Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0447

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:46:57 AM

Chapter 0447

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The beautiful land was dyed red by blood, and the corpses of genetic organisms were everywhere. The blood dyed the clear river red.

There is invisible energy around, suspended in the air. Zhang lie knows very well that this is the soul element.

The soul custom in the valley has reached a very strong level. All creatures have souls. After killing the soul, the soul element will be emitted into the air.

Normally, the soul element emitted in the air will soon disappear. The soil in the valley is very special, which can trap the soul element in the valley, and the soul element will not scatter between heaven and earth.

Zhang lie killed in the valley for three days. There are a large number of super genetic organisms in the valley, but there is no total of any ultimate genetic organisms.

At this time, nothing in the valley can stop Zhang lie from killing. Even if the ultimate genetic creature comes, it can't stop Zhang lie.

When the valley soul element has reached a certain concentration, Zhang lie takes out all the super and variant soul jade just obtained from the soul sea.

Super fierce Eagle soul jade, super sister red moon giant turtle soul jade, variation lightning leopard soul jade, variation

A large amount of soul jade was held in his hand. With Zhang lie's efforts to pinch down the soul jade and burst open, the soul element in the valley boiled like pouring a bucket of boiling oil in the raging fire.

The soul jade erupted the power of evil spirits. After the soul element in the valley was raised to the extreme, the soul element in the Valley turned and turned like a little firefly rising, and the whole valley was dyed dark blue.

The firefly began to rotate violently, and the whole valley turned. The soul elements gathered madly and turned into a dark blue whirlwind. All the soul elements gathered and slowly formed a huge outline.

With the cohesion of soul elements, the outline gradually becomes clear, and all soul elements gather together and turn into a translucent monster.

Translucent blue monster with vicious eyes, like an octopus, with a round head and eight tentacles under his body.


In the last life, Zhang lie received some intelligence and knew the monster in front of him.

It's hard to believe that there is a genetic creature in front of us.

In fact, it can no longer be called a creature, and there is no gene. It is a collection variant of soul element. It is not too much to say that it is a variant soul jade. Its combat effectiveness is probably similar to that of the ultimate gene creature.

In the last life, Emperor Longtong came to the valley alone and also killed many genetic creatures in the valley.

Then he discovered the particularity of the valley, and then he tried to kill more genetic organisms, after killing all the genetic organisms.

The soul element of the valley reached the critical point, so he had a whim and crushed the excess soul jade. As a result, a soul creature appeared. After killing it, he got a special soul jade.

The only soul jade of enhanced pupil type in the whole Shura world.

After the emergence of soul creatures, all eyes looked at Zhang lie, and each eye was vertical pupil, with dense white light.

Zhang lie flapped his wings behind him to avoid the attack of white light.

Dragon and turtle change · two steles linked!

At the same time, the ripples and the empty stele rise and fall, and the energy rises and falls again.

Zhenhai stele and Fengshen stele obviously have a strong effect on soul creatures. They are suppressed by the soul, the body of soul creatures becomes lighter, and Shuangyou's eyes become godless.

Zhang lie's wings fluttered behind him and turned into a streamer.

Monstrous sword? Chase the waves!

The left-hand sword and the right-hand sword carry curling waves. When the sword dances, the mighty sword Qi turns into towering waves. The soul creature is impacted by the sword waves and its body is almost torn.

The broken body is broken like an egg. Out of it is a dark blue translucent dragon.

Long body, without any scales, replaced by a pair of eyes.

Countless pairs of eyes are quite strange and frightening, but they have an inexplicable beauty.

Of course, beautiful things are dangerous first. Almost at the moment when they appear, the eyes on the surface of the body burst into light, and the soul element is like a storm.

Cut off the river!

The trend of mountain and river collapse condensed on the knife, and the trend of sky collapse and earth crack spread. The shocking momentum spread circle after circle, and the pale light of the knife rose into the sky.

With the light of the knife cutting through the void, he drew an arc in the air and tore the soul storm in front of him. Zhang lie flapped his wings behind him and rushed up.

The soul dragon opened his mouth. Inside his mouth was a huge eye. The soul dragon showed that the enemy was weak and hid such a hand. Zhang lie couldn't hide, but he didn't intend to hide.

The big sword in his hand twinkled like the sun in an instant, and directly inserted into the throat with the power of terror.

"Towering sword · end Yan!"

With a low chant, the terror sword Gang blooms, and the terror destructive power is rampant.

The sword Gang hit directly into the throat of the soul dragon and into the huge vertical pupil.

The soul dragon wails.

Nine cuts of dragon soul · two cuts of divine soul powder!

When the sword comes out, the sword will rise!

The powerful power of the soul is integrated into the sword, controlling the sword with intention and turning it into a sword tearing the soul.

The pale sword light fell, and the dragon soul was in two moments. The big sword in his hand cut the dragon soul in front of him from the middle, and the soul dissipated. The voice of the will of the Shura world sounded in his mind.

"Ding! You kill the ultimate dragon soul and get the ultimate dragon soul jade."

With the hint of Shura's will, a light blue round bead soul jade floated in front of Zhang lie.

However, different from other soul jade, in this blue soul jade, what is embodied is not soul weapon or soul armor, but a strange vertical pupil.

In other words, at this moment, the soul jade looks like a strange dragon pupil.

Dragon pupil soul jade!

At this moment, even Zhang lie couldn't help looking happy.

No way, this is dragon pupil soul jade!

The famous Dragon pupil emperor in his previous life, but it was because of this strange soul jade that he was able to sweep the first four realms to become a king.

As soon as he read this, Zhang lie immediately summoned the soul jade, and his eyes instantly turned into pupils, slowing everything in his eyes countless times.

Flying out high, Zhang lie found that his eyesight had risen to a terrible level. When he was clearly over the valley, he could see the scene outside the valley.

Beyond the valley, there are countless genetic creatures crawling. The soul of genetic creatures can be seen directly through the dragon soul, and even attack their soul through their double pupils.

It's worth it. No matter how hard it is, it's worth it

After harvesting Longtong soul jade, Zhang lie didn't stay much again, but returned to the Imperial City as soon as possible.

At this moment, all the troops have returned to the city.

After the war, except for the Muling clan who did not participate, everyone gained more or less.

First of all, not to mention who reaped more benefits, just because the blood pool country was destroyed, the people of the imperial city were more happy and had a stronger sense of belonging to the imperial city.

No way, no matter when and where, a city Lord as rigid as Zhang lie, as his city people, simply don't be too happy.

Not long after Zhang lie came back, the extreme team also came back soon. Seeing their appearance, they should also gain a lot.

After asking, Zhang lie knew that without any casualties, they rubbed the ultimate genetic creature on the ground.

The head of yangujin clan, as the top damage of meat shield, the back extreme gene team crazy output and won it almost instantaneously.

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