To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 43

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:37:02 AM

Chapter 43

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“Your Majesty, how wonderful it must be to have such joyful events occurring simultaneously.”


The Empress’s salon opened its doors on the appointed day.


The seated ladies looked at Margarette with bright smiles.


“With the Crown Prince’s engagement and now the second prince’s engagement date set, could there be any greater joy?”


Margarette, seated at the head of the table, responded to the ladies’ congratulations with a benevolent smile.


“It’s all thanks to the care and attention from you, dear ladies.”


Shortly after Caius’s engagement was decided, Diego’s engagement date was also set.


With these significant events in the royal family following the Founding Festival, the Empire would continue to be in a festive mood for some time.


“Your Majesty, when do you plan to invite the eldest daughter of the Brisha family to the salon?”


Suddenly, the Duchess sitting next to the Empress shifted the topic.


Not just the Duchess, but all the ladies present eagerly awaited the appearance of Caius’s future fiancée.


It was a stark contrast to when they had previously hidden their displeasure, unable to conceal their discomfort at the mere sight of a hostage.


Margarette, feeling slightly displeased, still smiled kindly.


“She is likely busy preparing for the engagement, so I wouldn’t want to burden her unnecessarily. Once the engagement ceremony is successfully completed, I will send an official invitation to the Brisha residence.”


“I see. I hadn’t thought that far. As expected, Your Majesty is wise.”


Margarette smiled in response to the formal praise and took a sip from her teacup to hide her butter expression.


Various topics were discussed across the table.


From recollections of the Founding Festival, new business ventures, to plans for donating to the church for the New Year—nothing particularly special.


However, the atmosphere of the salon was noticeably more cheerful than usual.


“I don’t know if I should say this, but it feels like the salon is finally back to normal. It must be because the one who disrupted the atmosphere is gone, right?”


“You’re absolutely right. It was quite a burden to have someone with no qualifications among the women of the royal family.”


The ladies sharply criticized the absent hostage without explicitly mentioning her name.


They praised Caius for the wise decision to remove her immediately upon his ascension, even those who had previously been displeased with him now smiled contentedly.


The more they praised Caius, the sharper Margarette’s mind became.


The salon, which had lasted a little over an hour, wound down in the afternoon.


After the ladies left one by one, Margarette remained in the drawing room, lost in thought.


‘So, what do you plan to do with Princess Ainel?’


Not long ago, the Emperor had called Caius to ask about the disposition of the hostage.


Margarette, who had been present at the time, had to mask her expression upon hearing Caius’s unwavering response.


‘The princess will remain in Seobyeolgung under my authority.’


It wasn’t hard to understand the true meaning behind his calm response. Despite the formal tone, it essentially meant he intended to keep her as his mistress.


Margarette stroked her chin thoughtfully.


It seemed his heart hadn’t completely left the hostage, even after ruthlessly breaking off the engagement post-coronation.


His selfish ambition to hold onto both power and love was reminiscent of the Emperor himself.


Feeling a bit amused, Margarette tapped her chin.


Given the situation, perhaps the hostage still had some use.


And that could potentially lead to significant consequences.


Having reached a conclusion, Margarette promptly issued an order to the head maid.


“Bring Princess Ainel to me.”


* * *


Leah, who had been brought out from her bedroom, descended to the first-floor lobby for the first time in a very long while.


She had been summoned by the Empress. Perhaps because it was a direct order from the Empress herself, even the knights of Seobyeolgung did not prevent Leah’s outing.


With an expressionless face, Leah stepped out of the entrance.


Though the Empress would hardly call her for anything good, Leah felt no emotional stirrings.


Her mind was simply numb. She had been in this state ever since Caius left for his tour.


Quietly stepping into the carriage, Leah watched the changing scenery from the palace.


After several slow blinks of her heavy eyelids, the carriage soon arrived in front of the Empress’s palace.


“Please, follow me.”


The head maid of the Empress’s palace guided Leah to the drawing room.


Led by the head maid like a lifeless doll, Leah stopped in front of a drawing room.


“Your Majesty, I have brought the princess.”


“Show her in.”


At the head maid’s report, an immediate response came from within. Leah slowly stepped inside through the opening door.


Seated at the large round table, Margarette was savoring the tea just poured by a maid.


With a slow glance, Margarette looked at Leah with a gentle expression.


“You may leave now.”


Following her command, all the maids exited the drawing room. Only after the door closed did Leah slowly approach the table.


“Greetings, Your Majesty.”


She offered her quiet greeting, and Margarette looked at her with a subtle expression before nodding.


“Come, sit down.”


As Leah seated herself across from her, Margarette spoke in a familiar tone.


“You’ve grown quite haggard since I last saw you. It seems you’ve had quite a hard time.”


Her tone was almost caring. Leah shook her head as she rubbed her hands on her knees.


“No, it’s nothing.”


“You don’t have to pretend to be fine. After all, it’s just you and me here.”


Margarette smiled as she raised the teacup to her lips. Leah looked at her briefly before averting her gaze.


Even trying to decipher Margarette’s true intentions was exhausting at this point.


“Caius told me. He said he plans to keep you in Seobyeolgung.”


However, when Caius’s name was mentioned, Leah couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter.


A fleeting sadness passed through her darkened eyes.


Noticing this small change, Margarette spoke in an even more serious tone.


“Princess, I understand very well how you must feel right now.”


Leah’s gaze lifted slowly. Margarette, meeting her eyes, continued in a kind tone.


“You know, don’t you? I was once in a situation similar to yours. Although my circumstances were better than yours, the despair of not being able to fully possess the one you love is the same, isn’t it?”




“Especially since you once had Caius’s heart all to yourself, it must be even more painful to realize you now have to share it.”


Margarette knew better than anyone how a moment of jealousy and resentment could trigger a tremendous impulse.


She had once been swept up in misguided hatred, making the wrong choices to deceive the Emperor.


How much more, then, must this poor hostage suffer?


Having endured life in the Empire solely by relying on Caius, the betrayal she felt must be indescribable.


Resentment and jealousy would eventually grow into hatred.


Margarette decided to exploit this fact.


“I have done many terrible things to you over the years. But seeing things turn out this way, I feel a sense of regret.”


Her voice, comforting Leah, was as kind and benevolent as anyone could be deceived by.


“If you ever need anything, come to me. Caius will be focused on his fiancée for the time being, so he won’t be able to take care of you as he used to.”


Leah’s eyes briefly flickered with confusion. Satisfied with the effect, Margarette gave her final advice.


“Don’t misunderstand my intentions. This is merely empathy for a woman in a similar situation as myself.”


Leah left the drawing room and walked down the corridor with a complicated expression.


Even taking a few steps drained her energy. She paused to catch her breath before moving forward slowly again.




She couldn’t discern the Empress’s true intentions. However, she didn’t believe the seemingly comforting words were sincere.


Nevertheless, every word Margarette had mentioned stung Leah’s heart.


The despair of not being able to fully have the one you love.


Leah closed and opened her tired eyes slowly, standing before the staircase. At that moment, someone grabbed her from behind.


“Well, well, who do we have here?”


Startled, Leah turned her head to see who was holding her wrist. Her already somber expression hardened instantly.


“Princess, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”


Diego, with a mocking laugh, tightened his grip on her wrist. 

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