his mind, causing a surge of desire like that of inexperienced young soldiers who couldn’t control their urges.


This had never happened before in his life.


Without denying that fact, Caius let out a faint chuckle.


“I’ve heard that Your Highness cares a lot about her. If my words sounded impolite, please forgive me.”


Isabella, feigning caution towards the silent Caius, added a careful disclaimer.

Caius smiled.


“Don’t worry, I don’t pay much attention to that.”


Despite his composed response, the corners of his lips twitched slightly.


Affection—something he hadn’t felt in a long time.


Witness accounts, occasional reminders of the past, and the unfamiliar guilt that flooded in when he unintentionally tried to touch her on the day she was lying sick in bed—all served as evidence.


Unfortunately, his current feelings weren’t of such a pure nature. Instead, he desired to taint her in the most impure way possible, to break her as he pleased.


It was a momentary infatuation, nothing more than a fleeting desire.




“Ms Leah, when you were laying sick in your bedroom, do you remember Your Highness coming to the Western Palace?”


Leah recalled Sophia’s words and climbed into the carriage leaving Western Palace.


It felt as if she had dreamt of Caius throughout. She couldn’t recall the details, but his unique scent lingered in her memory.


Was that not a dream?


Leah gazed at the distant sky from the moving carriage. She was unable to meet him yesterday due to the unexpected cancellation of lunch. Fortunately, Caius summoned her today.


It appeared that he was trying to make up for the previously postponed lunch appointments.


Leah arrived at Crown Prince Palace and quickly ascended the stairs with the guidance of the court lady.


However, she was not led to the usual dining room.


“Your Highness, Princess Ainel has arrived.”


The court lady paused outside a room on the third floor’s west side, announcing Leah’s arrival.


Shortly after, Caius’ familiar voice echoed.


“Come in.”


Leah slowly entered through the door that the court lady had opened. The room resembled a reception room.


Caius was sitting on the sofa. His calm gaze focused on Leah as she entered.


Leah sensed a subtle tension and spoke up.


“Why are we here today and not in the usual dining room?”


Before she could finish speaking, a middle-aged woman emerged from the door on the right.


She hurriedly bowed to Leah, introducing herself.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess. I am Sheri Adler, a royal seamstress. His Highness sent me to assist you in preparing suitable clothes for the upcoming banquet season.”




Leah, who had been staring at the woman, turned to face Caius.


He remained seated, calmly tapping his chin, signalling her to follow the woman.


Hesitant, Leah followed the woman into a room.

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