Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0190

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:52:53 AM

Chapter 0190

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At this moment, such an idea immediately flashed through the minds of all extreme players.

Yes, yes, it's invincible!

After all, as far as they know, this extreme force is completely controlled by Zhang lie.

"Captain, why are you so awesome?"

"Yes, doesn't that mean we...?"

Being able to break through basic genes has exceeded their cognition. Now Zhang lie has thrown such a heavy bomb.

After seeing the people lost their soul, Zhang lie stimulated again: "OK, don't be shocked here. If you have this stupefied Kung Fu? You'd better go out and find a magic medicine!"

"Yes, yes, find a panacea!"

"Go, go!"

Everyone in the extreme team was excited. There was no more nonsense. All the staff left the hotel excitedly.

When all the staff left, Zhang lie also took a deep breath.

Zhang lie took No. 3 medicine before, and his skill has been successfully broken through. The next thing to do is to fill up the super gene.

Fill the 50 point vacancy of super gene in one breath before the medicinal materials of soul melting medicine are ready.

When his mind moved, Zhang lie stepped into the depths of the desert.

The extreme team is located in other positions. At this moment, they do not hunt alone, nor do they act collectively. Instead, they are divided into three groups to hunt regionally.

As a result, some gene warriors can often see the people of the extreme team appear in the super area near the black iron base.

With the emergence of the extreme team, there will always be a painful roar or two.

"What is the ultimate team doing, crazy hunting super gene beasts? It's reasonable to say that their gene points should be full?"

"Isn't that nonsense? It must be hunting super soul jade!"

"Is it difficult for them to come here to play?"

Many gene warriors began to talk about it one after another.

In the shadow forest, Fang Yi's long gun was thunderous and instantly swallowed up a wolf super gene beast in front.

Sun Mengmeng's eyes were frozen. The dark moon demon flame arrow in his hand turned into an immortal bird and got into the dazzling light of the thunder. The ground trembled violently with the collision.


A moment later, a terrible roar came from the woods. Fang Yi and sun Mengmeng gasped slightly and pulled several miraculous herbs into their hands.

Although the body is a little tired, but the heart is beautiful!

The rest of the team members have also gained. According to this progress, I'm afraid they will be able to collect all the materials required for agent 2 in less than two months.

At the same time, in the depths of the desert, a figure was proudly in the sand, and the violent source force fluctuations echoed with the crazy sand hurricane.

The sound of terrorist impact and the roar of wind and sand rise one after another, and the source light blooms like a kaleidoscope.

However, it was only a moment, and several giants fell to the ground in a tiger roar, and the source light disappeared.

The wind and sand scattered. Zhang lie walked out of the corpse pile with a comfortable face and began to skillfully deal with his booty. After removing the unusable parts, he dug up a bunker on the spot.

After a while, bursts of meat fragrance floated out, drifting farther and farther with the wind and sand.

"Ding! Devour the meat of super dragon lizard and ingest super gene + 1. At present, the number of super genes is 101."


"Ding! Devour super sand scorpion meat and ingest super gene + 1. At present, the number of super genes is 108."

"... intake of super gene + 1, the current number of super genes is 116!"

"... super gene + 1, current super gene Book 121"

When the last piece of super gene beast meat was eaten, Zhang lie exhaled a turbid breath, and there was a piece of gene beast skeleton at his feet.

After the super gene broke through the limit, not only the physical strength, but also Zhang lie's abilities and even his digestive ability became extremely exaggerated.

After a feast, the super gene came to Zhang lie at 121. He just stopped for a while and continued to go deep into the extinct desert.

Hoo Hoo!

The wind and sand became stronger and stronger, and soon all the traces of Zhang lie were covered up.



At night, in the black iron base hotel.

The members of the extreme team are gray headed and gray faced. They look quite embarrassed, but they are all shining in their eyes without any fatigue.

They can hunt all day long gene beasts, most of which are super gene beasts.

"Dozens of miraculous drugs have been collected in just one day. If you work harder tomorrow, you will not be able to collect all miraculous drugs in two months."

Sun Xiaowu waved his fist excitedly.

"Not necessarily. I collected so many miraculous drugs today. There should be no same miraculous drugs near the black iron base. I'm afraid we'll stay away from the black iron base next."

"In this way, the time will be longer and the degree of danger will slowly increase!"

"I suggest that starting from tomorrow, two people in a group will be changed to three people in a group, safety first!"

Fang Yi said in a deep voice. After all, there are a certain number of miraculous drugs. Each kind of miraculous drug needs to collect more than ten. The number is not small when calculated carefully.

"It's true, but with our strength, the whole void world is not horizontal, at least it's difficult to sew the enemy!"

"So, I don't need to think about this. The key is this search. Today we have taken a lot of detours!"

Yang Ze Wen Yan was a high-profile opponent, saying that everyone should focus on the regional classification of miraculous drugs.

Then, the people began to have a heated discussion. After this discussion, they found that the search task under Zhang LIEBU was far from as simple as it seemed.

Sun Xiaowu, who was originally excited, looked a little more excited after carefully calculating the required magic medicine.


Just when everyone fell into a strange silence, the door suddenly opened and Zhang lie walked in slowly.

"Why, the harvest is not good today?" Seeing the dull atmosphere in the world, Zhang lie immediately asked with a smile.

"Captain, the task you assigned is too abnormal. It's thousands of elixirs!"

After clearly understanding the huge number of miraculous drugs, sun Xiaowu shouted.

"You can reduce it by a third, but if the refining fails, some of you may have to wait for the next time!"

Zhang lie looked at Sun Xiaowu thoughtfully. Some people in his words seemed to mean something.

"Not 100% success?"

"What is 100% success in world affairs?" Zhang lie asked back.

Hearing Zhang lie's words, the crowd became more silent.

It can be seen that each of the ten miraculous drugs is already the most appropriate and safest way.

Looking at some dejected people, Zhang lie's eyes flashed a divine light.

Because he knows that only under such pressure can the extreme team speed up the search for materials, which is actually a way for him to squeeze their potential.

"Two months is two months. We are the extreme team." After a long silence, sun Mengmeng cheered loudly.

"Yes, it's only one day. What's so frustrating? It's a big deal to go away. I don't believe this elixir is only limited to the black iron base!"

The rest of the team became full of confidence with sun Mengmeng's encouragement.



The next day, the people of the extreme team entered the crazy search state again, and Zhang lie continued to supplement his extreme gene.

A short time passed. At the Mohe River in the void world, Zhang lie, who was wet all over, came out of the river. His right hand was holding a huge cuttlefish, and his left hand was still holding a general elixir.

The elixir was weak, and there was a light layer of phosphor on its surface. A smell came to the nose, diluting the fishy smell of the super ink thief king.

"Good guy, it's really hard to deal with."

When he reached the shore, Zhang lie put the body of the super ink thief king on the shore at will, and a big pit of more than ten feet suddenly appeared on the beach.

Zhang lie's attention was entirely on the sea demon vine in his right hand.

"Yes, I didn't expect there was!"

This time I came to Mohe to hunt the super ink thief king. In addition to swallowing the blood and meat of the super gene beast, another purpose is to configure a single excipient in the soul melting potion.

This auxiliary material can better neutralize the toxicity of the three main drugs and improve the success rate. It is also one of the indispensable auxiliary materials, because it also exists in the void world, so he didn't use Bai Baoxuan to look for it.

The demon king put the corpse on the beach.


At this moment, when the waves rolled, a breath of source force came straight to his back.

Zhang lie's eyes narrowed slightly, the fierce wind soul jade started independently, the ripples under his feet, and his body immediately left his place for more than five feet.

Looking back, the sea breeze mixed with saltiness came from the pavement.

"Give me the sea demon vine. I'm willing to exchange points."

A young man with long hair on his back looked at Zhang lie and said faintly.

The young man is expressionless and full of active power. A sword in his hand is very eye-catching. The sword is matched with a super alloy scabbard, which is inlaid with a pearl, which flickers with a strange light under the sunshine.

Dressed in a light blue armor, he stared at the sea demon vine in Zhang lie's hand.

"Not for sale."

Seeing the other party's attitude, Zhang lie frowned and said no.

"Brother, I suggest you sell me this sea demon vine. Now I'm talking about the price with you, but it's different after that."

The other party seemed to be in urgent need of sea demon vine. His voice suddenly became low, and his palm slowly held the sword in his hand.

"Are you threatening me?"

Zhang liemei took the lead. It seems that he is really in demand.

Since Li Hong of the Li family, someone has always wanted to rob him, as if he was a good-looking bully.

"Don't be stubborn. I promise you a real high price!"

"I said not to sell!"

The youth persuaded again, but was rejected again.

The source force on the body began to work, and the faint sound of the waves sounded.

"Source force of water attribute?"

The young man suddenly pulled out a thin sword and waited for Gu lie to stab his eyes.

"Good sword!"

As soon as the ancient sword came out, even Zhang lie couldn't help but exclaim. Unfortunately, before he could look at the ancient sword, the youth had split into dozens of shadows in an instant.

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