Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0474

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:46:21 AM

Chapter 0474

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Separating genetic creatures and alien species from monsters can no longer be called creatures. It's just moving meat.

It's just the resurrection of the soul.

More than a dozen wooden dragons wound and sewed the emperor's meat ball. Genetic organisms and alien races kept trying to rush out. The wooden dragons wound round and round and directly wrapped the whole meat ball tightly. The wooden ball kept making concussion sound. Gradually, the sound became less and less, and finally disappeared.

Green buds grow on the wooden dragon. In the twinkling of an eye, the big pit has become a strange forest, which looks like a green potted plant from the sky.

As for the suturing emperor, naturally, he died completely at the moment when the potted plant was formed.



On the other side, niutouhuang led his team all the way to a big river.

On the river, the water is surging, the raft is moving with the water in the center of the river, and a man in white and silver gun is standing on the river. His eyes are cold and bright, looking directly at the niutouhuang army on the other side.


The Tauren emperor's face was dignified and stopped. He could see the man on the river stabbing himself with cold gun like eyes.

"My emperor has a man in the middle of the river," said the Tauren

The battle has not yet started. The air engine has collided. The niutouhuang air engine rushes out like a fierce cow. The man's air engine on the river rushes out like a long gun. The two people collide. There is a gust of wind and waves in the river. The raft shakes, but the man's body on the river has not shaken.

The sky was already overcast. A gust of wind blew past, and some Tauren soldiers shouted: "people and animals, if you don't want to die, get out!"

The tip of the man's gun fell on the water, and a cold light came out. He rowed open the water and shouted at the Tauren and killed him.

The Tauren stood in place unconsciously, but the Tauren king on one side pulled out his weapon, and a very thick mace was horizontal in front of the Tauren.


The cold light of the gun tip collided with the mace. The mace did not move. The Tauren behind him fell to the ground in fear and realized that if the Tauren hadn't shot, his head would have been penetrated.

The man on the river said, "if you want to pass, you have to pass me."

The ox head emperor asked, "you are the assassin sent from the Imperial City, aren't you? It's the vanguard force, isn't it?"

"Imperial city, Fang Yi."

A whirlwind rolled under Fang Yi's feet, and a thunder burst in the sky.

Niutouhuang asked the question he had always wanted to know on the road: "do you have a girlfriend, a wife, a girlfriend or a wife?"

Fang Yi can't help holding the long gun with his fingers.

Niutouhuang smiled and said, "in fact, I don't mean anything else. I just want to have your girlfriend and your wife."

Fang Yi's face became cold and gloomy. The wind wrapped around him, and the thunder flickered on him.

The ox head emperor was surprised and said, "no, I don't have a girlfriend at this age. It's so miserable?"


Fang Yi's face was black and he shot with a long gun.

With a low cry, Fang Yi rushed up with a long gun!

The water surface was delimited and surrounded by wind and thunder. Fang Yi stepped on the water.


There was a roar of wind and thunder.


There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

The ox head emperor connected it with a mace in his hand, and he was still able to say: "don't be so angry. If you don't have you, the city Lord will always have it. Let's introduce it!"

"In fact, I don't mean anything special. I just want to see you and do it in front of your city master..."

The wind and thunder danced wildly and turned into dozens of gun shadows in an instant, completely enveloping the Tauren emperor.

The sound of fine metal and iron attack suddenly sounded, Fang Yi's long gun danced wildly, the weapons in his hands were intertwined, and sparks were fired everywhere. For a time, there was a roar of terror in the whole field, and the power of wind and thunder erupted continuously, wave after wave without stopping.

Fang Yi's anger is contained in the wind and thunder. Lei Guangda makes great efforts, and the storm rolls up like a tornado in the sky.

The Tauren didn't dare to dress hard any more. He immediately made every effort to deal with it. The mace and thunder spear collided continuously. The Tauren was shot out, and there were many scars on his hands and feet, barely blocking the fatal injury.

The ox head emperor said discontentedly, "the reaction is too much. Isn't it your city Lord who doesn't have it?"

"Your people and animals are really miserable. Do you want me to introduce some? There are many beautiful people and animals in our city. No matter how bad it is, Tauren and Shura people can do it!"

"You don't have to thank me. When you are in love with your girlfriend, I will charge in person. As for how to charge, you know..."

For the Tauren emperor, the woman of others is more important than fighting.

This guy's goal in life is to become a green hat king, not only to green others, but also to green himself.

Even if it can't be green, he will make himself green.

"Tiangang gun · dragon and tiger roaring!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared, and threw out with great dignity. The Tauren emperor's face changed greatly, and the whole person was beaten out.

Fang Yi snorted coldly, "I will kill you today."

The ox head emperor stood up from the pit, his horns turned green, his eyes turned blood red, roared, his muscles bulged, his body was rising, and his head and back grew hair.

The hair is dark green, and the two corners on the head are as green as emerald.

The ox head emperor swelled from two meters high to five meters high. The big mace was no longer huge. The mace was held high in his hand and pounded down on the ground.

Kamikaze Liuyun!

Fang Yi's body is winded with divine wind, and his body is offset from the side for tens of meters. After the wolf tooth stick falls, he takes the wolf tooth stick as the starting point, and the huge air wave rolls straight.

Boom, boom!

With a thunderous sound along the way, the impact force was shot out like a laser gun. It swept all the way, smashed the raft on the river, and directly tore the river into two parts. Even the water of the river above was divided into two, forcibly breaking the river.

It has to be said that there is nothing wrong with these Shura emperors who are abnormal, but their strength is earth shaking. It can even be said that the more abnormal the guy is, the more abnormal the strength is.

Fang Yi looked back at the river, which was divided into two. His eyes were burning with fighting spirit. Only by facing such an opponent directly can he become stronger.


The sky can only be blamed for a bolt of lightning breaking through the sky, and a thunder burst out, which became a signal for the two to go to war. The wind and lightning wound around the long gun, and the Tauren stepped on the ground like a locomotive.

Kamikaze Liuyun!

Fang Yi was surrounded by the divine wind. When he stepped again, he moved ten meters away to avoid the impact of the Tauren emperor.

Tauren people are looking up at the sky and singing: "moo..."

"My emperor broke out. This Terran will be beaten into meat and mud."

"No one has ever been able to take my emperor's blow."

With a low cry, Fang Yi rushed up with a horizontal spear. Under the blessing of wind and thunder, the speed was like lightning.


Tiangang gun · eyeball!

The wind rustled, the thunder roared, the wind and thunder crisscrossed, and the black long gun roared out with an indomitable momentum

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!