Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0031

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:56:17 AM

Chapter 0031

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However, before that, given that he didn't have many points, he wanted to sell a message and deal with a batch of inventory.

So after Zhang lie in black left the hotel, he didn't rush out of the base directly.

Instead, he squatted at the gate of the base and began to pay attention to the flow of people in and out of the base.

It was not until a heroic woman appeared with four or five team members that he silently followed and stepped out of the base with them.

As soon as he left the base, Zhang lie, dressed in black, shouted nervously: "hmm? How did he break through the basic skill method again?"

The voice was not loud, but the surprise in the words made the heroic woman around her and several teammates around her look sideways.

In that heroic woman's team, someone immediately showed disdain. After all, from their point of view, basic skills are really far away.

But in the eyes of the leading heroic woman, she showed her eyes with great interest.

"Little brother, what do you mean to break through again? Can you break through the tenth floor of your basic skill?"

Seeing that the other party took the bait, Zhang lie pretended to be flustered and said vaguely: "no, no, wrong... Illusion!"

However, Zhang lie, who said the illusion on his mouth, was at a loss. He hurriedly returned to the base.

Such a move naturally made the heroic woman more concerned. She also immediately stopped moving forward. In the confusion of several teammates, she followed Zhang lie and directly returned to the base.

Under the black clothes, Zhang lie was smiling, but his behavior was even more flustered. After finding that the heroic woman followed him back to the base, he immediately began to run wildly.

In this way, it makes the heroic woman wonder what happened to the mysterious boy in black.

Black iron base, in an alley.

Seeing that both ends of the two alleys were blocked, Zhang lie screamed like the same girl who was about to be blocked by that or something: "this is a base, don't mess around!"

The heroic woman smiled, "mess? You think it's beautiful?"

"I don't need to say more. You should know why we chased you?"

"Don't worry, we Chu family never bully the weak, and I Chu LAN won't. tell me about your basic skill."

"If I feel valuable, I will pay you a certain number of points. What do you think?"

Chu Lan's heroic face was full of kindness, which made Zhang lie sigh that he didn't pick the wrong person.

But sigh, the play has to go on.

Leng Buding trembled excitedly. Zhang lie boasted: "really? Do you really give points? How much do you intend to give?"

Chu LAN didn't have a good way: "it depends on your news. How much is it worth!"

As soon as this came out, Zhang lie was immediately disappointed and said, "well, that's not how much you say!"

"Don't worry, our Chu family has always been fair. We don't need your points."

Chu LAN promised again, but Zhang lie still didn't believe it, and even farted on his face.

"It's really insincere. The news is worth five million points. I can't tell you easily!"

Hearing Zhang lie's words, a man around Chu LAN disdained and said, "sister LAN, this boy looks mysterious. In fact, he is such a fool!"

"Five million points, you won the lottery?"

"Do you know how much you can exchange for five million points? 500 million federal dollars? 500 million in one message. Are you poor and crazy!"

The two Chu families sang in unison and belittled Zhang lie as worthless.

But Zhang lie was not moved at all. Instead, he said with a crazy smile: "ha ha, if I say that after the basic skill breaks through the limit, the void will prompt the increase of the upper limit of ordinary genes?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu LAN and others were stunned.

Break through the limit of basic skill method and increase the upper limit of common gene number!?

Is it possible? Nonsense?

People ask themselves, but they have no clue. After all, they have no experience in this field and have never imagined so.

But what if it's true? The news may really be worth 500 million!

You know, when the void world is promoted to the second world, the gene points also represent the final strengthening level of the body.

Therefore, the void world is the basis of all gene warriors. The really strong will fully absorb all three genes in the void world before entering the second world.

The better the foundation, for a gene warrior, the road will naturally be wider and wider in the future.

For example, some of the above skills need a number of points higher than the total number of genes before they can be practiced.

If the news is true and feasible and the other party has the knack of breaking the limit, the news says that 500 million is less.

After all, this means that the gene points of their own family's gene warriors are naturally higher than those of other families.

This temptation is Chu Lan's at the top of the family. Where can he stand it?

"Boy, are you sure you're not talking nonsense?" Chu LAN is excited.

Zhang lie laughed: "hahaha, ridiculous!"

"Nonsense? Believe it or not, if I go out now, there will be countless crying and shouting to talk about cooperation with you!"

Chu LAN immediately said with a pleasant face: "no, little brother, do you think we have a fate? Besides, we Chu family can't afford it."

"Wait a minute. I'll inform our young master immediately and ask him to come and talk about the business with you in person."

"You believe me and our Chu family, we will give you an absolutely fair price."

At this moment, the blood of Chu Lan's whole body was completely boiling.

If all this is true, if the two sides can negotiate, the whole Chu family will inevitably usher in earth shaking changes.

Soon, Chu LAN contacted Chu Feng. After a brief exchange of words, the two sides agreed on the place of the meeting.

But what Zhang lie didn't expect was that when Chu LAN sent someone to report, Yun Bing was just there. After hearing a word and a half, it was naturally impossible to let go.

In this way, the original two interviews have become three talks.

Chufeng tavern, top secret conference room.

Zhang lie, Chu Feng, Yun Bing, Chu LAN and Yun Gang sit upright.

Looking at the beautiful cloud ice in front of him, Zhang lie didn't expect that things would evolve like this.

As for the other four, naturally they all stared at the mysterious Zhang lie.

As the master, Chu Feng was the first to say, "little brother, there are no outsiders here. Can you show the true face of Lushan?"

Zhang lie immediately shook his head and said, "that's not possible. You're all big families. What if you don't promise before the transaction is completed, won't I be killed by you?"

"Besides, trading is trading. It doesn't seem that you need to show your face?"

Zhang lie's caution did not disgust everyone, but added a bit of confidence in the information he had.

After all, the so-called breakthrough of basic skills sounds like a myth to him.

I don't know why, after seeing the boy so cautious in front of them, they suddenly had a little more confidence in the fantastic news.

Yunbing couldn't help laughing and said, "well, little brother, I have to say that your caution has added a lot of points to you."

"Then tell me, how do we deal?"

It's a pity that Zhang lie is too old to see beautiful women.

He didn't show the slightest difference, and even said bluntly: "the transaction is very simple. You can ask me three questions to break the limit first."

"As long as it does not involve core secrets, I will answer truthfully!"

"After that, if you are still interested, you can choose to continue listening. Of course, if you choose to listen again, you must pay me a deposit."

"After that, I will let you prepare the seedlings, and then let you witness what is breaking the limit. After that, you will pay me another part of the fee."

"Well, if you agree, let's start. If you disagree, let's go where we come from. Don't waste our time!"

"OK, little brother, be quick! Then I don't have ink. I'll ask the first question!"

"Not to mention the process of breaking through the limit gene, I want to know how much the upper limit of common basic gene can be increased after the basic skill of this method breaks through the limit."

Zhang lie did not procrastinate in his way of doing things, which was appreciated by Chu Feng. He couldn't wait to ask the first question, which was also the most concerned question of the people present.

Increase effect!

Yes, this is the growth effect of the specific upper limit after breaking the limit!

After all, if you try your best to make a chicken rib, you will spit blood. 5 million points is not a small number.

Zhang lie seemed to have guessed the first question and said calmly, "10 o'clock!"

"After the basic skill method breaks through the ten layer limit, the upper limit of common basic genes will be increased by 10 points!"

"However, this overflowing 10 points is more powerful for the increase of body strength than the 10 point mutant gene!"

"So you see what this means?"

Zhang lie's voice fell, and everyone was completely silent.

ten o'clock Only 10 o'clock!!

Can overflow the effect, so that the increase effect of these 10 basic genes exceeds 10 mutation genes!

Born 10 points higher than your opponent!

Against the sky!!

If the upper limit of 10 basic genes does not have much impact on combat effectiveness.

The gap caused by 110 point mutant genes has been very obvious, which is obvious to the naked eye.

In a sense, the body strength increased by more than 10 mutated genes has been regarded as a qualitative change.

At this moment, there was only one thought in the hearts of the four people present, Yun and Chu.

We must win this secret, whether 500 million or 1 billion, we must win it!

This news is not only of great significance to the cloud family and the Chu family, but also an important message enough to affect the entire federal genetic evolution history.

For more than ten seconds, all the talents came back one after another, and their eyes were shining.

On one side of the cloud ice, after regaining consciousness, he also said excitedly: "I have to say that your news is really strong enough. No wonder you have to open your mouth for 500 million."

"If this news is true, then we can all be regarded as being stained with light!"

"However, the effect is so good that there should be no preconditions for limit breakthrough?"

"My question is very simple. I want to know the prerequisites for limit breaking?"

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