To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 30

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:33:51 AM

Chapter 30

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Caius noticed Leah’s cautious steps backwards and opened his eyes slightly in the dim light.


He scanned Leah with a puzzled gaze and approached with just a few steps.


“Why are you here?”




Leah was bewildered by his question. Caius, looking down on her like a fool, added,


“I informed you that today’s dinner has been cancelled.”


She hadn’t heard such words. Leah blinked in confusion as a messenger, sweating profusely, ran towards them.


“Your Highness, I went to the Western Palace, but the princess is already… Ah.”


The messenger standing behind Caius spotted Leah, opened his mouth in shock and bowed his head, not knowing what to do.


The messenger who had gone to the Western Palace had returned in vain because Leah had arrived before the scheduled time.


“It seems there’s a misunderstanding.”


Caius nonchalantly muttered, looking at the messenger before returning his gaze to Leah.


Meanwhile, a woman who had discreetly approached them spoke with a cautious smile.


“Your Highness, if you have a prior appointment, I don’t mind. Don’t worry about it.”


Leah stared at the woman with wide eyes. It was a woman with red hair and golden eyes. She vaguely remembered seeing her at a banquet but wasn’t certain.




Caius replied calmly, his eyes still on Leah.


His indifferent, unwavering gaze fixed on Leah’s face.


Although the prolonged stare seemed to be gauging her reaction, it only lasted a moment before he spoke coldly.


“The Marquis is waiting. Please hurry.”


The words were directed not at Leah but at the woman behind her.


Caius turned away, leaving Leah standing where she was. Leah finally moved, following the receding figure of the man whose eyes trembled uncontrollably.


She took only one step, but her feet felt heavy, as if mud clung to her shoes.


With great effort, Leah forced herself to walk down the corridor, her face devoid of expression.




“Princess, where are you going?”


The carriage arrived at the road leading to the Western Palace. However, after getting out of the carriage, Leah turned away and walked down the street.


A knight approached her hurriedly and offered her an umbrella. Leah lifted her head.


Looking at the knight with a puzzled face, Leah replied indifferently.


“I’m going to the lake.”


The lake wasn’t far from the Western Palace and could easily be reached on foot. It was a place where she could quietly organise her thoughts and make things okay.


“I apologise, but you’re not allowed without the lord’s permission.”


However, the knight’s stern reply brought Leah, who was dazed, back to reality.


Her formerly empty stare quickly became focused.


“Oh, right. I forgot about that….”


She couldn’t go anywhere without Caius’s permission. With the dinner cancelled, it was time to return quietly to her quarters.


And she would have to wait until he called her again.


Leah obediently turned toward the entrance of the Western Palace, and a deep sigh escaped her lips.


She felt foolish. If she had prepared on time, this wouldn’t have happened.


Leah’s eyes, looking down at the floor, closed tightly before slowly reopening.


She knew Caius had never broken a promise with her in the past, as their commitment meant more to him than any other.


The cancelled dinner came as no surprise.


However, she felt a greater sense of despair than usual.


Leah focused on the intensifying sound of rain, desperately hoping that her despair wouldn’t be visible to anyone.


* * *


After the tremendous rain, a deceptive chill settled in.


With only a fortnight left until the coronation ceremony, the meticulously crafted garments made by the tailors were brought to the Western Palace.


Leah gazed at the dresses displayed on the mannequins, each exuding splendour and beauty.


She had never worn such exquisite gowns in the Empire before. Until now, she had only worn plain, inconspicuous outfits.


“Would you like to try one on?”


The tailor who delivered the dress suggested gently. Leah nodded after a brief pause.


Thanks to the efforts of several people, it was easy to change into an elaborate formal dress.


Fortunately, all the dresses complemented Leah’s figure perfectly.


“The one you’re currently wearing is an evening dress made for the last night of the banquet. It may be less extravagant when compared to the others, but that simplicity makes it stand out even more.”


Leah looked at herself in the mirror.


The black silk dress with lace sleeves was adorned with jewels on the chest and arms.


The tailor complimented Leah, who was awkwardly fidgeting with the hem of her dress.


“You look beautiful, Your Highness.”


The black dress went well with her silver hair. It was destined to play its role as the outfit for the last night of the banquet.


While the tailor-made final adjustments to the dress, Sophia’s voice echoed from outside.


“Princess Leah, there’s a message from the Crown Prince’s Palace. His Highness has informed us that today’s dinner will proceed as planned.”


Leah’s indifferent eyes lit up. After averting her gaze from the mirror, Leah gently nodded.


“Yes, I will be out soon.”


As the tailor discreetly assisted with changing out of the evening dress, Leah, now dressed in her usual attire, hurriedly left the dressing room.


The Prince’s Palace was eerily quiet, perhaps due to the completion of all preparations for the banquet.


The court attendant guided Leah through the arched door of the dining hall.


She suddenly stopped at the entrance, gazing at the scene before her as if it were distant.


Caius was seated at the long dining table in dark imperial attire similar to his hair colour, casually reading a book.


Under the neatly swept hair, the lines on his forehead and nose were clear. His downturned eyes were as clear as ever, with no sign of cloudiness.


The murky gaze of the man who had once carelessly swept Leah onto the table, passionately meeting her lips that night, was nowhere to be seen.


As the heir to the imperial throne, he exuded an undeniably dignified presence.


Leah hesitated before approaching him. As her footsteps neared, he slowly raised his eyes.


Whether it was the result of their rare encounter or the lingering confusion in her heart, this moment felt strange to Leah.




Unlike Leah, Caius maintained his usual composed expression.


Leah, obeying his command, took her seat across from him.


Two court attendants wheeled in a trolley and placed the food on the dining table.


The clattering sounds momentarily masked Leah’s uncomfortable feelings, but when they disappeared, a deep silence settled in.


The miserable moments from the Prince’s Palace that Leah had worked so hard to forget resurfaced.


Caius lifted the knife as he began to eat, his eyes not meeting hers.


“Send me your schedule by tomorrow,” he suddenly said.


Leah, gripping her knees, looked at him.


“Your engagements will begin next week.”


“Yes, I’m aware.”


Hearing Leah’s simple and obedient response, Caius observed her quietly.


He continued eating, but Leah lowered her eyes, not touching her food.


After repeatedly squeezing and releasing her knees, Leah spoke up.




After calling him, Leah hesitated before bringing up the lingering question.


“About the young lady you were with last time.”


Caius, silently handling his utensils, looked up. Leah continued quietly, avoiding direct eye contact with him.


“Who is that young lady?”


It might be an excessive paranoia, but since that day, Leah had been feeling uneasy.


However, she understood that contemplating alone wouldn’t yield answers. She wanted to question him directly for clarification.


“Why are you curious about that?”


Having set aside his utensils, Caius leaned back in his chair with clenched fists. He had a cold expression on his face as he stared at Leah.


Leah’s hand hesitated reflexively. Following a brief moment of contemplation, she finally voiced her concern.


“I’m concerned. You being with that young lady… it bothers me.”


Caius’s pupils darkened for a moment before returning to normal.


He silently stared at Leah with his clenched fists on the table.  However, this silence was not due to hesitation or contemplation.


At this moment, he appeared to be observing something, with a casual and neat demeanour.


Leah endured the prolonged silence, swallowing the tension in the air. Hopefully, he would respond in a way that reassured her that nothing unusual was happening.


“I don’t think I have an obligation to report everything to you.”


However, the response she received was the typical indifferent answer. Leah’s pupils shook slightly.


His reply increased the unease in her heart. A question rising from the depths of her throat lingered on the tip of her tongue.


But the thought that it might be better not to ask further restrained Leah’s words.


Leah eventually stopped speaking, nodding her head to acknowledge his intention.


There must have been a reason for Caius’s actions. At least, he was not the type of man to openly embrace another woman while having a fiancée.


Even if their engagement was merely a facade, and he claimed to have no memories, his fundamental nature remained unchanged.


Leah consoled herself with these thoughts as she began to eat.


She averted her gaze, but Caius watched her with a subtle expression.


Leah didn’t notice the faint smile on his lips.

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