Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0462

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:46:37 AM

Chapter 0462

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The head of the Jero clan proudly said, "first, stimulate the genetic potential of the Jero clan, partially remove it, and increase the cell destruction of the Shura clan!"

"The previous drug effect is to make the Shura nationality reduce cell activity and even collapse directly in a short time!"

"What effect does the new medicine have?"

Zhang lie is very curious about this. In those years, the Jero nationality was destroyed too quickly, and many contents have not been excavated. It is not surprising that there is further research on medicine.

"The new medicine will not be said for the low-level Shura. Even the high-level Shura have to be stiff and unable to move. It is definitely a sharp weapon to restrain the Shura."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "with the support of your medicine, you will have more confidence in dealing with the Shura army."

Fang Yi put forward his opinion: "Yang Ze of water attribute skill is more suitable for fighting on water."

Zhang lie shook his head and said, "the emperor of years wants a long-term war. Your fighting method is vigorous and resolute. Yang Ze is more suitable. Similarly, to kill the emperor of ox head, you also need your Tiangang gun.

They began to count and distribute the team. All the people in the imperial city set out except the Muling clan.

Sun Xiaowu led a human team, about 1000 people.

Yang Ze and Hong Ruoxi also brought 1000 people.

Fang Yi leads a group of gene warriors who practice water attribute skill. The number is exactly 500.

Li Feng only brought ten gene warriors to practice the light attribute skill. There is no way. There is only such a little gene warrior in the emperor's city.

On the premise of knowing the move of the devil's eye emperor, he also takes other attributes to completely seek death. Except for the light attribute gene warrior, other gene warriors are not suitable to participate.

Zhou Ying only brought some gene warriors and some Yanling people, with a total of less than 100. Most of them are composed of humans. The suture emperor monster can not be suppressed by quantity, and maybe the gene potion is useless.

Zhang lie reminded: "the suturing emperor doesn't know what monsters are sutured, and how many Shura people there are. We don't know. Shura killer potion may have no effect on monsters. We should be prepared for the worst."

Zhou Ying nodded, "I have a way to deal with it."

With the Muling clan leader, the two fused to play a close to the top Shura emperor's combat effectiveness. Zhang lie was naturally not worried at all.

Sun Mengmeng's team is mainly composed of Yanling clan and Fengying clan. There are only a few long-range soul jade elites. Flesh and blood is not the best choice to deal with dead creatures.

Once killed, they will be transformed into dead creatures, increasing the number of enemies, and their companions will become enemies one by one. It's not interesting.

The team gathered in front of the city gate, and Zhang lie stood at the head of the city again.

"Now, brothers, I want to announce the news to you,"

People in the imperial city are confused. What's the news?

"As you know, it has been confirmed that the seven Shura emperors are preparing to attack the imperial city."

The team was in a commotion.

The Shura family is the overlord of the Shura world. There are seven Shura emperors. What's that concept? One Shura emperor can destroy a big family, and the seven Shura emperors may sweep the whole Shura world.

What kind of news is this? It's a disaster!

When the first tower emperor suddenly appeared yesterday, they realized that it was a disaster.

"Lord, are we going to run now?"

"Run?" Zhang lie asked, "why, this is good news?"

"The seven Shura emperors attacked the imperial city. Where did they get the good news?"

Zhang lie said excitedly, "because there are enough seven Shura emperors. As long as we completely destroy the human Imperial City, the name of the human imperial city will spread throughout the Shura world and become an indelible history in the Shura world!"

"Isn't it good news that all races will proclaim your names?"

"That's the Shura emperor. There are seven of them!"

Everyone in the imperial city was in a panic.

"The Shura emperor has not been killed." Zhang lie disagreed and snorted coldly: "yesterday, a Shura emperor suddenly attacked the Imperial City, causing us some losses, but in the end, it was not hung on the wall?"

"Since the founding of renhuangcheng, it has never been the Lord of being beaten. Since the seven emperors dare to come and provoke, they have to pay a price."

Language is an art, Zhang lie said, as if the Shura emperor was just a snack.

"Do you want to see the imperial city destroyed?"

Zhang lie has a domineering look in his eyes, and all the flustered people below shut their mouths.

"There are seven emperors in the Shura family. I also have the limit team under Zhang lie's command. Your clan leader is there."

The extreme team and the three clan leaders took a step forward and saw their clan leaders' firm eyes, and the soldiers in the imperial city no longer flinch.

Zhang lie said confidently, "with them and me, the imperial city will not fall!"

Most people have seen how powerful Zhang lie is.

Sweep the kingdom of Shura and destroy the imperial city of Shura.

Say to push down, push down, even step on the ground, and establish an invincible posture in the eyes of people in the imperial city.

As long as there is Zhang lie, the imperial city will stand.

Zhang lie waved his arm and shouted, "once the Shura emperor couldn't move a hair in the Imperial City, now the seven emperors are nothing!"

"The emperor is immortal, and the imperial city is invincible!"

Sun Mengmeng was the first to raise her arms and shout.

"The emperor is immortal, and the imperial city is invincible!"

Other extreme teams and clan chiefs also shouted.

The voice was as contagious as it spread in the team: "the emperor is immortal, and the imperial army is invincible!"

More and more people raised their arms and shouted, "the emperor is immortal, and the imperial army is invincible!"

At last everyone shouted, and the sound covered the sky.

Morale rose with the waves.

Zhang lie held his arm high and shook it in the void, just like mastering the law of the imperial city. With his fist clenched, the sound of the imperial city stopped.

"Yes, what the imperial city wants is my invincible momentum, so I decided to take the initiative!"

"Extreme team obey!"


The extreme team took a step forward in silence.

"Sun Xiaowu led the team to the West!"

"Yang Ze and Hong Ruoxi led the team to the northwest!"

"Fang Yi set out due north."

"Li Feng headed northeast. Zhou Ying and Muling clan leader led the team and set out due east."

"Sun Mengmeng and Yan, ancient and modern patriarchs, look at the southeast."


After the team was assigned, they left the city and set out.

Zhang lie stood at the head of the city and watched the team march in different directions. With the mighty momentum and determination to win, Zhang lie was sure that they would not lose the war.

Some human beings rescued from the Shura people finally left the transmission device in the human imperial city and returned to the Shura world in the human imperial city. They don't need to start from other cities to the human imperial city like other human gene warriors.

Some people did not participate in the battle because of their ability. In order to repay the rescue of Imperial City, they joined the logistics work.

Seeing Zhang lie giving a speech at the head of the city, I couldn't help boiling blood and spread this pre war mobilization to the light network of the present world.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!