True Color - Chapter 15

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:25:25 AM

Chapter 15

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Beast (TC)


Being dragged into the car by Ye Xingzhou, Qi Xing's mind was slow from the alcohol, but he vaguely remembered what he had said earlier and pushed him away, saying, "Who are you trying to fool? Isn't Ye Corporation a legitimate company? Why are you socializing at this kind of nightclub?"


"Upstairs club," Ye Xingzhou replied nonchalantly.


Qi Xing, still groggy, felt that something was off. If it was an upstairs club, why were they downstairs? What was he here for? But he couldn't be bothered to ask, curling up in the seat and muttering a few words before closing his eyes.


The car didn't start immediately. The secretary in the passenger seat turned back and informed Ye Xingzhou, "Fourth Young Master just left in a huff."


"Let him behave himself in the future. If he finds life uncomfortable, he can go accompany his mother," Ye Xingzhou said coldly.


"I understand."


The secretary nodded and turned his gaze towards Qi Xing beside Ye Xingzhou, hesitating before saying, "This young Master Qi..."


Ye Xingzhou mentioned Qi Xing's home address, and the secretary dared not ask further, instructing the driver to depart.


Qi Xing suddenly opened his eyes, cursing "Ye Xingzhou, you beast," changed his position, let his eyelids droop, and fell asleep again.


He was thoroughly drunk.


Both the secretary and the driver remained silent. Ye Xingzhou glanced over, paused for a few seconds, and then reached over to Qi Xing's face, lightly scraping a few times.


The secretary was about to change the topic and discuss something about Lin Zhinian's studio when he saw this scene, but he held back the words.


There was no emotion on Ye Xingzhou's face, and his actions lacked any tenderness. However, the secretary had been with him since his first day in the company and understood Ye Xingzhou's temperaments well. Whenever he took an interest in something, he always had this demeanor.


Once Ye Xingzhou set his sights on something, he had to obtain it, whether it was objects or people.


Their social engagement had actually ended long ago. They changed their minds about leaving when they saw Young Master Qi entering the nightclub.


The secretary thought, this was quite refreshing.


Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of Qi Xing's residential complex. Ye Xingzhou showed no intention of getting out, nor did he wake up Qi Xing.


He lit a cigarette and took a few puffs leisurely.


The secretary cleared his throat lightly, signaling to the driver, and they both got out of the car, closing the door.


Qi Xing, still in a daze, vaguely heard the sound of the car door closing. He struggled to open his eyes, seeing Ye Xingzhou's profile emitting smoke. He stared blankly, as if forgetting why Ye Xingzhou was there in the first place.


Ye Xingzhou's gaze turned towards him, stopping on his face.


Qi Xing's mind was still fuzzy, trying to sit up but feeling weak. As soon as he moved, he fell back down, and Ye Xingzhou's hand reached out to support his waist.


Ye Xingzhou's palm pressed against his waist, similar to what happened in the nightclub restroom earlier, gently rubbing.


Qi Xing felt uncomfortable all over but only had the strength to curse, "Are you insane?"


There was no change in expression on Ye Xingzhou's face but his eyes were particularly deep as he continued to stare at Qi Xing. "You know I'm 'insane.' Why do you dare to provoke me repeatedly?"


"Who's provoking you?" Qi Xing closed his eyes, feeling dizzy, and murmured, "My eyes aren't blind. Why would I provoke you?"


Ye Xingzhou extinguished the cigarette, raised his hand, and pulled Qi Xing up by the waist.


Qi Xing exclaimed, trying to sit up but falling onto Ye Xingzhou's lap. Before he could react, Ye Xingzhou's hand had already unbuttoned his shirt, slipped inside, and rubbed his waist, even going further down, slipping into the waistband of his pants.


Qi Xing instinctively tried to raise a fist, but before he could, Ye Xingzhou held it down.


Ye Xingzhou's expression remained calm and even ruthless but his actions were extremely vulgar. Nevertheless, he did not appear frivolous. Instead, he seemed like a ferocious beast eyeing its prey, planning how to devour it to enjoy the feast to the fullest.


Qi Xing attempted to struggle, breathing unevenly. "Let go!"


He was heavily intoxicated that he can't even contemplate what Ye Xingzhou's actions meant, only wanting to rid himself of the hand that was roaming wickedly on his body. However, the more he struggled, the more it backfired, not even noticing that Ye Xingzhou's breathing was now heavier than before.


"You're pushing against me," Qi Xing complained with a furrowed brow. "Are you sick? Just randomly getting aroused?"


Despite his words, he unconsciously shifted forward and backward.


Both being men, if he were sober, he would surely realize early on what Ye Xingzhou was up to. But there were no 'ifs.' His mind, completely clouded by alcohol, couldn't think of these things. This complaint, uttered in a muddled manner, only fueled more wild thoughts.


Ye Xingzhou calmly undid his tie and bound Qi Xing's wrists.


The tie was sent by a luxury store in the afternoon, and the bill payer was Qi Xing. The style was conventional, not the type Ye Xingzhou had seen Qi Xing wear before, indicating it wasn't his choice. However, before leaving, he still put on this tie.


"What are you doing? Let me go," Qi Xing's brows furrowed even tighter, the more he tried to break free, the more he couldn't. Ye Xingzhou's hand was still inside his clothes, whereabouts unknown, causing him to gasp in urgency.


Ye Xingzhou leaned closer to his neck, his nose touching it, then slowly moving down.


Even in such a moment, he could still distract himself with irrelevant thoughts. 


This young master, delicate and tender, probably couldn't withstand much, especially with his sensitive spots in his hands. Unable to curse after a few moments, he could only gasp with his mouth slightly open, head tilted back, eyes dazed, cheeks flushed with drunkenness.


In taking advantage of others' weaknesses, one cannot be considered a gentleman, but he has never cared to be one.


As Qi Xing was sucked on his neck by Ye Xingzhou, Ye Xingzhou's hand moved forward as well. Qi Xing shivered, seemingly becoming a bit more aware, and mumbled with incredulity, “Hand... let go…”


He struggled to free his bound hands from Ye Xingzhou's tie but to no avail. Ye Xingzhou firmly held him down, not only continuing his actions on Qi Xing's neck but also unbuttoning two buttons on his shirt, leaving deep and heavy marks on his neck and collarbone.




Qi Xing's curse was quickly replaced by gasps. His mind felt as if it was stuffed with cotton, already dizzy and now completely losing his ability to think, even forgetting to resist. His pushing hands unconsciously turned into squeezing Ye Xingzhou's arm, tightening his fingers with each electric sensation coursing through his body.


Being touched like this for the first time was too overwhelming; Qi Xing was no match.


Ye Xingzhou raised his eyes, calmly admiring the expressions on Qi Xing's face. Qi Xing's face was even redder than before, his almond-shaped eyes tinted with desire. His long and dense eyelashes trembled lightly, as if veiled with a layer of mist. The slightly upturned corners of his eyes showed a hint of reluctance and acceptance, and his slightly parted lips involuntarily let out uneven breaths.


Compared to an hour ago when he arrogantly pressed someone into a urinal, he now seemed like a completely different person.


No matter how fierce and domineering he acted outside, deep down, he was just a wild cat who was easily tamed.


Qi Xing's action were hurried and urgent. At the critical moment, he didn't know if he was becoming sober or more intoxicated, as he lowered his head and fiercely bit into Ye Xingzhou's shoulder. Similar to what Ye Xingzhou did earlier, but with a more vicious bite, as if wanting to devour Ye Xingzhou's flesh and blood.


Half a minute later, Qi Xing gasped and looked up angrily at Ye Xingzhou, his throat rolling but unable to utter a word.


Ye Xingzhou remained unfazed, calmly retracting his hand and taking a tissue to wipe clean without haste.


Qi Xing seemed dumbfounded, still sitting on him, unable to react beyond glaring. It wasn't until Ye Xingzhou reached for more tissue to help him wipe that Qi Xing seemed to snap out of a daze, struggling to get off Ye Xingzhou: "...Let go of my hand!"


Ye Xingzhou pressed him down again, his voice deep as he warned, "Don't move."


Qi Xing's eyes reddened, his voice hoarse, "Let me go."


Ye Xingzhou stared at his face for a few seconds, then flicked his finger, loosening the tie that bound Qi Xing's wrist.


Qi Xing's clenched fist immediately aimed for his face.


This time, Ye Xingzhou avoided a second too late, Qi Xing's fist grazed his face. Despite this, Ye Xingzhou barely flinched, grabbing more tissue, "Do you want me to help you wipe?"


Qi Xing gritted his teeth, "What the hell do you want?"


Ye Xingzhou replied, "As I said before, watch your language.”


Qi Xing's nerves were jumping as Ye Xingzhou's calm and composed attitude infuriated him further. With a determined effort, he pushed himself up and lunged forward to bite him.


Of course, it was futile. In just a few moves, Ye Xingzhou restrained his hands. Qi Xing couldn't win against Ye Xingzhou even when sober, let alone after drinking. He was quickly pushed back onto the seat, completely subdued.


Being pinned down by Ye Xingzhou and meeting his scrutinizing gaze from above, Qi Xing's rationality finally returned a bit. It seemed like he just realized the implications of what Ye Xingzhou was doing to him.


"Do you... do you want to fight me?" Qi Xing's tongue twisted.


Ye Xingzhou looked down at him and replied calmly, "What do you think?"


Qi Xing, infuriated, said, "You can't possibly be scheming against me, right?"


Ye Xingzhou's voice remained unruffled. "Why not? Didn't you say you're as beautiful as a flower?"


Qi Xing gagged.


He felt nauseous now, after all this turmoil. Waves of nausea hit him.


A car's headlights shone through the window. Ye Xingzhou glanced up, then smoothly helped Qi Xing up, wiping him clean and opening the car door.


Qi Xing stumbled out of the car and rushed to the roadside, vomiting forcefully.


Ye Xingzhou followed and noticed a car stopping not far away. His secretary whispered to him, "It's Qi Ronghua."


The first one wo come out of the car was Qi Ronghua's assistant, followed by Qi Ronghua himself.


Seeing Qi Xing drunkenly vomiting on the roadside, Qi Ronghua frowned and instructed his assistant to support Qi Xing. His gaze then turned to Ye Xingzhou, hesitating for a moment. Ye Xingzhou took the initiative to approach and greet him, explaining, "Qi Xing got drunk, and I happened to come across him. I'm just sending him back."


Qi Ronghua felt somewhat puzzled but still thanked Ye Xingzhou. He asked, "Did Qi Xing cause you any trouble?"


Ye Xingzhou replied politely, "Not at all."


After a few pleasantries, Qi Xing was helped into the car, and Qi Ronghua thanked Ye Xingzhou again before getting back into his own car.


Ye Xingzhou watched their car enter the residential area, a silent smile playing at the corners of his lips.


Inside the car, Qi Ronghua asked his incompetent son, "What's going on between you and Ye Xingzhou? How did you run into each other? Who did you go drinking with to end up like this? I heard you even asked someone to buy a tie for him today?"


Qi Xing, still dizzy from vomiting, was impatient. "Stop asking."


Qi Ronghua persisted, "He brought you back; remember to thank him later. Look at yourself, always fooling around instead of doing serious things. Coming back after getting drunk outside. Ye Xingzhou is only a few years older than you; why don't you learn something from him?"


Qi Xing gagged again.


No, he was about to vomit once more.


Translator thought:

That's intense huh…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!