Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0167

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:53:18 AM

Chapter 0167

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"What? I'm afraid Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf, disdains to participate in the city ranking war!"

"Let Li Sanqing pick up a bargain."

Many gene fighters make complaints about it.

"Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf, was not present. According to the rules, he should be deprived of his right to participate in the title war in the void."

Bai Lao coughed as if to remind Su Feng of something. Su Feng suddenly felt a headache.

The boy told himself that he was going to attend. I won't really forget it!

This is a lot of soldiers in the world. You can't ask for an opportunity.

"At the last minute, if there is no player at that time, it will be deemed as abstention!"

The white old man said in a deep voice, and the countdown began in the upper right corner of the big screen. At the same time, the battle had begun in other competitive platforms.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Li Sanqing stared at the clock attentively and murmured. He urgently hoped that the clock would return to zero soon.

In this way, he can win the game without effort.

"It's only 30 seconds. I'm afraid the boy won't come."

Su Feng sighed helplessly, although Zhang lie's strength really didn't need to be proved by the title war.

But the reward of this competition is quite rich. Can't he see it?

What a headache!

"Dragon wolf Zhang lie, haven't you arrived?"

Bai laorun asked in a deep voice. There was silence below. Many gene soldiers were relieved. It seemed that Zhang lie could not attend.

"Here, here!"

However, at this critical moment, several figures pushed and shooed from the crowd into the battle preparation area.

At such a moment, it's not who the extreme team can be.

The war preparation elites who were only relieved took a breath of air conditioning. Why did they come again?

When lisanqing above heard the sound, he almost fainted before his eyes.

From hell to heaven, and then from heaven to hell, how a miserable word.

"Hurry up, you're almost late at this juncture. What do you think? It's not like words!"

Su Feng coughed a little angrily, then looked piteously at Li Sanqing on the fighting platform.

Zhang lie didn't say anything more and went straight into the light curtain. When the light flickered, Zhang lie directly appeared on the battle platform.

At this time, Li Sanqing was already trembling in two shares and had no fighting spirit.

I'm kidding. This is Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf, who killed the dragon and Li family. There are five demons in total!

After Zhang lie stepped onto the battle platform, he first stretched his waist, and his muscles and bones all made a crisp noise.

With the sound of muscles and bones, the source force of the whole body bloomed slowly. The terrible breath made Li Sanqing feel suffocated.

"I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time."

Zhang lie murmured and spoke with ease.

But this was not the case in Li Sanqing's ears.

From his point of view, the other party said he wanted to move his muscles and bones, that is, he wanted to operate on him?

The more he thought about it, the more nervous it made him. Many bloody pictures flashed in his mind.

"Hello, my name is Zhang lie."

After the preparatory activities, Zhang lie greeted with a smile from his heart.

After all, it was just a duel, and Li Sanqing had no resentment with him, and his strength was more like a child in his eyes.

Seeing this smile, many gene soldiers who pay attention to this side below look strange.

Once upon a time, when the extreme martial arts school opened, they had seen similar smiles, how friendly and kind, but Behind this amiability, there is endless fishy wind and blood rain.

"I admit defeat!"

Li Sanqing's heart beat faster, then roared and directly admitted defeat.

Its speed is so fast that people haven't reacted yet.

"I'll go! I'll admit defeat now. This is the first round, counseling!

"Bullying? Teasing? That's Zhang lie, the Dragon wolf!"

"What a wise choice. I want to face the Dragon wolf Zhang lie and admit defeat without even going to the stage!"

"This guy has bad luck."

People at the bottom discussed one after another, and were not surprised by such a result.

"Li Sanqing, you can think clearly. If you admit defeat in this war, you can only participate in the elimination and promotion competition!"

Bai Lao is not surprised. After all, many people in previous dynasties chose to preserve their strength when they knew they were defeated.

"I've figured it out."

Li Sanqing swallowed his saliva and replied, "who dares to duel with this murderous God? Don't you want to die?"?

Zhang lie's fierce achievements are famous in the whole void world. Whether it's the Wang family, the Qin family or the dragon family, he can't take any advantage of them.

He killed decisively and the means were really heinous. Li Sanqing took Zhang lie as a demon.


Zhang lie was stunned for a moment. The void Title war will be a valuable opportunity for every gene warrior.

Besides, under this competition system, he will never take the other party. He was surprised that the other party surrendered directly.


Without much to say, Li Sanqing quickly left the arena.

Winner of No. 363 fighting skill platform, dragon wolf Zhang lie!

Li Sanqing's admission of defeat means that the battle here is over. The green light on the fighting platform is condensed into a line of small characters, announcing Zhang lie's victory.

At this time, on the other combat skill platforms that started first, the war is still extremely fierce. I'm afraid I can't tell the victory or defeat for a while and a half.

As a result, Zhang lie, who started fighting last but ended fighting first, has once again become an alien in the spotlight.

"Captain, you're too good. You scared your opponent to pee without taking a shot."

As soon as he returned to the area where the extreme team was located, sun Xiaowu said with bright eyes.

Sun Mengmeng and others all agree one after another. The competition system is there. There's no need for Li Sanqing to be afraid.

"Leave me alone. There's still time now. Hurry to study your own opponents!"

Zhang lie smiled calmly and had no good airway.

After watching the schedule, sun Mengmeng and others began to look for information about their opponents.

As for Zhang lie, because of his victory, I'm afraid he won't start the second battle until afternoon, which makes other gene soldiers relax.

"The second batch, No. 451 bucket platform, sun Mengmeng vs Yang Piaoping!"

Sun Mengmeng's name was broadcast on the light screen. Sun Mengmeng looked frozen when he heard the speech, and then immediately entered the standby area.

"Sister, come on!"

"Mengmeng, come on!"

The members of the extreme team cheer for it.

Sun Mengmeng looked back at the crowd and took a deep breath.

"Captain, do you think sun Mengmeng can do it?" Fang Yi and others looked at Zhang lie and asked.

Zhang lie's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew sun Mengmeng's strength. After breaking through the limit common gene, she took No. 1 limit medicine. In terms of management, her strength was stronger than Chu Feng, Yun Bing and others.

Coupled with Zhang lie's carefully selected skills and soul jade advantages, it's not too simple to defeat Yang Piao.

However, according to the data, Yang Piao comes from Yinzong martial arts school and is good at using strange sound wave attacks, which is often impossible to prevent!

Although sun Mengmeng has some actual combat experience, he rarely fights against enemies who are good at using sound waves to attack.

"It takes time to trigger the sound wave. If Mengmeng plays, he will break out his own long-range advantage and will win it in an instant!"

"But if you hesitate and let the other party constantly urge the sound waves to superimpose each other, you may have to waste some effort!"

After a simple analysis, Zhang lie gave the answer with a smile, obviously relieved of sun Mengmeng.

When sun Mengmeng stood on the stage, the light curtain flickered and a woman with a big brown wave hugging a zither emerged.

Its face is beautiful. The lying silkworm has Danfeng eyes and purple eyes, which are slightly flirtatious. With a sound of leather combat clothes, it sets off the concave and convex of the figure.

One is enchanting and charming, the other is quiet and heroic. Coupled with sun Mengmeng's identity, the battle between the two beauties naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"Sister Meng Meng, are you a member of the extreme team?"

As soon as he came up, Yang Piao said hello very skillfully. It felt like a fan saw an idol.


Sun Mengmeng chuckled, but began to condense secretly.

"Everyone is overwhelmed by Zhang lie. Can you let others? Piao Piao doesn't want to lose. It's too ugly!"

"How about Piao Piao playing a solo for you?"

Yang Piao Piao stretches his waist and shows his perfect figure without doubt. It seems that he wants to attract sun Mengmeng's attention.


"Sorry, this is a fighting stage, not a stage. Take it!"

Sun Mengmeng was not moved at all. Almost at the moment when the other party said he wanted to play solo, the source force of the whole body fire attribute burst out.

When the right hand vibrates, the divine bird bows in the hand, the bow strings vibrate, bend the bow and take the arrow at one go!


A low roar like the roar of a phoenix suddenly rang through the whole fighting platform, and a purple Fire Phoenix shot at Yang Piao Piao with terror.


Yang Piao obviously didn't expect that the other party would make such a decisive move, and it was a cruel move.

When the plot failed, Yang Piao also roared, and the source force of his whole body broke out in an instant and began to fight back immediately.

The jingling sound of zither clearly sounded in sun Mengmeng's mind, and the beating of each note shocked her brain.

"I'll go and fight!" Sun Xiaowu exclaimed below. The extreme team and even the surrounding people immediately paid attention to the battle between the two beauties.


"Sound wave skill - Beast roar!"

In the huge roar, the roar of the Phoenix overlaps with the roar of the beast, and the two-color source forces of wind and purple erupt. The scene is unusually hot.

"Pedal pedal...!"

In the afterwave of the two-color source force, Yang Piao's pedaling exploded and retreated, and the sound of Guzheng was also a meal.

Yang Piao is naturally not sun Mengmeng's opponent for the quality and thickness of the source force.

When the enemy retreated with one arrow, sun Mengmeng endured the discomfort in his head. The bowstring vibrated repeatedly, and several arrows were connected into one character, which directly sealed all the directions of Yang Piao's action.

Yang Piao's eyes were cold, but his body shape disappeared directly like a ghost.


However, just at this time, there was a burst, and the fighting platform was suddenly shocked. Sun Mengmeng suddenly burst into flames under his feet and rushed out like a lioness.


In a hurry, the sound of fists and palms suddenly became a line, but it only returned to calm for a moment.

The afterwaves of the two colors' source power dissipated completely, and sun Mengmeng, holding Yang Piao's neck in one hand, appeared in front of everyone with a cool look.

The winner of No. 451 fighting skill platform - Sun Mengmeng!

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