Published at 5th of January 2019 10:18:38 PM

Chapter 57

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"Village Chief, let me introduces you to this young friend here." Big brother Li quickly approached the Village Chief when they reach his house. Outside of his place, a few heavily injured villagers is moaning in pain due to the earlier battle against the bandits. Some of them still continue to bleed due to the serious open wounds.

While Big brother Li is inside the house talking to the Village Chief, Zhang Wu Ji who stands outside went over to one of the villagers and activated his Small Nourishment Art to heal the target from his serious injuries. Given the recovery properties from the Strands of Inner Qi, it quickly stitched his wound together before healing the flesh and get them back together.

Moving from one person to another, those that healed by Zhang Wu Ji earlier kneeled right before their benefactor as he attending the other's need. With only 230 Strands of Inner Qi needed, it was barely three stands of Fighter Qi he needed to spent in healing them. Plus doing good to non-cultivating population is a good thing to raise his karma.

With everyone is recovered, the bowl of Scarlet General Wine is no longer needed. Before this, the Village Chief is complaining in his heart because these collection of wine were important for the generals in the Southern Imperial Kingdom as the war will starts whenever a kingdom tried to invade them. But base on the situation now, it was wasted to pour them out from the wine jar, as the fermentation seal has been taken off for consumption purposes.

Looking at the situation, Big brother Li speaks on behalf of the Village Chief, asking the youth to introduce himself.

"Greeting, Village Chief. This junior is Zhang Wu Ji, a Master Senior from the Seven Star Sect in Seven Star County. I am sorry to bother Village Chief even in such a situation." Zhang Wu Ji bowed and clasp his hand together to greet the elderly. Such a manner are likable by everybody, no matter where they go.

"Welcome to this small village, Master Senior Zhang. How about trying this wine that was supposed to give to those injured people? This is the best treasure of our village I would say." the Village Chief that already knows Zhang Wu Ji's existence invites him to have a bowl of the Scarlet General Wine. The moment he holds the earthenware bowl with both hand, a panel of description out, giving him some additional happiness.

10 Years old Inner Demon Slaughtering Wine (Branded Product)

-Usage 1: When this wine is drunk by cultivator and non-cultivator heading to their death, immediately removes their fear in accepting their ill fate. If the ill fate is escaped through their own power, increase their cultivation by one stage permanently. (increment only effective once)

-Usage 2: When this wine is drunk by cultivator before advancing their cultivation, immediately destroys the Inner Demon that might manifest from all the negativity hidden deep within the body.

-Durability: -/-

-Special: If the vine is taken by people with injuries, increase their healing rate for one hour.

"Thank you, Village Chief." Zhang Wu Ji said his thanks before he gulps down the bowl of wine before he returned the bowl to the chief's servant, or perhaps daughter if he guessed it by a mistake. At that moment, Zhang Wu Ji felt a surge of cool sensation flowing into his body, as if they were trying to clear the negativities within his body.

As for that reason, it was because Zhang Wu Ji's cultivation of his Tyrant Martial Body is filled with intense hatred that will cause a person to goes berserk almost instantly from the starting of the cultivation! With a body of 13% progress, how can he not possess an intense amount of Inner Demon residing right inside his bones and flesh?

Blood red vapors evaporated from his body as Zhang Wu Ji quickly sits and begin his meditation. Each minute passes like an hour, as the red vapors continue to flow out from his body until he was fine. When Zhang Wu Ji stand's up, he faced the Village Chief and gave him a sincere bow.

The villagers were questioning his intention of doing so, but unfortunately, they're not the cultivator himself.

By drinking just a bowl of the Inner Demon Slaughtering Wine, the effectiveness of the product actually get rid of all the Inner Demon in his body in that short meditation. If he did not encounter such a fortunate event, won't the completion of his proper Tyrant Martial Body be delayed for another half a year or so?

"This wine... I wonder can it be taught to people that aren't from this village?" Zhang Wu Ji is surprised and knows it will be stepping past the border between kindness and a request, but with such a miraculous wine, not only he can make sure he will able to achieve the Tyrant Martial Body, but it will also help in controlling the possibility of him entering the Berserk state.

"Master Senior Zhang, this elder afraid that, even if I teach you how to do it, it will be impossible... How about... Following this elder to the source of the Scarlet General Wine?" the Village Chief shows a very difficult expression. It was like he can teach, but it won't be the same thing. Plus, the sentences Zhang Wu Ji said made him felt difficult to comply because even himself are limited to enjoy such a treasured wine.

Entering the Village Chief's houses, a secret door is unraveled to the people within the room. In a pull of her clothes, the young female servant Zhang Wu Ji assumed earlier, end up taking off her outer clothing and revealed a tighter but more flexible clothing for close combat.

"This elder understands that the Master Senior is a benefactor to the village, but we wanted to make sure about one thing... We will need you to touch this piece of Demon Searching Rock." the elder hesitates, but took a box with a charcoal colored rock sits inside.

"If a cultivator of a dark arts touches this piece of rock, it will scorch their hand, leaving them unable to use the dark arts forever. This is the ritual one must pass before entering with the two of us into the secret chamber." the elder explains the usage of the rock, afraid that Zhang Wu Ji will feel offended. Although it was a norm for anyone to follow the practiced custom when they entered another place, sometimes some irresponsible cultivators always behave in a very unacceptable way especially when they were putting themselves in importance.

When he grabbed the piece of Demon Scorching Stone in hand, Zhang Wu Ji felt a sensation of a something went through his body, like passing a layer of pressurized air. It did not burn him at all but instead gave Zhang Wu Ji a very comfortable feeling. After the ritual is over, the Village Chief proceeds to open the door towards the secret chamber where they need to walk past a series of stairs before reaching the location where the wine is produced.

Using a piece of White Jade as the key, the Village Chief produced his own to operates the mechanism that locked the door together. It was made from something similar to iron, but since the size of the door is humongous, he failed to scan the door's description. Hatefully, Zhang Wu Ji followed until they met with the second door, which only the key from the lady is able to unlock the mechanism behind this door.

"Master Senior, as a guest, we're proud to say that you're the first outsider allowed to enter this secret room our village has been protecting for over two hundred years." the Village Chief lead the way the moment he activates the button on the wall. With a simple turn following the clockwise direction, the control plate activates all the Night Glowing Pearl inside the Secret Chamber and reveals a Jar in the middle of the room.

Walking closer towards the jar, Zhang Wu Ji's opinion changed.

"Its a stone vassal. but the stone carries a hint of jade in random places, which means this stone vassal is crafted directly from a piece of gigantic rock." Zhang Wu Ji stares and inspects the jar from four sides, where it's capacity is estimated to be about 10 gallons (38liters) if the liquid inside were filled into the top.

Stepping right in front of the Stone Vassal, Zhang Wu Ji acquired the approval to touch the Stone Vassal, which allows him to look at the status related to the Stone Vassal.

Demon Sealing Jadestone's Brewing Vassal

-Usage 1: Converting the prepared ingredients into a drop of Inner Demon Slaughtering Concentrate. The concentrate prepared can be then diluted with water of a wine jar size (between 500ml) to be aged. The longer the liquid in the vine jar is aged, the better is the effectiveness.

-Usage 2: Through the nourishment of the ingredients, the Demon Sealing Jadestone will undergo medicinal metamorphosis. The moment the Jadestone is completely covered with a crystallized surface, it can then be refined into Demon Sealing Jade, a treasure for the disciples from Sealing Formation Sect.

-Metamorphosis Rate: 202/500

-Durability: 50/50

Ingredient Required:

(3) Under-Valley Golden Root

(2) Praying Ginseng Root

(2) Ten Layer Lotus Bulb

(1) Fermented Wine Rice

Looking at the ingredients they required to ferment the wine, Zhang Wu Ji can assume that given with time, their progress in collecting the ingredients will have no issue at all. The reason is that except the Ten Layer Lotus Bulb, none of the ingredients is in Tier 1 level, which is easily grown and obtained everywhere, with the exception of the Golden Root.

Like its name, the Under-Valley Golden Root only grows in a location with strong Sunlight, but deep under the valley. Their number grows easily, but the difficulties are in threading down the valley, which is extremely difficult for a non-cultivator. This medicinal ingredient is also the culprit of for the Big Brother Li's crippling accident.

"Village Chief, may this junior ask if the Jar is given by some cultivators about two hundred years ago?" he modified his question slightly by not mentioning about this jar's real name, but it was also as the caution towards the lady with an unknown position and identify with them in the secret chamber.

"Master Senior is experienced. The three previous Village Chief does mention that two hundred years ago when the Village is still a small wine brewing village, a few cultivators do come in and said about how they wish to keep a Jar here so it can grow under the protection of the village and bring prosperity to the village."

"Of course, it does carry that effect, as ten years later during the Four Imperial War, the generals from the Southern Imperial Kingdom all came to request for the wine to bring them the possibility of winning the war. We did profit from these events, but because the previous Village Chief said that profit earned from people's death isn't an omen of a good prosperity, we spend it to help grow the Treasured Jar instead."

"Year by year passes, the villagers here slowly forget about this story. But still, everyone knows that the village does produce the Scarlet General Wine that famed all over the Imperial County. Why does Master Senior ask such a question?" the Village Chief ask him a question after he finishes explaining where did the treasure come.

"Oh, it's because a few years back, my master does have a guest with some cultivation speaks about such a story with my master's disciple. It was a coincidence that I was present, so I heard about the story as well." Zhang Wu Ji created a lie out of nowhere as he noticed that the lady inside the room seems to be preparing to take an action.

"Did that guest speak anything about some sect?" she asked.

"something related to Sealing Formation Sect or School." Zhang Wu Ji answered according to what he read from the description panel.

"That's it. The people that came two hundred years ago is also from the Sealing Formation Sect. Xiao Meng, the people from your sect still exists." the elder become happy when he heard Zhang Wu Ji's words. From the way he speaks, perhaps they lost contact with the sect for quite long.

"Finally, there's hope... There's hope." she kneeled and speaks. When she turned around and wipe away the tears in her eyes as her tensed emotion is loosen, Zhang Wu Ji noticed three pieces of small cup coaster size plates. On each plate, the engraving was different from what he'd seen before, which attracts his attention.

"This sister, do you mind letting me have a look on the three plates at the back of your waist?" Zhang Wu Ji politely asked, but it took her by a surprise as she withdraws a short sword about 30 centimeters long and pointed at Zhang Wu Ji. The shape of the short sword is almost similar to a Tanto or a Japanese Short Sword.

On the sword, beautiful engraving is noticeable all along the blade and her handle, totaling to four circles. Without any words, she takes the first move to attack and disable this youth from fighting against her, but for Zhang Wu Ji, it was different. He was more interested in the three plates behind her, and have no intention to fight her at all.

But a fight is still a fight unless he purposely loses, it was difficult for him to not win, especially when the lady is only a 4th Stage Inner Qi Fighter. As the secret room is as wide as a living room of a normal house, Zhang Wu Ji did not hesitate to take the Longfeng Jade Ruler out.

With a simple swing, Zhang Wu Ji created over ten consecutive air blades to attack the lady, which took her by a surprise to see how many air blades her opponent can execute. She evades the attack using a very agile footwork, but before when she stops somewhere not far from the room, Zhang Wu Ji already gone from his initial spot.

"This three-piece of Formation Plate is quite a rough work, don't you think so?" Zhang Wu Ji speaks as he appeared with the three-piece of formation plate in his hand. A simple inspection is enough for him to determine the status of the lady before him.

Mediocre-Quality Energy Gathering Plate (Formation Clay)

-Usage 1: Increased the speed of higher quality Nature Energy formed by 3%

-Usage 2: By paying Pure quality ingots, repair the durability of the plate by 1 point for every 10% Purity Level

-Durability: 4/4


Mediocre-Quality Wind Calling Plate (Formation Clay)

-Usage 1: When training with Wind-Element Qi, increase the speed of Wind-Element formed by 3%

-Usage 2: Gathered Wind-Element can be made into Winding Pill, but the formation plate will be destroyed after the making.

-Durability: 3/3


Mediocre-Quality Qi Sewing Plate (Formation Clay)

-Usage: When a cultivator cultivates with this formation plate surrounding him, increase the speed of sewing the Strand of Qi.

-Durability: 3/3

-Restriction: Only usable by cultivator in Fighter Tier

"You thief!" the lady named Xiao Meng yelled at Zhang Wu Ji who steals her three formation plates. But Zhang Wu Ji did not take that seriously as he returned the formation plates to her. He then took out a formation plate inside of his pouch and throw it on her direction, allowing her to inspect that properly.

"This..." when Zhang Wu Ji's Energy Gathering Spiritual Formation Plate ended up in her hand, she was surprised by the quality of this treasure. Because each of the plates carries a signature on its back, as Zhang Wu Ji sees hers, she saw the name on the plate as well.

Fist-Grade Formation Master, Tao Yunzi.

And from the plate belonged to her, Zhang Wu Ji noticed her name on it as well.

Training Formation Master, Meng Ran.

"Do you still intend to try my ability?" Zhang Wu Ji questioned her, but it seems that the piece of formation plate he gave her already took her attention by surprise, as she left without further words.

"Is this lack of manner, or over obsession?" Zhang Wu Ji was speechless with her quick changes in temperament but decided to leave it aside while he continues to talk with the Village Chief.

"This junior does have a request to be made to the elder." he cupped his hand together and request to be allowed to speak it out. Being attracted to the manner this youth presented to the others, the Village Chief did not consider too long to agree with him to mention his request.

"Junior face difficulties in his cultivation that made him easily disturbed by the inner demon, but in order to complete the changeover of my physical body, this cultivation must be done or else I will face with more obstacles as I cultivate. After drinking the wine that brewed from this jar, I noticed that by drinking this wine before the beginning of cultivation, it will help in removing the inner demon haunting my mind while in my deep cultivation."

"This junior dare himself to ask, can he be greedy enough to request for four bottles of the wine in return for any request the Village Chief might have?" Zhang Wu Ji speaks out his intention in order to obtain a mere four bottles of the Scarlet General Wine.

"If that's the case, can this elder be greedy too?" the Village Chief looks at the youth that possesses limitless possibilities that may help his village to grow.

"My wish is just to help the villagers to create a safe route that they can follow in order to harvest the Under-Valley Golden Roots. In the past many years, there are many casualties happened just for the sake to enter the valley and gather some golden roots. As long you can help us to make a way for them to easily access the Golden Roots, you may take four bottles of the Scarlet General Wine out from the Secret Chamber." the Village Chief stated his request in exchange for the four bottles of wine.

"Rest assured, Elder. Let this junior went and discuss with the others how can we make this happen!" Zhang Wu Ji left the secret chamber as well. With haste, he quickly went to the Big Brother Li's home and ask him to participates in his task to create a way that allows the villagers to harvest the Golden Roots more easily.

"Are you sure you're going to do that?" Big brother Li asked for the third time.

"Yes, big brother. Please come with me as I need your expertise and also knowledge which location is the best to make that route!" Zhang Wu Ji replied.

"Since you insisted, then follow me. Wife, bring us the crates with pickaxes inside." Big brother Li agrees with his request at the end and called his wife to take the crates out.

"Pickaxes?" Zhang Wu Ji shows a puzzled expression.

"Yeah! Since the valley is located just below the Limestone Mountain, of course, we're going to dig a tunnel circling down to the valley," he replied.

"What the hell? I actually sign myself into doing a tunnel digging works!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!