True Color - Chapter 9

Published at 13th of June 2024 05:25:25 AM

Chapter 9

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 Dirty (TC)


Two days later, Qi Xing went to the northern half of the city as promised, to attend Ye's fourth son Ye Wanqi's car race gambling event.


He went alone in his own sports car. Just before leaving, Yang Kaiming called to say he couldn't make it due to family matters and once again reminded him, "Young Master Qi, are you really going? Be careful, they might use dirty tricks."


Qi Xing was nonchalant, "I know what I'm doing."


When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, there were already a dozen or so people gathered, young men and women who often hung out with Ye Wanqi, all reckless individuals.


As Qi Xing got out of his car, all eyes immediately turned towards him.


"You're right on time, Qi Xing. I thought you wouldn't dare to come," Ye Wanqi greeted amidst whistles and teasing remarks, with a woman dressed provocatively and heavily made-up by his side, cigarette dangling from his mouth while leaning against a convertible sports car, smugly beckoning him.


Qi Xing, hands in his pockets, walked over and first inspected Ye Wanqi's car.


The convertible sports car had a sleek golden-gray exterior shimmering in the night, its lines smooth and sharp, quite dazzling. Qi Xing reached out to touch it, reluctant to let go but lamenting that such a good car ended up in the hands of Ye Wanqi, a waste of a fine vehicle.


Ye Wanqi appraised his expression, growing more smug, "What do you think? I didn't lie to you, did I? Want it? Win, and I'll give you the car. Lose, and your car is mine."


Qi Xing withdrew his hand, finally looking directly at Ye Wanqi, "You'll give me the car if I win? Are you under someone's influence?"


Ye Wanqi retorted, "The car is right here. Do you think I can still deceive you?"


Qi Xing didn't believe it at all. He wasn't a fool. He and this Ye Wanqi had always had a bad relationship. Both were playboys, but this guy had no bottom line when it came to playing, had a bad character and Qi Xing looked down on him. They had raced before and Qi Xing had never lost, but this despicable Ye Wanqi always tried to cheat whenever he lost. This time, he took the initiative to invite Qi Xing to a race, with the bet being a new limited edition sports car. It was suspicious.


Knowing something was amiss, he still came, just wanting to see the car with his own eyes, satisfy his curiosity and maybe enjoy a good race.


But seeing Ye Wanqi's smug expression, Qi Xing felt extremely displeased. He wanted to see what tricks this guy was up to.


"Fine, let's get in the cars then," 


Just like Ye Wanqi said ‘If we're gambling, then let's gamble.’


And mark his words, if this kid dares to dodge the debt afterward, he'll be waiting at the gates of the Ye family every day to collect.


The engines roared as seven or eight sports cars set off up the mountain road.


Qi Xing's car was towards the back but he wasn't in a rush. Controlling his speed and deftly maneuvering the steering wheel, he navigated his red shadow through the traffic, effortlessly overtaking car after car using the terrain and bends, showcasing his driving skills.


The mountain breeze brushed past his face, and Qi Xing squinted in enjoyment.


In just ten minutes, only two cars were ahead of him: Ye Wanqi who started first, and a silver sports car behind him.


Qi Xing had planned to overtake them both in one go but the silver car ahead suddenly started driving erratically, playing with S-curves in front of him, deliberately blocking his path. Qi Xing cursed, and another car aggressively approached from behind, trying to ram into him and force him off the road.


Soon, the second and third cars joined in, all coordinating to surround and block Qi Xing, their cars brushing against his, tires screeching, amidst the laughter of the reckless crowd.


These people were clearly targeting him.


Qi Xing, already with a short fuse, was now furious. He punched the steering wheel hard, disregarding everything else, stepped on the gas aggressively, and in a few seconds, his car's front collided with the rear of the silver car ahead.


The occupants of the silver car were taken aback by his sudden aggressive move, not expecting someone to rear-end their expensive sports car. The impact caught them off guard, causing their car to veer right and scrape against the rocks on the side amidst the deafening crash.


Qi Xing's car also suffered damage, the front crumpled halfway, and the airbags almost deployed. Seeing an open path ahead, he quickly slammed the gas, sped away, and finally managed to break free from the surrounding cars.


Ye Wanqi, at the front, slowed down, turning back to watch the spectacle. Seeing Qi Xing suddenly go wild, then charge towards him, he was startled. By the time he thought of accelerating, it was too late.


In the midst of the screams from the woman beside him, Qi Xing's car brushed past theirs, overtaking them then abruptly slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop in front of their car.


Ye Wanqi slammed on the brakes hard, narrowly avoiding a collision. Once the car stopped, he broke into a cold sweat, heart pounding, only to see Qi Xing getting out of his car with a grim expression, striding towards him.


As Qi Xing approached, he grabbed Ye Wanqi's collar, yanking him up from the seat, fiercely threatening, "I knew you wouldn't be honest. If you dare play dirty tricks with me, do you believe I'll beat you until you're toothless right now?"


Startled by Qi Xing's aggressive tone, Ye Wanqi stammered, "What do you want?"


Qi Xing, with a cold sneer, glanced at the other reckless individuals who had gotten out of their cars, still holding onto Ye Wanqi, "Don't think I'm afraid of you just because you brought these wastes with you. If you make me unhappy today, I'll make sure you're unhappy every day from now on. If you don't believe me, try me."


Not daring to provoke Qi Xing further, Ye Wanqi reluctantly said, "Let's forget about this, you can go..."


"Forget it? Do you think it's that easy?" Qi Xing coldly interrupted, "This can't be forgotten. You owe me for the repairs to my car, and I won the race, so this car is now mine."


"That's not possible," Ye Wanqi immediately objected, "When did you win?"


"Are you blind? Can't you see for yourself?" Qi Xing pointed, and Ye Wanqi turned instinctively. Sure enough, Qi Xing's car was parked near their agreed finish line.


Ye Wanqi faltered, "..."


Qi Xing raised his eyebrows. "Are you planning to dodge the debt?"


Ye Wanqi smirked insincerely. "Do you really want this car from me? My girl and I did it in this car yesterday. Don't you mind it being dirty?"


Qi Xing frowned upon hearing this. Ye Wanqi was shameless, and who knew if he had any diseases. Qi Xing was indeed disgusted.


With that thought, Qi Xing released his grip on Ye Wanqi's collar, shaking his hand in disgust. "I don't care. Within three days, clean this car inside and out, and bring it to me with the ownership transfer completed. Otherwise, we'll have unfinished business."


Ye Wanqi's tone turned harsh. "That's impossible. If you're not interested in this car, let's forget about today's matter. I can compensate you for the repair costs, but don't expect anything else."


Qi Xing's expression turned serious. "Are you really planning to dodge the debt?"


Ye Wanqi acted unfazed. "I apologize."


As they confronted each other, headlights approached from the front, a car coming down from the mountain peak.


Qi Xing glanced impatiently. It was a black sedan slowing down as it passed them, pulling over to the side.


After checking the car's license plate, Ye Wanqi's face changed instantly, his eyes darting around in guilty panic. Qi Xing hadn't yet grasped what was happening when he saw a man stepping out of the car. It turned out to be Ye Xingzhou.


Stepping down from the driver's seat and leaned against the door with a cold gaze at the entangled Ye Wanqi and Qi Xing.


Ye Wanqi, seeing Ye Xingzhou, reacted like a mouse seeing a cat. Ignoring Qi Xing, he quickly got out of the car and went over to greet Ye Xingzhou, somewhat sheepishly. "Big brother, what brings you here..."


Ye Xingzhou didn't even spare a glance, his eyes fixed on Qi Xing's face ahead, deep and assessing behind his glasses.


Qi Xing hadn't expected to run into Ye Xingzhou here. Although he still remembered the grudge from a couple of days ago at Ye San's wedding, tonight was the perfect time for Ye Xingzhou to show up.


He clapped his hands twice. "Since Young Master Ye is here, let's settle this. Your Fourth Young Master Ye had a deal with me. If I won the race, he'd give me this car. Now that I've won, he's trying to back out. Is this how the Ye family does things?"


Ye Xingzhou listened quietly, his gaze shifting to the now-empty sports car.


Ye Wanqi nervously explained, "I thought since big brother never drives this car and it's just sitting at home, I'd take it out for a spin for a couple of days. I'll return it to you..."


Ye Xingzhou's eyes grew colder, still silent. Qi Xing, however, understood the situation. "You scoundrel, you lied to me! This car wasn't even yours to begin with, right? Do you have any shame?"


Finally, Ye Xingzhou's gaze turned to Ye Wanqi, giving him a cold glance. At this, Ye Wanqi's legs gave out, stammering, "I'll return the car to you. I'm leaving first," and quickly ran off with his woman.


The group of playboys dispersed, leaving Qi Xing dissatisfied. "Hey!”


Ye Wanqi had no mind to deal with him anymore. He got into someone else's car and made a quick getaway.


In an instant, only Qi Xing and Ye Xingzhou were left on the mountain road.


Seeing this pretentious Ye Xingzhou again, Qi Xing instantly became irritated. He forcefully slapped the engine hood of the sports car beside him and lifted his chin at Ye Xingzhou. "I don't care whose car this is among you brothers. Since that Fourth Young Master Ye lost the car to me, it's mine. Ye Wanqi, that brat, messing around with a woman in the car, disgusts me. You're responsible for cleaning the car and bringing it to me, and also, my car got hit, so you owe me the repair money."


Ye Xingzhou remained silent as he watched Qi Xing. Qi Xing raised his voice, "What? Are you also planning to back out?"


He knew he couldn't possibly get the car from Young Master Ye, and he didn't intend to but he just wanted someone to feel uncomfortable.


Ye Xingzhou walked forward and wiped a spot on the car door, furrowing his brow slightly.


Ignored again, Qi Xing shouted at him, "Hey!"


Ye Xingzhou produced a lighter, and with a light click, a flame appeared.


Qi Xing was stunned. "What are you doing?"


Ye Xingzhou's gaze turned colder as he moved his hand forward. As he let go, the lit lighter fell onto the driver's seat.


"It's dirty," he said in a tone devoid of warmth.


Qi Xing stared in disbelief at his actions. The flame on the lighter ignited, quickly burning through the surface leather of the seat and reaching the inner filling, causing it to ignite rapidly.


A pungent smell filled the air, and Qi Xing snapped back to reality. "Are you crazy?!"


Ye Xingzhou coldly raised his eyes, the flickering flames reflecting in his eyes behind the lenses, cold and sinister, indicating that this person was indeed a complete lunatic.


Qi Xing watched his coveted sports car being ruined like this, and anger surged within him.


"Are you insane?! You're a lunatic!"


His head heated up, and he rushed forward, landing a punch on Ye Xingzhou's face.


Translator thought:

Oh…this is the third scene in description hehehe then what next? I'm so excited!!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!