Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0088

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:54:54 AM

Chapter 0088

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As for Li Feng, to refine the white light dragon seal is to start from scratch.

Originally, Zhang lie didn't hold much hope, but from the attitude of others, this boy may also be able to surprise himself.

Zhang lie looks at Li Feng, and Li Feng also looks at him.

"Boss, I'm on!"

"OK, let me see your white light Dragon Seal!"

The long sword in his hand stabbed Zhang lie, and a white light dragon came towards Zhang lie.

Very strong, stronger than Zhang lie imagined.

It seems that it was the right choice to let Li Feng practice the white light Dragon Seal. As expected, he was not disappointed.

In that case, Zhang lie took it a little seriously.

When the water rippled, he stepped on his feet and was behind Li Feng.

"Light by light!"

While Zhang lie moved, Li Feng also moved. One by one, they chased each other like black-and-white yin-yang fish.

The speed of Li Feng in the light phase is naturally not slow, and even has a faint trend of surpassing Zhang lie.

Of course, all this is based on the premise that Zhang lie deliberately releases water.

After all, the strength gap is there. Strictly speaking, at present, Li Feng and other players are fine.

There is no comparability with Zhang lie in any aspect.


With a dull sound, the white light dragon was broken, the Yin and Yang Pisces were opened, and Li Feng burst out.

"The speed is very good. It is worthy of being a sign of light!"

"Come again!"

"Bright dragon shadow war!"

When the move was broken, Li Feng was not discouraged at all. His hands suddenly turned into an illusion and shot Zhang lie with white light dragon shadow.

"Da Guangming fist? Good!" Zhang lie praised his left arm and whispered, "a wave of injustice!"

"Bang! Bang!"

In the sound of fine impact, countless dragon shadows hit Zhang Liena's seemingly weak wave light.

But this seemingly weak wave light is now as strong as an iron wall. No matter how dense and violent the Dragon shadow is, it can't shake it.

On the contrary, it was Li Feng himself who worked hard, failed again, and exhausted three times. In an instant, hundreds of records of all-out bombardment soon consumed most of the source force in his body.

Finally, it exploded and retreated for several meters again under the wave light.

"Boss, you use this wave fist, it's so..."

After the explosion, Li Feng did not make complaints about the attack, and quickly gathered the source of power and Tucao.

"Two months, such a big Guangming fist is very good! That's it!"

"No, boss, I have one last move!"

"Well, come on, let me see your last card!"


Li Kai's whole body began to shine slowly and solemnly.

At this moment, Li Feng's energy and spirit were all adjusted to the peak!

"Boss, take the move, white dragon breaks the air!"

With a loud drink, Li Feng, who added the Dragon Armor, suddenly raised his left arm, the white light seal converged quickly, and a huge dragon claw with fine appearance, like a light column, was covered from the top of Zhang liezheng.

"Well come!"

Zhang lie raised the corners of his mouth, turned his palm into a fist and rose into the sky.


The black water mist filled the air, and the black ferocious snake swallowed up the white palm, and everything dissipated in an instant.

Li Feng covered his palm and grinned, as if he had been hurt.

Zhang lie immediately asked, "sorry, I'm excited for a moment. Stop confiscating it. How are you? Are you okay?"

"Nothing, no injury, just a little pain!"

In fact, Zhang lie naturally stopped at last, just a little slower.

Otherwise, Li Feng doesn't just hurt a little.

"That's good!"

"All right, come here!"

Knowing that Li Feng was all right, Zhang lie was relieved and immediately gathered the crowd. He had a message to tell everyone.

When the crowd gathered, Zhang lie stopped writing and immediately said, "first of all, I want to praise you. You have worked very hard in the past two months and basically exceeded my expectations!"

As soon as Zhang lie said this, everyone showed a heartfelt smile on their faces.

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman is allowed to please her confidant.

Zhang lie's praise is extremely important to them, or more important than anything.

"Well, by the way, after dinner, tidy up and go back all night today!"

However, before he could express the happiness of being praised, Zhang lie drew a question mark in their minds?

go back?

Go back overnight?


The crowd looked confused.

When the skill is first completed, shouldn't it be hunting and getting gene points quickly?

After all, they are far from full of genes?

"Boss, why?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, isn't it a waste of time to go back now?"

The team members did not understand and looked at Zhang lie one after another.

However, in the face of the team members' inquiry, Zhang lie just smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. It won't take too long. Turn around and come back."

Such an answer made everyone stunned again.

But Zhang lie didn't say, and they didn't ask any more.



Earth, Liaocheng, Tailin mountains.

Looking around at the miscellaneous followers and trees that haven't changed all night, Fang Yi couldn't help asking, "boss, where is our destination?"

They had been going around for half a night, but the boss didn't stop at all, as if looking for something.

It had just rained in the jungle, and the trees were covered with rain and dew. The seven people seemed to be transformed into ghosts on a rainy night.

Just as Fang Yi's voice fell, Zhang lie finally stopped.

"Yes, that's it!"

Zhang lie's words made everyone come forward immediately.

But in front of them, there was only one piece of wood pile that looked old.


I didn't sleep this big night. I took everyone around for half the night just to find the stake?

Is everyone stupid?

Li Feng looked at the stake carefully. After confirming that it was an ordinary stake, he was very puzzled and said, "boss, we've been looking for such a stake for so long?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Zhang lie smiled mysteriously and motioned the crowd to step back.

"Hehe, get out of the way first. You'll know later!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang lie spread the crowd, stepped gently under his feet and stepped heavily on the wooden pile.

"Kaka, Kaka...!"

In the sharp sound of space squeezing, Zhang lie began to blur in people's eyes.

No, not Zhang lie, but the space around him began to blur.

The shadows overlap, and in an instant, the space in front of everyone seems to become a kaleidoscope, hundreds of thousands of eyes.

"Oh, it's really a shadow array!"

When the people were surprised and suspicious, Zhang lie showed a clear look.

"Don't panic, wait for my order!"

The method of breaking the array has long been memorized in Zhang lie's heart. While calling everyone in his heart.

My heart began to meditate

Left three, right four, back nine, front five!

Then, the first seven, the left six, the last three, the right one!



With a crisp sound, Zhang lie's fluctuating fist burst out, and the overlapping space like a kaleidoscope slowly cracked like a mirror.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!