To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 4

Published at 17th of June 2024 07:35:39 AM

Chapter 4

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“Are you trying to establish ties with Ainel?”


Caius’ forehead furrowed, creating a palpable tension in the room.


Tap, tap. The rhythmic sound of his long fingers rapping on the desk filled the uneasy silence. After a suffocating pause, Victor responded in a sombre tone.


“No… At least, that’s not my intention.”


“That’s correct. There’s nothing to gain from such an alliance.”


Caius’ lips curved slightly, revealing a trace of wry amusement.


The Ainel Kingdom had been an enemy nation for decades, incurring the widespread resentment of Imperial citizens. Moreover, they had recently fallen from grace, losing all their former glory.


Fostering relations with them wouldn’t earn favour from anyone, not even for Caius himself. So why did this alliance happen in the first place?


Caius tried to recall the image of the woman, who had addressed him by name without hesitation.


Her fair face, distinctive silver hair, and the purple shimmer in her eyes filled his mind.


The rhythmic tapping of his hand on the desk ceased abruptly. His brow furrowed sharply.


“My lord, how about conversing directly with Princess Leah?”


Seeing Caius rendered momentarily speechless, Victor made one final attempt. Caius couldn’t continue declining Leah, who had diminished into a mere shadow of herself in just a few days.


Caius, who had fallen into a brief silence, gently pinched his forehead, narrowing his eyes indifferently.


“Are you suggesting that I should meet her face-to-face to attempt to recover my memories?”


“Well, my Lord, considering the importance of regaining your memories-“


“It seems unnecessary.”


Caius, his fingers tightly gripping the document, responded with cold detachment.


“I’m not someone’s directive and beneficial arrangement.”


While a marriage might have been a headache, they were merely engaged, and there appeared to be no need for such a measure.


“Yes, of course, but…”


Victor’s voice trailed off in the face of Caius’ cold response. Caius gazed intently at his assistant, silently prompting him to continue if there was anything more to say.






“Princess Leah.”


Leah, lost in her thoughts, stood by the serene Lake Sheron. She was approached by a handmaiden, who gently draped a shawl over Leah’s shoulders. The soft fabric felt cool against her skin.


Leah ran her hands over the shawl and then turned to acknowledge the handmaiden with a grateful smile.


“Thank you.”


The handmaiden, bowing respectfully, took a step back and discreetly withdrew. She understood that Leah preferred solitude whenever she came to this place.


As the handmaiden disappeared, Leah redirected her gaze toward the lake, taking in the tranquil waters of Lake Sheron. The moon cast a delicate, pale glow over the scene, creating a serene evening atmosphere.


This place, Lake Sheron, held sentimental significance for Leah. It was where she had first met Caius five years ago. Since that fateful day, her life has undergone a profound transformation.


The young girl who had once been despised and resented by everyone had risen to become the fiancée of the First Prince, leaving behind her humble status as a hostage.


However, Leah was acutely aware of what Caius had sacrificed by choosing her. He had given up his status as the First Prince and the formidable support he would have received on his path to becoming the Crown Prince. If he had selected a noblewoman from another prominent family, it might have been easier to counter the Empress’ attacks. He might not have been compelled to go to war.


But Caius had taken her hand and left everything else behind. He had proposed to her.


That was why Leah couldn’t bring herself to provide him with an answer.


She had always wondered if her mere presence would become a burden to him. She had lived with the fear that her existence might hinder his aspirations. If she had known it would come to this, she would have accepted his proposal, even if it had been mere words. She had never imagined he would forget her entirely.


Leah’s eyelids grew heavy as she reminisced. Memories of their days spent hand in hand along the lakeside washed over her.


Those had been happy times.


Leah’s breath caught in her throat, and a rustling in the bushes startled her, causing her to turn her head instinctively.


A man was walking along the lakeside path. It was Caius, drawing nearer like a mirage, much like in the past.




Leah uttered his name in a daze, quickening her steps as she approached him.


The weight that sat on her chest, making it difficult to breathe, vanished in an instant. As Caius gazed at her, his face bathed in moonlight, Leah felt as though she could finally breathe freely once more.


Dressed in training attire instead of armour, Caius emitted a much more martial presence than the youth in Leah’s memories. The snug-fitting black clothing accentuated his formidable physique.


Unconsciously, Leah felt an odd sense of unfamiliarity as she stood before him.




Similarly, Caius, who had also halted in his tracks, lowered his gaze without uttering a word. His eyes moved slowly over Leah, devoid of any discernible emotion.


Though Leah couldn’t read any emotions in his eyes, she knew he wasn’t pleased at the very least.


“Why are you here?”


As expected, his response was cool and distant. Leah didn’t waver and took a step closer.


“I came for a walk. And you…?”


At that moment, Caius’s eyebrows noticeably furrowed.


As if it were an unspoken command to maintain distance, Leah ceased her advance.


Caius tilted his chin slightly and responded formally, “Then, please, continue your walk.”


He proceeded to walk past Leah without further acknowledgement. His stride was resolute, and he didn’t look back after their initial encounter. Desperately, Leah reached out her hand.




With Leah firmly holding onto his large hand, Caius, his brows furrowing, turned his head to gaze down at her.


With a hesitant expression, Leah posed a cautious question, “Could we stay together just a little longer?”


She yearned for a conversation, even if it were brief. It seemed this might be her only chance to engage with him properly.


However, even in the face of Leah’s earnest plea, Caius remained silent, his eyes remaining cold.




Caius gently squeezed the hand gripping his and finally spoke, his tone unfamiliar and distant.


“I’m not entirely sure how close we were in the past, but if our relationship still holds any validity, it could lead to complications.”


His voice lacked warmth and carried an air of detachment, like a sharp arrow piercing Leah’s ears.


“You were merely a caregiver from Ainel.”


With that, he released Leah’s hand, slowly closing his eyes as if weary, and issued a cautionary statement.


“I hope you won’t overstep unnecessary boundaries.”


Leah’s outstretched hand clenched into a fist. She wanted to say something, but her voice barely escaped her lips.




Struggling to speak, her breath constricted, making it impossible to continue. Caius, who had been indifferent, soon turned away, gradually moving farther from her.


With teary eyes, Leah finally managed to release the breath she had been holding. She couldn’t hold onto him any longer. His words had reminded her of the harsh reality she had been trying to ignore.


Caretaker. His words were true. To him, she was merely that. Understanding this was one thing, but accepting it was another. She found it difficult, especially as he seemed to be vanishing into a different world.


“Princess Leah, it’s been quite some time. You should return now.”


After Caius had completely disappeared into the darkness, a maid who had been standing at a distance approached and gently urged her. Leah finally moved.


“…Yes. I should go now.”


Leah mumbled softly and took a slow step away.




In the opulent reception room adorned with ornate furniture and decorative cabinets, Empress Margarette elegantly adjusted her blond hair. Despite having an adult son, Margarette Elizabeth Hercesia appeared remarkably youthful and possessed a graceful figure. Her gentle face carried a constant air of nobility.


“So, you’re telling me that the First Prince hasn’t sought his fiancée at all?”


Her soft-spoken words, respectful as if addressing a subordinate, accentuated her regal presence.


A maid, standing nearby, lifted her head to respond to the question.


“Yes, Your Majesty. I’ve heard that since His Highness the First Prince’s return, he hasn’t visited the Western Palace, where the Princess resides, even once.”


“Hmm… Is that so?”


Margarette’s eyes briefly displayed a hint of displeasure.


However, it was a fleeting expression, and she quickly resumed her benevolent countenance, her red lips curving into a smile.


“Thank you. You may leave now.”


“Yes, Your Majesty. I shall take my leave.”


The obedient maid retreated, and as soon as she turned her back, Margarette’s countenance turned chillingly cold.


She muttered in a voice that seemed to be smiling while also sending shivers down one’s spine.


“What should be done about this…”


The First Prince, Caius, had returned. Despite waging a war with limited chances of success, he had come back unscathed, with no injury to his name.


From the moment reports of consecutive victories on the frontlines reached her ears, impatience began gnawing at her. The Emperor, who had always been reserved when it came to the issue of succession, had finally shown his trust in the First Prince.


‘This cannot happen. Diego has not yet secured the position of Crown Prince, and if that wretch has returned…’


For three long years, she had failed in her relentless efforts to ensure her son, Diego, became the Crown Prince. If Caius returned without delay, the Imperial succession would undoubtedly return to his favour.


Therefore, as a contingency plan, she had hastily dispatched assassins to the fortress where Caius was expected to linger on his way home.


However, even after attempting an assassination using lethal poison in extreme doses, Caius returned completely unharmed.


Seeing Caius return in such excellent health if not perfect health, Margarette knew she had to wear him down relentlessly.


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