True Color - Chapter 10

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:25:25 AM

Chapter 10

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 Acting on Impulse (TC)


Qi Xing's fist swung out but before it could touch Ye Xingzhou's face, it was caught by his wrist.


Confronting Ye Xingzhou's mocking gaze, Qi Xing felt furious. He followed up with a kick, which Ye Xingzhou effortlessly dodged.


Frustrated by both unsuccessful attempts, Qi Xing, who had never lost a fight since childhood, became particularly angry. He lashed out with determination, launching punches and kicks, aiming for Ye Xingzhou's vulnerable spots.


Ye Xingzhou adeptly countered Qi Xing's attacks, treating the blows as mere scratches from a cat's claws. He showed no signs of distress.


On the contrary, Qi Xing, increasingly unable to gain the upper hand, grew more desperate and lost his methodical approach. Resorting even to biting, he was completely consumed by anger and lost his rationality.


As Qi Xing viciously bit down on Ye Xingzhou's arm, Ye Xingzhou's eyebrows twitched slightly, seemingly surprised. Then, as Qi Xing pushed him back a step, Ye Xingzhou took advantage of the situation to trip him with a foot, pulling him down forcefully.


With Ye Xingzhou lying on his back, apart from furrowing his brow, he remained silent. Qi Xing pounced on him, sitting arrogantly on top and grabbing Ye Xingzhou's shirt collar.


"Still pretending, huh? Aren't you supposed to be strong?!"


While taunting him verbally, Qi Xing attempted to punch Ye Xingzhou's face again, only to have his wrist caught once more, along with his other hand.


Unable to land a blow and having both hands restrained, Qi Xing's frustration surged. He struggled fiercely but could only scratch Ye Xingzhou's face with his nails; he couldn't break free.


While still straddling Ye Xingzhou, Qi Xing moved back and forth unconsciously, trying to escape his control.


Although Ye Xingzhou was the one pushed down, he clearly had the upper hand in their confrontation. He firmly held Qi Xing's hands, looking up at him.


Qi Xing, filled with anger, had a faint blush on his face, and his peach blossom eyes were filled with displeasure, more striking than the flames surging behind them.


Especially since he was still sitting on top of himself, moving around carelessly, completely unaware of the danger of their current position.


Ye Xingzhou's eyes gradually darkened, but he didn't say anything to alert him, just tilted his head slightly upwards, looking at him with a shadowed gaze.


Qi Xing cursed angrily, "Speak up! Are you mute? Let go of me! You, Surname Ye people are all no good, all crazy!"


Amidst his panting, all that came out were unpleasant words. Suddenly, Ye Xingzhou lifted a leg, using his knee to press against Qi Xing's waist. Caught off guard, Qi Xing exclaimed in shock as Ye Xingzhou swiftly flipped their positions, completely overpowering him.


With Qi Xing's hands still firmly grasped and his body pinned down by Ye Xingzhou's leg, he was completely at a disadvantage and unable to retaliate.


"Let me go, damn it—"


Ye Xingzhou pressed Qi Xing's hands against his head, leaning down. The oppressive breath drew near, stifling the remaining words in Qi Xing's throat.


Ye Xingzhou's glasses had fallen off during their struggle, and in the flickering light of the fire, Qi Xing finally saw clearly the dark, brooding eyes gazing at him, filled with emotions he couldn't understand.


This man was indeed a venomous snake, spewing poison, or perhaps a beast in human skin, and Qi Xing had provoked him.


Yet that was Qi Xing's nature. Otherwise, he wouldn't have ended up fighting Ye Xingzhou here tonight. Whether out of impulse or excitement, he had despised Ye Xingzhou since they met and had long wanted to fight him.


Even though he knew he couldn't win.


Qi Xing's chest heaved, feeling uncomfortable all over, involuntarily weakening his stance and lowering his voice. "What are you doing? Stay away from me, let go..."


Ye Xingzhou lightly rubbed Qi Xing's wrist's inner side with his thumb, startling Qi Xing, who almost jumped.


Of course, he couldn't move, so he could only curse, "Are you pervert? Get away!"


"What else can you do besides cursing?" Ye Xingzhou finally spoke, his voice deep and mellow.


Feeling the warmth of Ye Xingzhou's breath, Qi Xing shivered with goosebumps, suddenly realizing the danger of their current position. He dared not move and managed to squeeze out, "Get lost."


Even these two words lacked conviction, and being pressed down by a man without being able to move, especially with such an almost blatant gaze, was a great humiliation for Qi Xing. Remembering that he had never gained any advantage over Ye Xingzhou and had always ended up worse off, Qi Xing felt both resentful and humiliated, involuntarily turning red-eyed.


Ye Xingzhou looked at him calmly, raising an eyebrow slightly.


This expression only fueled Qi Xing's resentment, as he muttered vaguely, "…I'll kill you sooner or later."


Qi Xing's eyes were red, even the tip of his nose was flushed.


Behind them, the fire burned hotter and hotter. Ye Xingzhou lowered his gaze, staring down at the person beneath him, and in that instant, he clearly sensed the fire rising within his heart.


He had always looked down on second-generation rich kids like Qi Xing, but now, this person with red eyes, showing grievance, anger, and unwillingness beneath him, appeared both proud and fragile, a combination he found appealing.


After a long silence, even the irregular panting sounds entangled in the heated atmosphere, Ye Xingzhou's hand finally slid past Qi Xing's face, and he said slowly, "I'll be waiting."


Qi Xing frowned, sensing something off about the tone of that statement. Ye Xingzhou finally released his restraint, stepped back, and stood up.


Qi Xing regained his composure, immediately sat up, looked up at Ye Xingzhou, somewhat surprised that the man didn't continue to pick a fight.


Ye Xingzhou stood in front of him, lowering his eyes and quietly watching him for a moment. Their eyes met, and Qi Xing couldn't stand the inexplicable atmosphere. He pushed his hand against the ground and stood up, saying, "I was just going to say..."


As he spoke, he noticed the burnt driver's seat behind Ye Xingzhou, and his attention shifted instantly.


The seat was reduced to a frame, the fire weakening, likely to extinguish soon. Thankfully, the whole car wasn't burnt, but the interior was charred, turning a perfectly fine limited-edition sports car into a wreck.


"You..." Even though it wasn't his car, Qi Xing couldn't help but feel a pang of pain looking at it.


"Don't swear." Ye Xingzhou interrupted in a deep voice, as if he didn't care at all that it wasn't his car that was burning.


He even lit a cigarette, his gaze leisurely shifting over Qi Xing. Qi Xing had wanted to retort with "None of your business," but meeting Ye Xingzhou's gaze, he choked for a moment and blurted out, "What are you looking at?"


Ye Xingzhou asked, "Want this car?"


Qi Xing, annoyed, replied, "It's burnt like this, what's the use of taking it back? Sell it as junk?"


In reality, it was just the seat that was burnt; replacing it and fixing the interior would make it drivable again. However, Qi Xing no longer wanted it.


Losing the fight and being taken advantage of, he felt unlucky just looking at the car.


"Isn't this your car?" Qi Xing pointedly asked, "It's worth several million at least. Did you really need to burn it like this?"


"I find it dirty," Ye Xingzhou took a deep drag of his cigarette, flicking the butt away and crushing it under his foot. "Let's go, I'll give you a ride back."


"No need," Qi Xing immediately declined without hesitation. "I have my own car."


Ye Xingzhou glanced at the mangled front of Qi Xing's car. "You're planning to drive back in this condition? Aren't you afraid of trouble on the way?"


"I won't die," Qi Xing retorted bluntly.


As Qi Xing turned to leave, a hand reached out and grabbed his arm again. "Get in the car," Ye Xingzhou insisted.


Qi Xing turned back, restraining his urge to fight. "Are you not done yet? Do you want another fight?"


"If you can't win, stop provoking," Ye Xingzhou said, releasing Qi Xing's arm. "If you want me to pay for your car repairs, leave the car here. I'll send someone to pick it up and get it fixed."


Qi Xing didn't really need money for repairs but he also didn't want Ye Xingzhou to get away so easily. After a moment of hesitation, he coldly snorted and walked towards his car.


Ye Xingzhou lowered his head, leisurely rubbing his fingertips together, and followed along.


Qi Xing opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, giving his home address. Then, he closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat, ignoring the person beside him.


Ye Xingzhou didn't start the car immediately. He made a phone call to have the car towed then turned to look at Qi Xing. His gaze lingered on Qi Xing's face for a few seconds then he leisurely rolled up the sleeve of his right shirt, revealing a fresh red bite mark on his forearm—a creation of Qi Xing's frustration just now.


The mark on his palm where Qi Xing bit him hadn't faded either, a reminder of their earlier altercation.


Qi Xing waited for a while and felt the car didn't move. He opened one eye and glanced over, seeing Ye Xingzhou's actions and remembering what he had just done, feeling a pang of guilt.


Ye Xingzhou's gaze shifted back to him, and Qi Xing immediately closed his eyes, pretending not to notice. But Ye Xingzhou didn't give him the chance.


"Are you born in the Year of the Dog?" Ye Xingzhou's tone carried a hint of mockery, irritating Qi Xing. He opened his eyes and glared, "You brought this upon yourself, Young Master Ye."


This person had provoked him multiple times, and yet Qi Xing was still restraining himself from saying more. He felt he was too kind.


Ye Xingzhou didn't continue the topic, starting the car instead.


"Don't come here for racing again," Ye Xingzhou warned.


Qi Xing scoffed as if hearing a joke, "Why should I listen to you?”


"Today, you're lucky to make it back in one piece," Ye Xingzhou remarked coolly. "Ye Wanqi used to teach people lessons this way too. The person who raced with him got into an accident and ended up paralyzed from the waist down. It was settled with money in the end."


"Oh," Qi Xing nodded in understanding. "The Ye family is indeed a nest of vipers."


Ye Xingzhou glanced at him again, his eyes carrying some unclear meaning. Qi Xing didn't pay much attention to it. "If you can come here, so can I. You're too broad in your oversight."


Ye Xingzhou didn't say anything more, focusing on driving and lighting another cigarette.


Qi Xing couldn't be bothered with him either. He leaned back in the seat, legs crossed and stretched forward, lazily closing his eyes again.


With a cigarette between his lips, Ye Xingzhou's indifferent gaze swept over Qi Xing once more, finally resting on his profile, openly appraising, eyes narrowing slightly.


Bold as Qi Xing was, even while cursing Ye Xingzhou as crazy, he dared to close his eyes so defenselessly beside him.


"I'll gouge your eyeballs out if you keep looking at me like that."


This time, Qi Xing didn't even bother to open his eyes. After cursing, he turned his head away, facing the car window, and continued to doze off.


Ye Xingzhou withdrew his gaze, the smoke veiling any emotions in his eyes, leaving only the cigarette between his fingers and the flickering flame.


Despite having a good appearance, he's a fool.


Despite being a fool, he has a good appearance.


Same structure, opposite meanings.


At that charity gala night, perhaps Qi Xing wasn't the only one interested in someone.


Translator thought:

Wow! I can feel the tension. It's getting more interesting….

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!