Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0475

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:46:19 AM

Chapter 0475

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There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

In an instant, it turned into dozens of gun shadows and completely shrouded the Tauren emperor.

The ox head emperor waved horizontally, the ground cracked inch by inch, and a gust of wind swept out. With the blessing of Fang Yi's divine wind and thunder, hard life moved. When waving the long gun in his hand, it turned into dozens of gun shadows in an instant, completely enveloping the ox head Emperor.

The Tauren emperor kept waving a mace, but no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't catch up with Fang Yi, who was blessed by wind and thunder. The long gun kept stabbing out and sparking. The muscles on the Tauren emperor were like armor, and the long gun only left shallow white marks on the meat.

"This cowhide is too tough!"

Fang Yi kept stabbing out his long gun. Hundreds of gun shadows surrounded the Tauren emperor, surrounded by storms and thunder. The sky was full of virtual shadows, and the power of wind and thunder grew again.

The mace is constantly waved to break the blockade of wind and thunder. However powerful, it can't catch up with Fang Yi's speed of virtual shadow.

For a time, there was a roar of terror on the shore, and the force of wind and thunder erupted continuously, wave after wave, without a pause, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

"Tiangang gun · dragon and tiger roaring!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared and rushed out with great dignity..

Wind Gang turns into dragon, thunder Gang turns into tiger, and the long gun is attached to the sound of dragon and tiger to break the game

The Tauren emperor let the spear run through his chest, and the blood spilled. The corners of Fang Yi's mouth tilted slightly. There was also the Tauren emperor smiling, but he saw that the Tauren emperor clamped the spear with his muscles and smashed it down with a mace in his hand.


The storm burst open, the dust splashed, and a big pit was opened on the ground. Fang Yi retreated tens of meters away. The Tauren emperor was so cruel that he let go of his defense. Fang Yi resolutely gave up his long gun and retreated.

Another long gun appeared in his hand, surrounded by wind and thunder on the illusory long gun, and a long snake was vaguely seen dancing.

This is his latest ultimate gene soul jade, wind thunder flying snake soul jade.

With a low cry, Fang Yi rushed up with a long gun and was surrounded by a storm.

The Tauren pulled out the spear from his chest, his hands muscles swelled, and his eyes turned red.

The green light on the top of the head was more prosperous, the power of anger erupted, and the muscles of the whole body expanded like a suit of armor. The wound was completely pressed under the compression of the muscles, and waved the mace head-on.

Boom, boom!

The huge storm blew away, with the sound of thunder all the way. The impact force was like a laser gun. It swept all the way, and the ground was crushed all the way. The whole earth was divided into two, resulting in a huge ground crack. No one can stand under this impact.


A burst of thunder sounded in the sky, and the white and silver lightning tore the sky.

A figure rushed out in the rising dust and explosive wind, surrounded by whirlwinds, flew high with the power of explosive wind, and the long gun in his hand led the lightning to fall. Under the blessing of thunder light, it was like the God of thunder coming into the world. The thunder light in the sky was shining continuously, and the storm surrounded the whole body.

Tiangang gun · wind and thunder explosion! "

The storm and thunder gathered on the spear, and the roar of the Dragon echoed in the sky. The two forces of wind and thunder turned into a long dragon. The thunder light and storm were entangled together, like an electric drill falling from the sky.

Niutouhuang bent his feet, dug his hands, raised his muscles, and his blood vessels crawled like a Bruce Lee. He waved his mace to the sky and rolled up a huge wind force.

Before the wolf tooth stick arrived, the huge wind force had broken the clouds and divided the sky into two, tearing the space inch by inch. The wolf tooth in his hand waved up with the wind force like a storm, like a roaring bull, and the dust suspended on the ground rolled up.

The Thunder Wind drill tore the wind force and collided with the mace.


The terrible storm burst open, the river was blown over, the earth was lifted, the thick dark clouds in the sky were forcibly broken, and the light in the sky fell, reflected on one person and one cow, and collided with the spear and the mace of power.


The ox head emperor roared, and his strength soared further. His muscles were like a steam engine, constantly providing strength. Steam erupted from his nose, vaguely trying to hit Fang Yi to heaven.

The wind and thunder burst out, the sound of the Dragon sounded, the light and shadow of the flying snake appeared in the long gun in the hand, the wolf tooth stick in the ox head emperor's hand broke, and the long gun stabbed down.

It's not that the Tauren emperor is weak or Fang Yi is stronger. It's the mace in the Tauren emperor's hand. It can't bear the confrontation between the two sides. It breaks down first.

The ox head emperor saw the long gun with wind and thunder fall and quickly bowed his head.


The spear collided with the long horn on his head. The Tauren sank his feet to the ground, half of his body fell into the ground, leaned against the horn and stood against the spear.

The Tauren emperor put his hands on the ground and held them up to the sky. The ground was lifted, and the huge rocks rose all over the sky, covering the past to Fang Yi in the air.

Fang Yi changed his body shape from stabbing to waving in mid air. With the help of the power of his body rotating in mid air, the long gun rotated in the air, drew a silver light, threw flowers and flames with the light of wind and thunder, and cut off an ox horn of the ox head Emperor.

Huge rocks are coming in the face, and the sacred wind and Flowing Clouds rotate and shuttle through the rocks in the sky.

Niutouhuang's feet were on the ground, and the earth split. He was like a rocket, clenched his fist and beat Fang Yi up.

Fang Yi stepped on the huge rising rock, and his figure was floating in the rock pile. The ox head emperor waved his fist and kept breaking the rock in front of him, but Fang Yi couldn't be caught at all.

The Tauren roared angrily, his muscles swelled, his fist was empty, and a terrible wave blew the rock away.

Fang Yi stepped on a huge rock with his feet bent like a spring, shooting Fang Yi out with a long gun in his hand.

"Wind and thunder, Tiangang gun, dragon and tiger roaring!"

With weathered dragon and thunder turned tiger, the long gun attached to the sound of dragon and tiger. The dragon and tiger intertwined with each other and turned into a continuous spiral cyclone. The source dragon and tiger spiraled like an electric drill on the tip of the gun, and the long gun tore and attacked from behind.

The Tauren emperor was just looking for Fang Yi's figure, but he didn't notice it. Fang Yi had long waited for a chance to kill with one shot. The long gun ran through his back and through the Tauren emperor's chest, and the gun tip came out of his chest.

The Tauren looked at the spear on his chest in disbelief, and with reluctance and weakness, he punched back.

Fang Yi held the handle of the gun with both hands, turned in mid air, put his feet on the bull's head emperor's face, pulled out the long gun and kicked him out at the same time.

Tauren and Shura people showed incredible expressions when they saw that the Tauren emperor's chest was pierced by a long gun.

They couldn't believe that their emperor would lose to a mere human and animal.

In their eyes, the Shura emperor should be an invincible existence, but Fang Yi ran through his chest.

Seeing that the Tauren emperor was dying, the Tauren and Shura could no longer sit still and rushed forward to save him

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!