To You Who Forgot Me - Chapter 8

Published at 17th of June 2024 07:35:39 AM

Chapter 8

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Huge thanks to Alyce for the kofis! (3/3)


The summer morning sun poured in diagonally. Leah, who had hardly slept the previous night, stood by the window, lost in thought.


The season when Leah first met Caius had returned. Leah loved this dazzling summer more than any other season.


The azure sky, the warmth enveloping her body, and the sunlight-drenched serene waterways—all were a season entirely reminiscent of him.


As she opened the French windows wide, a warm breeze flowed in, causing Leah’s hair to sway gently.


Leah closed her eyes slowly, trying to forget the subtle headache that had been plaguing her. She took a deep breath.


“Milady, may I come in?”


At the appointed time, a palace maid carrying a basin of water knocked on the door. Leah, who had just opened her eyes, replied a moment later.


“Yes, please come in.”


After receiving the water from the maid for her morning wash, Leah headed to the dressing room.


She changed out of her dress and slipped into her everyday clothes, while the maid quickly arranged her hair.


Leah silently entrusted her head to the maid as she sat there. The sound of hair being neatly combed was the only thing that filled the small dressing room.


It was when she had completed her preparations that she stood up, and someone abruptly entered her bedroom.


“Lady Leah, His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Caius, is here to see you.”


Upon hearing the message from the palace attendant, Leah’s initially vacant expression gradually transformed into one of curiosity.


Since the royal banquet a few days ago, Leah had spent some time at the Prince’s Palace, but she hadn’t seen Caius again.


Why had he come to see her? Leah unconsciously clenched her hands, which had been empty just moments ago. His visit had been welcomed a few days earlier, but now she felt a sense of unease.


When she felt the gaze that seemed to question her as she stood still, she slowly began to move.


Caius was waiting for her in the drawing room.


Seated on the sofa, his head slightly bowed, he looked up as she entered, his gaze meeting hers. The room, which had seen her last time they met, felt different.


As Leah, attempting to hide her nervousness, took a seat across from him, Caius spoke in a dry, emotionless voice.


“My apologies.”


Leah’s mind immediately raced to the topic of their engagement. A sudden hunch made her heart sink. She felt that Caius had come for no reason but to discuss the impending breakup.


She asked, her voice wavering, “What brings you here?”


Upon swallowing her growing sense of foreboding, Leah lowered her gaze subtly. While Leah remained tense, Caius appeared calm and collected.


“I have a proposal for you,” he began, which was somewhat unexpected.


Leah’s curiosity was piqued, and she raised her eyes to look directly at him.


He continued without giving her much time to think, “Stay as my fiancée. I, too, will treat you as before.”


Rather than the anticipated topic of their engagement, Caius seemed to be proposing something else entirely. Leah’s eyes, hardened by anxiety, widened ever so slightly. Her deep violet irises quickly transformed into pools of uncertainty.


The gaze she met was devoid of any affection. Caius’s voice was devoid of any emotion. His expression mirrored the last time she had seen him.


However, Leah couldn’t fathom why he was making such a proposition. There was no hint of the love he had just denied.


Why was he saying this? Leah asked with a shaky voice, “Why? Have you changed your mind? Just a few days ago…”


His sudden change of heart was baffling and difficult for her to comprehend.


Despite Leah’s confusion, Caius calmly replied, “I’ve realized I need you.”


His gentle tone had an unexpected effect on Leah. She couldn’t comprehend his motives, and yet, his words struck a chord within her heart.


With trembling irises that betrayed her emotions, Leah pursed her lips. Caius leaned back against the sofa, his manner as relaxed as ever, as if he were giving her time to process his words.


“Why do you need me?” Leah finally asked.


Caius still had not recovered his lost memories of her. His detached gaze and unfeeling expression confirmed that. With a single word, he had shaken her, making her wonder about his true intentions.


Leah couldn’t hide her fluctuating emotions and had tightly pursed her lips. Caius, with his indifferent demeanour, paused for a moment, allowing his gaze to linger on her before leaning back in his seat.


“You will help me recover my memories.” 


He finally spoke, and his words ended the tense silence.


“If that’s what you want,” his lips curved faintly into a half-smile. Simultaneously, his gaze shifted downward, focusing on Leah’s hands where a ring, intimately familiar to him, rested.


He continued, “I think it’s not a bad proposal for you, either.”


Caius stood with his head held high, his tone steady as he spoke. He seemed to already know that Leah wouldn’t refuse, addressing her in a manner that indicated that.


His relaxed gaze seemed to see through her, even reaching her heart, which still loved him despite everything.


Leah, clutching her hands that lay on her knees, subconsciously touched the ring. Eventually, she gave the answer he desired.


“I’ll do as you wish,” she finally replied.


Leah could still clearly recall the moments she had shared with Caius. Even if he had lost his memory, those times hadn’t disappeared.


She wanted to share those memories with him. Even if he intended to use her, she was willing to be used.


“Soon, there will be something I’ll need you to do,” he said.


Seeing that Leah had accepted, he got up from his seat. When he turned to leave as he had earlier, Leah nodded slowly. After she acknowledged his departure, he walked away gracefully.


Leah continued to watch his receding back, capturing the image in her memory.


** * **


From that day onwards, they began attending official functions together.


“Lady Leah, His Highness the Prince has arrived,” Sophia announced as she entered the bedroom with a tray.


Leah, sitting quietly after getting dressed, nodded and rose from her seat. Caius was fulfilling his role as her fiancé as planned.


He had come to escort her as scheduled and played his part as her fiancé in every way possible.


“Are you alright?” Sophia asked with concern as Leah was about to leave the room. Lately, Sophia had been asking Leah such vague questions now and then. Her worried eyes contained unspoken questions that she couldn’t voice.


Leah could vaguely sense Sophia’s concerns.


“I did manage to sleep, but can you tell?” Leah replied, avoiding a direct answer.


With that response, she could convey her feelings without revealing everything. Sophia read the implied message in her faint smile.


“Oh, no! You look stunning, as always. You should go out now. His Highness is waiting.”


Feeling the need to move on quietly, Leah understood Sophia’s sentiments. Sophia withdrew, leaving the room.


Caius stood on the opposite side of the living room, leaning against the wall.


He gazed intently at Leah as she entered. His eyes, which were firm and unyielding, appeared exceptionally clear today.


‘Were his eyes really that shade of blue always?’


As Leah’s eyes captured his image, he approached her in just two steps, extending his hand.




He had an icy aura, but his manner was resolute. Leah gazed at his hand, a gesture she couldn’t help but recall in such moments.


Long ago, a warm, affectionate boy used to call her name and hold her hand.




Leah felt as though she heard her name being spoken. However, the man gazing at her was anything but that warm-hearted young boy; he was cold and distant, like a snowy mountain peak.


Her lilac eyes, which had momentarily lost focus, slowly regained their clarity. Leah gathered her thoughts and took his offered hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Caius, who briefly gripped her hand, began walking as they held hands. Their footsteps echoed on the floor.


As they walked, Leah held onto his hand, struggling to catch her breath, and seemed to grow distant with each step. Her grip tightened, unconsciously clutching his hand.


His hands had toughened and roughened during his long presence in foreign lands. As Leah held them, her fingers lightly grazed an old burn scar on the back of his hand.


Once, a girl, acting on the Empress’ orders, had pretended to spill hot tea. She had spilt it on herself, but Caius had quickly enveloped her, taking the scalding liquid in her stead.


Fortunately, his arm was shielded by his clothing, but his defenceless hand had borne the brunt, leaving behind a faint burn scar.


Leah still felt guilty about it.


Each time she looked at that scar, Leah couldn’t help but remember.


“I’m sorry. It’s because of me…,” she had whispered with remorse, gently caressing the scar. Caius, who had suddenly turned to face her, planted a sudden kiss on her lips.


“Stop apologizing. I told you not to,” he had murmured to the surprised Leah, kissing her until she forgot her guilt.


She remembered how he had kissed her with such intensity.


Returning to the present moment, as Leah gazed at the scar on his hand, memories from their past came flooding back. Caius, who was engrossed in the past, tightened his grip.




Caius suddenly released her hand as if something he shouldn’t touch had been reached.


Leah, who opened her eyes wide in surprise, raised her head. Caius narrowed his brow and looked at her hand as if in a daze, displaying a distasteful expression.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!