Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0052

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:55:48 AM

Chapter 0052

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The whole mountain was shocked by this explosion, and black and red completely swallowed everything.

Let Chu Xun, who was hiding in the far distance, shout out spectacular.


After the vibration, a long cry of anger wanted to ring out, and the blood red rays hit Li Jin directly from the smoke.


Just after all the moves, Li Jin was in a weak state of source power deficit. He immediately drank his elite and came to protect the frame.

"Bang Bang...!"

The source shield reappeared, but the difference is that this time the source shield is extremely fragile.

Almost at the moment when the blood light touched, it broke and escaped directly, and could not stop the blood arrow burning the fire of life at all.


At the same time, the two pincers in front of the body burst to pieces, and the super bloodthirsty ant whose half head disappeared directly rushed out of the smoke and rushed over.

"Dangdang, puff...!"

The sound of metal and iron attack and the sound of sharp blades entering the flesh sounded almost at the same time. Three or four strong attacking members directly turned into several sections of corpses.

But even so, the elite under Li Jin did not have any fear, but became more crazy.

I'm kidding. There are super creatures in front of them, and they are still seriously injured. They naturally rush up without killing themselves.

As long as we can make up for this last knife, it will be a great achievement. The family reward is attractive. It may even be given some genetic flesh and blood.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the power of the super bloodthirsty ant's blood boiling skill. There was almost no combination under the blade leg. In an instant, more than a dozen good players were broken in the Li family.

"Loose, contain, it won't last long!"

Li Jin starts to give orders. It has to be said that as a conductor, his sense of smell is indeed quite sensitive.

The most fearless thing about boiling blood is to fight head-on, and even the significance of this genetic technology, that is, to decide the blow of life and death at the last moment

At this moment, if Li Jin is hot headed and can't wait to pick the fruits of victory, he will be eaten by super bloodthirsty ants.

But if we rely on the number advantage to constantly contain and pull the super bloodthirsty ant, so that it has absolute power but does not play, then once the blood boiling skill is over, the latter is the existence of his free bubble.

Li Jin is smart, but the super bloodthirsty ant is not without wisdom.

When killing more than ten strong attacking members, boiling blood is coming to an end, and the physical pain returns, it begins to sprout retreat.

"Kaka, Kaka...!"

Six blade like limbs and legs move very fast on the top of the mountain, and the super bloodthirsty ant moves towards the edge of the mountain like a stumbling tank.

Unfortunately, it's too late to want to run.

"Oh, if you want to escape, interference group, go to the star cobweb!!"

When the harvest time came, Li Jin drank excitedly and rushed down a hillside with a huge golden knife.


The starlight cobweb reappears and covers the super bloodthirsty ants that are almost close to the edge of the cliff.


Tragic insects sounded, and countless variant bloodthirsty ants, like waves, spread up the cliff.

Unfortunately, their speed and combat effectiveness are not enough to see. They can't save super bloodthirsty ants at all.

"Golden pole chop!"

Before people arrived, the blade went ahead and the war knife was in hand. Li Jin was arrogant and awe inspiring. The blade was seven or eight meters long and cut off with great dignity.

"When... Puff...!"

With a ferocious cry, the blood light bloomed. After the blood boiling operation, the legs of the super bloodthirsty ant in a weak state were suppressed by the knife awn.

The golden saber awn enters through the body, and the ant armor breaks into large pieces.

Of course, it's not over yet. Dao mang is just the forerunner, followed by Li Jin's powerful sabre.


The sharp blade entered the sound of flesh, and the sword directly cut into the body of the super bloodthirsty ant, but at the same time, the super bloodthirsty ant, who seemed to have given up resistance, shrank with cold in the abdomen, and a blood arrow shot out like an aurora.

The blood arrow is fast. Even Li Jin can't dodge at this distance.

However, his inability to dodge does not mean that he has no way to deal with it. As early as he rushed up, Li Jin had a dying blow against the super bloodthirsty ant.

Therefore, almost at the moment of the super bloodthirsty ant's belly closing, Li Jin had a very solid exquisite turtle shield on his hand.

Looking at the patterns and patterns of the shield, it's actually a soul weapon made of super soul jade.

I have to say that the Li family is worthy of a big family. There are many super soul jade.

The tortoise shield was so big that it almost completely blocked Li Jin.


With a dull sound, the ordinary blood arrow did not penetrate the huge shield, but the impact on the arrow was beyond Li Jin's expectation.

After two steps of rapid retreat, Li Jin couldn't help spilling a touch of red from the corners of his mouth.

After all, he was slightly injured, but he didn't care at all. A light smile slowly set off under the red.

This blow should be the last struggle of the super bloodthirsty ant. After resisting this last blow, there is only harvest left.

However, imagination is always full, but reality is often quite skinny.

Smiling Li Jin saw a black figure and a little lilac cold light when he withdrew his turtle shield.

No! It's the boy who killed Li Hong! Li Jin shouted in his heart that it was not good!!

Previously, he focused all his attention on the super bloodthirsty ant and completely ignored Zhang lie, the hidden one.

Of course, in this case, the guy with normal brain circuit will never risk his life to appear here.

Obviously, I didn't think Zhang lie would be so crazy.

In fact, is this crazy for Zhang lie? Not necessarily!

No matter what he thinks, Zhang lie's sword will not slow down by a penny.

"When, puff...!"

Li Jin's reaction was not unpleasant. At the critical moment, the sword in his hand was instinctively horizontal and blocked in front of his eyes and face.

The cold light crossed from the edge of the war knife, and the blood was dripping on the right face.


After one strike, Li Jin, who had a certain understanding of Zhang lie's combat effectiveness, first reacted by retreating. After all, his current state is really bad.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party didn't have the slightest intention of pursuing after this attack, and even retreated as quickly as he did.

Just when Li Jin didn't know why, the voice of empty will that made him vomit blood sounded in his brain.

"Ding! Participate in killing super bloodthirsty ants and devour super bloodthirsty ant meat. You can ingest 1-10 super gene points!"

As you can see, the super bloodthirsty ant completely closed and pulled down. A soul jade like a ruby is being put into the palm of the man in black.

"Worthy of the top ten in the void combat power list, the response is really good, but I'll laugh at this super bloodthirsty ant!"

In an angry tone, Zhang lie, who collected the soul jade, patted the super bloodthirsty ant with one hand, and even people with the super bloodthirsty ant disappeared directly in front of Li Jin.

"Ah, damn bastard, wait. If I don't break you into pieces today, I won't be surnamed Li!!"

In an instant, Li Jin blushed and almost didn't explode in situ.

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