True Color - Chapter 8

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:25:25 AM

Chapter 8

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Call it Again (TC)


"What are you doing?!"


Qi Xing questioned sharply but no one answered him. In a matter of moments, they pushed him in front of Ye Xingzhou.


The image of Ye Xingzhou pulling the trigger was still fresh in Qi Xing's mind. The gun was fake but the unsettling feeling it brought was real. Realizing he had been scared by this man and almost tried to run away, Qi Xing felt a surge of anger. Not wanting to lose his momentum, he glared at Ye Xingzhou. "Let go."


Ye Xingzhou remained silent, his gaze fixed on Qi Xing's face, unmoving.


Qi Xing was held by the guards on both sides, looking somewhat embarrassed. His face was tinged with anger, still trying to appear fierce and intimidating. Although he seemed ridiculous and laughable, his expression, combined with his striking face, created an inexplicable feeling.


Unaware of his own demeanor, Qi Xing continued to glare at Ye Xingzhou, his expression fierce and defiant. However, this expression, combined with his striking face, created an inexplicable feeling.


Ye Xingzhou suddenly reached out and grabbed his chin, gently rubbing the spot he touched.


Qi Xing's body stiffened, feeling uncomfortable with Ye Xingzhou, who was half a head taller than him, holding him in such a way. The sensation of being completely controlled by someone made him extremely uncomfortable.


He tried to struggle but couldn't break free. Through clenched teeth, he asked, "What do you want?"


Ye Xingzhou narrowed his eyes slightly, gradually increasing the pressure on his jaw.


Qi Xing winced as Ye Xingzhou's grip tightened, making it difficult to breathe. His teeth were trembling. "Let go of me!"


"You shouldn't have been peeking," Ye Xingzhou finally spoke, his voice cold and full of disdain. "Was it fun?"


Qi Xing cursed, "What are you hiding that you're afraid of being seen? Are you afraid I'll hear about how you killed your own father and sent your stepmother to a mental hospital? I never thought Young Master Ye would be such a person. Truly eye-opening."


Despite knowing he shouldn't provoke Ye Xingzhou further, Qi Xing's personality made it impossible for him to bow down. If he hadn't been restrained, he would have wanted to fight Ye Xingzhou.


There was no hint of anger on Ye Xingzhou's face. After Qi Xing finished speaking, he casually replied, "So what?"


This reaction made Qi Xing even more uncomfortable. His mind raced and he suddenly lowered his head and fiercely bit Ye Xingzhou's hand, which was within reach.


He bit down hard on Ye Xingzhou's right hand, causing it to bleed. Despite being grabbed by the guards and his hair pulled back, Qi Xing refused to let go. His eyes were filled with hostility as he stared at Ye Xingzhou, full of provocation.


However, Ye Xingzhou remained calm, only frowning slightly at first then coldly staring back at him without a word.


When the bitter taste of blood filled his mouth, Qi Xing finally relented and reluctantly released Ye Xingzhou's hand, disgusted as he spat out a few mouthfuls.


In the end, it seemed like he was the one who lost in this confrontation.


There was a deep red mark on Ye Xingzhou's hand where Qi Xing had bitten him and it was bleeding. He glanced at it indifferently before shifting his gaze back to Qi Xing, who was panting and trembling with anger. This inexplicable sense of sensuality, as if he had been violated, added to his already provocative appearance.


Unfortunately, the occasion and the person showing this expression were both inappropriate.


Ye Xingzhou admired Qi Xing's demeanor, his eyes dark and inscrutable, revealing nothing of what he was thinking.


"Let go of me," Qi Xing demanded again, his tone still as harsh as ever, refusing to back down.


Ye Xingzhou motioned to his bodyguard, who quickly came over and grabbed Ye Xingzhou's uncle, who was still unconscious on the ground. Then, he turned his gaze back to Qi Xing's face and ordered the bodyguards, "Throw him into the lake."


Qi Xing was stunned. "You dare!"


Ye Xingzhou's eyes were mocking as he replied, "I don't intend to kill you, just to make you come to your senses."


"I can't swim!" Realizing Ye Xingzhou was serious, Qi Xing panicked. "If you throw me into the water, you're trying to kill me!"


But Ye Xingzhou remained unmoved. His bodyguards were experienced enough to make sure that this reckless kid only drank a few mouthfuls of water. 


"I'll tell my godfather when I get back, and your eight million will go down the drain! If you don't believe me—”


The last sentence didn't get a chance to finish before Qi Xing was pushed into the water. In the instant of falling into the water, his survival instinct drove him to struggle desperately, grabbing onto the only thing he could reach—Ye Xingzhou's trouser leg.


Ye Xingzhou was also dragged into the water with him.


Water surged in from all directions, filling their mouths and noses. Qi Xing continued to struggle, clinging tightly to the person he had dragged underwater, completely ignoring everything else.


Ye Xingzhou furrowed his brows in irritation as the person clinging to him dragged them both downward, in a situation of unprecedented awkwardness. He had no choice but to grab the other person, restraining Qi Xing's flailing body, and together they fought their way back to the surface with the help of the bodyguards, dragging them back onto the shore.



After showering, Qi Xing casually wrapped himself in a bathrobe and pushed open the bathroom door.


Ye Xingzhou was sitting on the room's sofa, looking at his phone. Qi Xing noticed it immediately and strode over to snatch it back. 'What's wrong with you? Why are you snooping through my phone?' 


Ye Xingzhou raised his eyes, coolly informing him, “Your friend called, saying he had to leave.”


Qi Xing quickly checked the call logs and indeed found a missed call from Yang Kaiming half a minute ago.


His phone had fallen to the ground when Ye Xingzhou's bodyguards grabbed him, unlocked and unnoticed. He had no idea when it was retrieved.


“But that doesn't mean you should answer my calls for me, right?” Qi Xing said indignantly. Yang Kaiming was so disloyal; he must have heard Ye Xingzhou's voice and been scared, leaving him behind and running away.


Ye Xingzhou asked, “Did you sneak back here to find Lin Zhinian?”


“Whether I'm looking for him or not is none of your business. Are you even checking my WeChat messages now? Have you no shame?” Qi Xing grumbled, opening the WeChat interface. Lin Zhinian had just replied, saying he had already left and not to bother.


Qi Xing clicked his tongue in annoyance and forcefully blacked out the phone screen.


“Lend me some clothes and a car.” He said it was borrowing but there was no pretense of politeness on his face.


Earlier at the lakeside, he had been intimidated by Ye Xingzhou for a moment, but as he showered just now, he had figured it out. Whether this lunatic was frightening people with a model gun or throwing him into the water only to pull him out, it was all just a show. It was impossible for him to actually commit murder in broad daylight, so there was nothing to fear.


Ye Xingzhou stared coldly at him. Because of the recent scare, Qi Xing's face was still a bit pale, making his lips appear very red as he spat out those unpleasant words.


His half-wet hair was messily raised, dripping water down onto the exposed white chest revealed by the partially open bathrobe.


Ye Xingzhou's gaze flickered. When their eyes met, Qi Xing suddenly noticed that this person had taken off his glasses, making his eyes appear even colder, more penetrating. He stared at Qi Xing without any emotion, giving him an inexplicable feeling of being stared at by a venomous snake.


Even though this person had also showered and was only wearing a bathrobe, with his usually well-groomed hair now disheveled and falling over his forehead, his imposing aura remained unchanged. Stripping away the facade only highlighted the ruthlessness and dominance in his bones, without any attempt to conceal it.”


Realizing this, Qi Xing was not frightened but felt more resentful.


“Did you hear what I said? Lend me clothes and a car.”


He repeated with patience, just wanting to leave this cursed place as soon as possible. As for the debt of being thrown into the water by this person earlier, he would settle it when the opportunity arose.


However, Ye Xingzhou said, “What if I don't lend them to you?”


Qi Xing's expression changed slightly, restraining the impulse to scratch his face in frustration. “Do you really want your eight million to go down the drain?”


This remark finally had some effect. Ye Xingzhou seemed to ponder for a moment and replied, “Say what you want to say.”


Qi Xing finally cursed out loud, “Are you crazy? You spent so much effort to get close to my godfather and now you're acting like it's nothing?”


Ye Xingzhou leisurely lit a cigarette, letting him perform.


Qi Xing was furious but he also knew that he was actually trying to intimidate Ye Xingzhou with his words. Since his godfather was willing to let this person go to Qingping Garden and had accepted the gifts he gave, it must be because he saw something worth investing in him, something that couldn't be changed by just a few words from himself.


Ye Xingzhou was clearly confident about this, so he didn't take his threats seriously.


But Ye Xingzhou's attitude was really irritating.


Seeing the cigarette in his hand light up, Qi Xing couldn't take it anymore. He leaned forward, snatched the cigarette, and forcefully extinguished it in the ashtray on the coffee table.


When he looked up, he was caught off guard by the deep, dark gaze of Ye Xingzhou staring at him.


There was a coffee table between them, but due to Qi Xing's forward-leaning movement, their eyes met within inches, almost sensing each other's breath.


Qi Xing was taken aback, but this time, Ye Xingzhou spoke first, his voice deep, "Is this how you ask for favors?"


Qi Xing frowned, ignoring the strange discomfort rising in his heart for a moment, stood back up, and retorted, "I'm a guest invited to your family's wedding. Is this how the Ye family treats their guests?"


"The wedding has long ended," Ye Xingzhou said coldly. "You came on your own accord."


Qi Xing took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm, and forced a fake smile on his face. "Then please, Brother Ye, forgive my ignorance this time. Could you lend me some clothes to change and a car to leave as soon as possible?"


Ye Xingzhou leaned back in the sofa, watching him with interest and teasing him about what he just said. "Brother Ye?"


"Then how about Uncle Ye?" Qi Xing suppressed his disgust, unwilling to yield but forced to lower his head for now. "You said it yourself, call you whatever I want."


Ye Xingzhou's gaze turned playful. "Say it again."


Qi Xing hesitated, feeling uncomfortable.




Having observed the colorful expressions on Qi Xing's face, Ye Xingzhou finally seemed willing to let him go and called someone in to instruct, "Go fetch a set of clothes for Mr. Qi and arrange a car to send him back."


As he spoke, he continued to stare at Qi Xing, his eyes full of dominance.


Qi Xing felt uneasy and before leaving, he pointed his finger at Ye Xingzhou sharply, "You wait and see, we'll see how this unfolds.”


Translator thought:

Wow! They're already in one room and both are just wearing a bathrobe…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!