Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0129

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:53:53 AM

Chapter 0129

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Wang Han's words echoed in his ears, but under the calm face, there were already waves.

He knows what Wang Han's words mean. Zhang lie's strength is far beyond the surface and is no longer limited to the younger generation.

"Wang Han, are you kidding?" Qin Chongming sat back with a cold face.

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm kidding? Samsung ink tail seems to be at the second level?"

Wang Han shook his head with a bitter smile. If he was joking, he wouldn't let Li Mo and Qin Chongming come here with a big bang.

"Lord Wang, there seems to be some truth in what he said!"

Wang Mo's eyebrows are not necessary for him to lie.

Qin Chongming also knew it, but the news was incredible.

"Of course, I sent two gene warriors with high compatibility, who are also outstanding in the second world."

Wang Han continued, and his face became more and more heavy. The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence. Qin Chongming and Li mo were still digesting the hot news from Wang Han.

After all, if this martyr is really so fierce, this person must be killed as quickly as possible, and even use some powerful means when necessary.

At this time, there was no respect for the style of everyone. It was the most important thing to block Zhang lie's growth.

"This person must also be a big hidden danger in your hearts. If you don't kill him, you can really feel at ease?"

Wang Han went on to say that if Zhang lie had not grown up too fast and the guardian of the medal, Wang Han would not want to ask Li Mo to come and discuss with Qin Chongming.

Qin Chongming raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the speech. When talking about this place, he already knew what Wang Han wanted to express. It was nothing more than the combination of the three to kill Zhang lie together!

This kind of formation is used to deal with a gene warrior in one field. I'm afraid it will make other families laugh.

"You two think about it. This boy is still fledgling. If you let him go for another period of time, then..."

Wang Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't say everything, leaving them to think for themselves.

Qin Chongming frowned. The Qin family and Zhang lie were deeply feud.

If it weren't for Zhang lie, Qin Xiao wouldn't end up like this. Not only was Qin Xiao expelled from the family, the Qin family was also suppressed by other families, and their strength was greatly reduced.

Looking at Zhang lie, he was the king at the bottom a few months ago. Now he has become Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf. This growth is amazing.

Thinking carefully, Qin Chongming only felt that his back ridge was cold. He already understood why Wang Han invited him to come.

"But we have to deal with that guy, the federal and Chinese medals. I'm afraid we can't get around it!"

"Can we still quarrel with the government directly for this?"

Li murmur sighed. It was precisely because he was afraid of the Union and China that his Li family hasn't done anything until now.

"Yes, you can't succeed in the open, but what about the secret?"

Wang Han seemed to have expected that Li Mo would say so, and said faintly.

Qin Chongming and Li Mo frowned slightly. They didn't think about this method, but Zhang lie was too cunning. His whereabouts were uncertain. He spent most of his time in the void.

"Soon, this guy's martial arts school will be opened. According to the rules of the martial arts school alliance, those old martial arts school owners in Ningcheng have three opportunities to compete!"

"Duel, fist and foot have no eyes. If there is any accident, I can only blame this boy for his lack of Taoism!"

"Ten thousand steps back, that is to say, it is true to trace down. You and my three families are among the suspects. The leader will deal with our three families recklessly for a dead genius?"

Wang Han murmured, and a vicious trick had taken shape.

As soon as his voice fell, Qin Chongming and Li Mo also had a flash in their eyes.

"Master Wang, what a trick!" The corners of Qin Chongming's mouth curved with a smile.

"Each other."

Wang Han arched his hand and smiled, and immediately understood it.

"Ha ha, that's it!"


Qin Chongming and Li Mo immediately stood up. Although the cooperation was not made clear, the three had already understood their hearts.



In a hurry, the construction of Zhang lie's martial arts school was quite calm.

No matter in the void world or in this world, there was hardly any trouble, as if it was the tranquility before the storm.

In such a storm, Zhang lie's martial arts school has gradually taken shape.

But at this moment, Zhang Hong, who has just become the legal adviser of extreme martial arts school, is a little uneasy.

Although Zhang lie said that the qualification certificate of the martial arts school would be delivered in the near future, she was still vaguely worried. After all, when she went, the attitude of the Martial Arts Alliance was quite bad.

Just at this moment, a suspended car stopped in front of his law firm. Mediterranean Lao Yang stepped down from the car. After confirming that this is Zhang Hong's law firm, he hurried in with a document.

He walked quickly to Zhang Hong's office. After taking a deep breath, Lao Yang knocked on the door carefully.

"Bang Bang...!"

Zhang Hong, who was in a hurry in the office, was immediately frightened by the knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Reluctantly shook his head, pulled back his thoughts and hung up a professional smile.

"Good morning, Lawyer Zhang."

When the door opened, Lao Yang came in with a smile on his face. Zhang Hong was stunned in an instant.

When she went to apply for the qualification examination of the martial arts school before, Lao Yang didn't look like this now. She still has a deep memory of his nostril.

"It's director Yang. Please sit down!"

Although wondering about the change of Lao Yang's attitude, Zhang Hong greeted with a smile and immediately asked her assistant to pour a cup of hot tea.

Lao Yang sat down on the leather sofa. He rubbed his hands and the smile on his face remained unabated. The whole person seemed inexplicably restrained.

"Well, that's right. This is the qualification assessment of Mr. Zhang lie's martial arts school. The procedures are a little complicated, so it took some time."

Lao Yang carefully put a document on the transparent glass tea table.

The above is the qualification examination certificate with the seal, including a chip and some paper documents.

"Really, the procedures of Martial Arts Alliance are indeed complicated."

Zhang Hong looked at Lao Yang in surprise, reached for the documents and began to query them one by one. In less than a minute, he identified the authenticity of these qualification documents.

Really, all the information is complete!

Among them, the signature that should have been her running errands was all handled by Lao Yang, who had changed his attitude.

In a word, the extreme martial arts school under construction by Zhang lieshang has been recognized by the Federation and China since now.

"This... Director Yang, thank you so much, thank you so much!"

Such a reversal surprised Zhang Hong. Her face was full of ecstasy, and she even spoke incoherently.

"It's okay, it should be! Now that it's done, please ask lawyer Zhang to tell Mr. Zhang that his affairs have been handled by Lao Yang. I hope his adult will forgive Lao Yang once."

Lao Yang licked his nervous and dry lips and opened his mouth in anticipation.

Zhang Hong was stunned. She was curious that she went to handle it with Zhang lie's name. Lao Yang looked like his nostrils were facing the sky. Why did Lao Yang's attitude change dramatically after Zhang lie went there in person?

"Er... OK! OK!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang. You are not only beautiful but also kind!"

Seeing Zhang Hongying, Lao Yang praised one after another. At the same time, he was finally relieved.

At this moment, he can only pray secretly in his heart. Zhang lie will let him live after he has obtained the qualification certificate of the martial arts school.

"Then I'll go first. I won't bother you!"

Lao Yang nodded and bowed as he walked towards the door.

At this moment, Zhang Hong's assistant just came in with tea. Seeing that the federal director was so respectful to Zhang Hong, he almost surprised the cup in his hand and his chin.

After Lao Yang went out, the little assistant immediately said curiously, "Sister Zhang, what's the situation? People from the union martial arts school alliance are so respectful to you?"

"Oh, this is not my face. Director Yang is for Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Hong recalled Zhang lie's young face and was really curious about how a guy who could only afford a poor house not long ago could do so.

Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf, seems to have met a noble man!



"Mr. Zhang, the qualification certificate has come down, and the construction of the martial arts school has entered the final stage. It can be officially opened in a week at most!"

"So fast, it seems that Lao Yang's office of the Martial Arts Alliance is still effective."

After he hung up the communicator, the smile on his mouth was very playful.

He stood up and stretched his waist. A mouthful of turbid Qi came out of his mouth. When the martial arts school was established and was about to open, the practice was also temporarily ended.

After trimming himself, he walked towards the members of the extreme team.

To Zhang lie's surprise, he originally thought that the people of the extreme team should relax and then start cultivation. It is also possible that they can meet the current situation because they have gained a lot of growth in the silent desert.

Unexpectedly, during his closed period, the extreme team did not relax and also entered closed training.

The experience of the Kyoto guard war and the extinction of the desert made them realize that in this world of the jungle, they are actually nothing at present!


Yang Ze, who was sweating heavily, found Zhang lie's figure and immediately put away his shocking fist.

In the fierce battle to extinguish the desert, he had a deeper understanding of wave boxing. In addition, Zhang lie had deliberately practiced wave boxing for him countless times before.

At this moment, his wave fist has changed qualitatively, and even the ground shaking used in Zhang lie's war of fame seems to have been mastered.

"Clean up, we should go back!"

Looking at the people who worked so hard, Zhang lie smiled a little.

The people of the extreme team smell the speech, and there is a flash in their eyes. The martial arts school is finally going to be established.


The transmission light curtain completely disappeared, and sun Xiaowu and others gave a cry of surprise.

Because the scene in front of them and when they left changed too much, the ancient gatehouse with black steel walls and a simple and atmospheric martial arts school suddenly came into sight.

In front of the gatehouse, four characters of extreme martial arts school are engraved on a huge water drop stone.

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