To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 44

Published at 18th of June 2024 08:37:02 AM

Chapter 44

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“What brings you to the Empress’s palace? You won’t be invited to Mother’s salon anymore.”


“Let go of me.”


Of all the people she could encounter, Leah’s luck had run out meeting him. She twisted her wrist, but Diego just laughed, not backing off.


“Come on, let’s at least have a cup of tea. I’m sure we have a lot to talk about.”


Looking at the nonchalant Diego, Leah responded firmly.


“I have nothing to say to you, Your Highness.”


“Nothing? Are you sure about that?”


Annoyed by her firm answer, Diego yanked her wrist, pulling her closer.


People passing by in the corridor began to glance at them. Leah gritted her teeth and tried to shake her arm free, but Diego ignored her and continued.


“How do you plan to keep acting so haughty after being so ruthlessly dumped by my brother?”


“Let go of me.”


Diego chuckled, watching her struggle, and leaned in to whisper.


“Do you know? If I dragged you away by force right now, no one will stop me.”




“You’re no longer my brother’s fiancée or anything significant. What does it matter what happens to someone like you?”


Leah’s movements halted. She looked up at Diego with a fierce glare, but inside, she felt a wretched turmoil.


Diego was right. Now that she was no longer engaged to Caius, she was a worthless presence in this place.


Even if something happened to her, Caius wouldn’t come to save her.


The strength slowly drained from Leah’s hand. She wanted to fight back, but her body wouldn’t move as she wanted.


She lowered her gaze darkly, closing her mouth. Diego, observing her helpless state, raised an eyebrow.


“This isn’t as fun as I thought it would be.”


Ignoring Diego, Leah turned her head, enduring the moment. This was the Empress’s palace, and if a commotion occurred, it would surely reach the Empress’s ears. Perhaps it was better to let things escalate quickly to resolve the situation.


With a sigh, Diego finally let go of her wrist, his eyes lingering on her downcast face.


“Don’t worry. Forcing someone against their will isn’t my style.”


Instead, he began to gently stroke Leah’s drooping hair. Leah turned her head, not reacting much, her mind too tired to respond to his madness.


“So, Princess, how do you feel about everything turning out as I predicted?”




“Didn’t I tell you? My brother can discard you anytime he wants.”


Leah’s empty eyes faintly wavered. Trying to hide her distress, she hardened her gaze even more.


“Well, it’s not that surprising. You may not know this, but my brother is obsessed with the throne. He’ll cut off anything that doesn’t help his power.”


Diego stroked Leah’s hair before touching her cheek. Leah finally pushed his arm away forcefully. She despised his touch, finding it repulsive.


Diego’s eyebrow raised slightly at her blatant disdain, but he smirked as he withdrew his hand.


“Think it over carefully. Don’t dismiss it outright.”


As Leah turned to leave, Diego grabbed her arm again, whispering from behind.


“As I said before, if things get tough, you can come to me.”


Diego’s voice was oddly sincere, despite the revolting proposition.


“Unlike my brother, I don’t care about power. Whether we get engaged or married, I will cherish you consistently.”




“What do you think? Imagine getting revenge on my brother for abandoning you by teaming up with me.”


Leah twisted her lips in disdain, summoning all the contempt she could muster as she looked back at him.


“Even if Caius abandoned me, I would never, ever go to you.”


“Never ever?”


“Yes, never.”


Diego’s face contorted for the first time. He forced a smile onto his lips.


With a bitter laugh, he leaned closer, glaring into Leah’s eyes.


“Still hung up on my brother, huh? Fine.”


He gripped Leah’s cheek with one hand, ignoring her resistance as she turned her head.


“My brother is about to get engaged, and soon he’ll be married. The Emperor warmly welcomes his new fiancée. And why wouldn’t he?”


“Let go of me!”


“The whole empire will celebrate their marriage. They’ll be a blessed couple, far more than when you were his fiancée. You’ll have to watch the man you loved for years be happy with another woman. I wonder if you can still act so proud after that.”


Looking up at Diego’s maliciously gleaming eyes, Leah’s trembling hand fell limp.


Why was everyone so cruel to her? She had already suffered enough, how much more pain would it take to end?


Leah closed her eyes tightly, enduring the pounding headache. She was utterly fed up with everything.


“Don’t be stupid, think carefully. There’s no one left here to take your side.”


Even as Diego released her, he delivered one last insult.


The reality she already knew hit her like a dagger from Diego’s lips.


* * *


The Crown Prince’s first schedule after his ascension concluded smoothly.


Starting with Ramos, a territory in the northeast of the capital, Caius toured a total of three territories before departing for the capital on the appointed day.


The procession, led by Caius, crossed the boundary into the capital without hesitation.


After traveling for half a day through the capital, the procession finally arrived at the Imperial Palace.


The guards bowed deeply to Caius and immediately opened the gates.


“My lord, shall we head directly to the Imperial Palace?”


Edgar, who had been following Caius into the main road, asked discreetly.


Caius paused momentarily, then nodded and directed his horse toward the Imperial Palace.


“Yes, let’s do that.”


Although he wanted to check on the woman who had been haunting his thoughts throughout the tour, the scheduled report came first.


After all, that woman would be quietly in her place.


Caius concluded this as he stopped his horse in front of the Imperial Palace.


However, even as he passed through the hall, he couldn’t stop thinking about Leah.


He recalled the last night before his departure, seeing her collapsed on the bed, barely breathing.


Even after taking her greedily and leaving, it seemed insufficient, as he found himself constantly imagining her throughout his tour.


His usually firm lips twisted in self-mockery.


He despised the kind of men who couldn’t control their desires and were aroused anywhere. Yet, how was he any different now?


Caius tried to ponder how he had become such a pathetic sight but quickly gave up. It wouldn’t change anything now.


His desire for Leah Ainel wouldn’t easily disappear.


With a deep sigh, Caius quickened his steps. He planned to go to Seobyeolgung immediately after reporting to the Emperor.


He climbed the stairs and entered the corridor leading to the audience chamber. Just then, someone called him in a surprised voice.


“Your Highness, the Crown Prince?”


Caius, breaking from his heated thoughts, saw Isabella standing before the audience chamber.


Isabella, who had knelt to greet him, looked at him with a delighted expression.


“Have you just returned? I thought I might see you before leaving… The timing worked out well.”


Caius, his gaze suddenly darkened, looked at Isabella indifferently and asked.


“What brings you to the Imperial Palace, Lady Isabella?”


“The Emperor summoned me. He has something to discuss about the engagement. Since we ran into each other, we can go in together.”


Smiling brightly, Isabella naturally extended her hand. Caius, now wearing a completely cold expression, took her hand.


Soon, the attendant outside announced their entrance.


“Your Majesty, the Crown Prince and the eldest daughter of the Brisha family request an audience.”


Shortly after, the doors to the audience chamber opened.


The Emperor, seeing the two entering together, nodded without surprise.


“I specifically summoned Isabella to coincide with the Crown Prince’s return. It seems you met on your way here.”


Since the engagement was decided, the Emperor had visibly approved of Isabella.


As the daughter of the Brisha family, a family of meritorious retainers, she was the perfect candidate for the Crown Princess in the Emperor’s eyes.


For some reason, this fact began to irk Caius, but he skillfully pushed aside the formless discomfort.


It was a mutually beneficial engagement he had decided on. There was no reason for it to bother him now.

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